Proposal - Ashton Imagine

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A/N- Y/L/N means Your Last Name :)

He told me to get dressed really pretty tonight. I had no idea why though. Ashton had left me a note on the kitchen bench and was no where to be seen. It was a bit weird but I decided to just go with it. I put on my gold dress that stopped just above the knees and my gold high heels. I walked down the stairs to be met with Luke dressed in a suit. “What are you doing here Luke? And in a suit?” I questioned. “Your carriage awaits madam.” He said in a posh voice. Luke extended his hand to me and I frowned but took it anyway. He led me out to his car and opened the back door. “Madam.” Luke nodded, pretending he had a hat on. I chuckled at the gesture. I slid into the backseat and waited as Luke got into the driver’s seat. “So where are we going Luke?” I asked. “Well Miss Y/L/N, Mr Irwin told me not to tell you that.” Luke responded. “Uh okay then.” I smiled. What was going on? I sunk into the backseat and waited for Luke to take us to our destination.


We pulled up in front of a pair of giant gates. I was about to ask where we were when the gates groaned and slid open. I’ve never been here before. “This is our stop. You have to go on from here Miss Y/L/N.” Luke said. “Luke what’s going on?” I asked again. “Go through the gates to find out.” He answered with a smile. I nodded, sliding across the seat. My dress rustled as I opened the door and got out. Next to the gates were tall stone walls with trees towering above them from inside. Through the gates it looked like there was a giant garden. I slowly made my way across the gravelly path and through the gates. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Trees stretched across the path and flowers of every kind and colour filled the gaps between them. There was fresh green grass beyond the trees. Flowers were scattered amongst the grass in special sections. Yep this was definitely a garden. But it was unlike any garden that I’ve ever seen before. I started walking down the path again, admiring the garden when I saw something attached to a tree. I walked over to the tree to find a sign with an arrow on it. It pointed down a smaller path that seemed to go deeper into the garden. Now I was really curious about what was going on. I was going to put the sign back up but before I did I saw some writing on the back. 


WIL. What does that mean? I held onto the piece of paper and made my way down the path. What on earth was Ashton up to? The path that I was on made a small bend to the right. Now I was surrounded by thick vegetation. Trees and vines stretched to each other above me like they were trying to get closer. I kept walking down the path until I saw another sign attached to a bush. It was at a T-section on the path and told me to go left. I pulled the sign off the bush and flipped it over.

L Y 

L Y. “What?” I whispered to myself. I got the other sign from before and put it next to this one. WILL Y What was Ashton doing? I smiled and turned left continuing down the path. The vegetation thinned out so that there was now only a few trees here and there. On both sides were two large grassy areas. This was a massive garden. Down the path I saw another sign so I quickened my speed. It was hard to walk down this path in high heels. I reached the next sign that was stuck to a tree. It told me to go right. The path was now made of bitumen so it was flat. Thank God. My feet were beginning to ache. I turned the sign over. 


I put it together in my head. WILL YOU. My heart did a flip in my chest. I was pretty sure that I knew what was going on but I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. I turned to my right and head off down the path. If I wasn’t trying to find out what Ashton was doing then I would explore this garden more. It was gorgeous. The night sky made this place look mysterious as well. And that’s when I noticed light bulbs hung among the tree branches. It was like the pictures you see on tumblr. I looked back down to the path and saw another sign. I ran over to the tree and yanked the sign off. It told me to go left. I flipped the sign once again. 

(Lay out the signs on the grass.) 

I looked to my left. There were two hedges that led to a closed off space. I smiled and slowly walked to the small garden. The hedges opened out to show me a lawn with light bulbs strung around. It was truly breathtaking. I walked to the centre of the space and laid out all of the signs. 


I began to get butterflies. I didn’t want to believe it in case it wasn’t happening. I looked up from the signs to see Ashton holding another one. “Ash what’s going on?” I asked. I’ve asked that question so many times tonight. “Look at my sign.” He smiled. It was pointing up. It confused me but I looked up. Nothing but the night sky was what I saw. I looked back down. “Ash wha-” I didn’t finish my sentence. I gasped instead, covering my mouth. There was Ashton down on one knee with a tiny box in his hands. There was an extra sign on the ground. 


"Oh my gosh Ash!" I gasped again. "Y/N you are the most amazing person I know and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. Y/N I love you. Will you please do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He smiled. I was stunned. Absolutely stunned. I couldn’t believe this was happening. "Yes of course Ashton!" I exclaimed. Ashton got up off the ground and pulled the ring from it’s case. It was so pretty. He slid it onto my ring finger and looked into my eyes. "I love you so much Y/N." He whispered. I was on the verge of tears. "I love you too Ashton." I breathed. I hugged Ashton tightly around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground. I was going to be Mrs Irwin. I like it. It has a nice ring to it.

A/N I hope you like this one :) 

Bianca xx

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