Like A Bandaid - Calum Imagine

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I sat at the table with the small box in my shaky hands. I had to find out. But I was so scared. No you have to do this Y/N. You have to. I got up, leaning on the table for support. With box in my hands, I walked down to the bathroom, breathing deeply to calm myself. The cold tile floor greeted my warm feet with a painful sensation as I sat on the closed toilet. I looked at the box again. If I did this then my life could change forever. If I didn’t do this, then I would be pushing off the inevitable. I took another deep breath and took the pregnancy test out of the box. It felt weird to know that a tiny stick had enough power to change my whole life. And Calum’s life. Oh my God Calum. I didn’t even think about how I would tell him. We weren’t trying for a baby so he could walk right out the front door if I told him I was pregnant. But that wasn’t something I had to deal with. Maybe. I read the instructions on the box and did what I had to do. After that was the waiting. The agonising wait filled with anticipation and nerves. I could feel myself shake with every second that went by. Covering the stick, I looked away. The result could have been there at that moment. I just wanted to take these few moments as a girl who didn’t think she was pregnant and live them. Even though there is a part of me, a large part of me, that actually does want to be pregnant, there is a part of me that doesn’t. From fear of what will happen. I looked back at my hand that was covering the test and took one last deep breath. This was it. The moment of truth. I peeled my hand away and let out a shuddery breath. I was pregnant. I laughed nervously at the result. A little, red, plus symbol sat in the results section, showing me my fate. I laughed again, but this time out of joy. I was pregnant! But I wanted to make sure so I took two more tests and they bore the same result. Positive. I held the three tests in my hands and laughed again, pure happiness lifting my mood through the roof. A little person was growing inside of me, which seemed weird, but was absolutely amazing. My smile was big and brilliant. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled this much before. But my smile faltered when I remembered. Calum. What will he say? What will he do? Will he leave? A cold, anxious feeling pressed on my chest. I can’t not tell him. But if I do tell him then he might not be happy. I placed my hand on my currently-flat stomach. Our baby was growing inside of me and, Calum or no Calum, I would give it the best life it could ever deserve. “Y/N! I’m home!” I flicked my head up at the sound of Calum’s voice. He wasn’t supposed to be home yet. I quickly grabbed the empty boxes from the floor and shoved them into the bathroom bin. I decided to leave the pregnancy sticks on the floor behind the toilet so I could see them later and let this truly sink in. “Y/N?” Calum called out again. “Coming!” I said, walking out of the bathroom to the lounge room. My nerves swallowed me up whole, leaving just an empty shell of myself on the couch. Calum noticed. “Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked, worry filling his voice. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my thighs and looked at him. “Yeah,” I breathed, “Come. Sit. We need to talk.” Calum frowned but did as I said, sitting next to me. He tried placing his hand on mine but I pulled it away, too nervous of what I was about to say. I had to say it quickly, as if I was ripping off a bandaid. “Y/N, you’re sort of scaring me right now. What’s wrong?” Calum asked. I turned my body to face his and took a shaky breath. Like a bandaid. “Calum I’m pregnant.” Calum’s expression was blank, his eyes completely void, leaving me with nothing to tell how he felt. He breathed in lightly. “Y-you’re what?” Calum stood, I did the same. I could feel my throat close up from the urge to cry. But I held it back. “I’m pregnant Calum. I’m pregnant.” I half-smiled, a small tear slipping from the corner of my eye. It tore my heart out that he wasn’t instantly happy like me. Maybe he didn’t want it. A small smile cracked on his face, a single laugh escaping his lips. “You’re pregnant.” He smiled. A smile grew on my face as I sniffled. “Yeah.” Calum laughed a little more. “You’re pregnant. Oh my God I’m so happy Y/N. You’re pregnant!” Calum lifted me off the floor and spun around, both of us laughing. The mood in the room lifted completely and I felt like nothing could tear me down. Calum put me on the floor gently, still laughing slightly. I placed my hands on his chest, and he placed his hands on mine, gripping them slightly. “I was scared you would leave.” I blurted out. The air felt stale all of a sudden, a tense feeling replacing the happy one. Calum’s smile fell a little. “You thought I would leave?” Calum asked, a little surprised. I hesitated before answering, “I mean.. we weren’t trying for a baby. We weren’t prepared for this at all. I didn’t even know how I would react. This is a scary thing. And I was scared that you’re reaction might be to leave.” I shrugged lightly on the last sentence, unsure of what else to say. Calum waited a second before giving my small hands a tight squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere Y/N. No matter what. Okay? I love you.” He smiled. I smiled back. “I love you too.” Calum’s smile turned into a grin. “We’re pregnant!” He beamed, kissing me softly. I pulled back and frowned. “Well actually I’m pregnant. You can’t be pregnant. That’s impossible Cal. Wow you really shouldn’t have dropped out of school.” I laughed cheekily. “Can you please just let me have this babe.” Calum chuckled. “Fine.” I giggled. “We’re pregnant!” Calum repeated, lifting me off the ground, and spinning me again until we both felt dizzy and couldn’t laugh anymore.

A/N:  I hope you guys like it :) Bianca xx

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