#74 "I'm Nervous..."

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Calum: His POV

Y/N and I were standing at her front door after our first date. I couldn’t believe how perfect it was. I was just nervous I was going to screw it up. “Calum, are you okay?” She asked breaking me out of my trance. “Yeah I’m nervous. That’s all. I had a really great time tonight.” I said trying to hide my embarrassment. She blushed and nodded. “I did too. I’m glad you asked me out.” She said stepping a little closer to me. “Me too. Uh… Can I kiss you?” I asked trying to hide my pink cheeks. She giggled at my shy question. She simply nodded, my hands took her waist. I pulled her closer to me. My heart thumping in my chest, her hand hooked around the back of my neck pulling my lips to hers. Her lips were pressed softly to mine, it was everything I had imagined and more. “Still nervous?” She whispered against my lips, I kissed her softly again. “Nope.” She giggled again, I pulled away taking her hand in mine. I pressed my lips to her knuckles. “Thank you Y/N for an amazing night.” I said smiling at her, she grinned back before hugging me. “Thank you Calum.” She said unlocking the door. “Good night, Y/N. I hope we can do this another time.” I said kissing her cheek and turning away going back to my car. I turned to see a huge smile on her face as she waved me off. I can’t believe I was ever nervous to kiss her.

Ashton: Your POV

"Ashton…" I whispered, looking up at him. His eyes drooping closed, the light green of his eyes catching perfectly in the light. "Hmmm?" He hummed, I swallowed unsure. "Ashton, I’m nervous." I said softly, his eyes snapped open. “About what?” He asked softly, I shrugged. “The wedding, I guess. I can’t believe that it’s tomorrow.” I said, my hand rubbing circles on his chest, his hand doing to the same on my back. "Why?" He sounded worried. "I’m not going to back out I promise. I’m just nervous about being in front of all those people and I’m scared that I’m going to stuff up the wedding." I said, Ashton smiled cheekily. I nudged his side waiting for a response. "I hope you don’t back out. You better not. Please don’t. And you won’t stuff up! If anyone does it will be me. Plus if you do it will only make me love you more. Not that I wouldn’t anyway." He began rambling. "Ashton just stop talking." I laughed, he laughed with me. "I guess I’m nervous too. We can be the nervous bride and groom." He giggled, I touched my forehead to his. “I don’t want to look like an idiot though.” I said jokingly, he grinned. “Babe you’re marrying me. Come on.” He joked, I gave him a light nudge. “If you are insinuating that I am an idiot for marrying you then you my friend are the idiot but I love you so much. We can be idiotic nervous wrecks together.” I said, I think the nerves were starting to effect both of us in funny ways. "I love you too. Y/N Irwin. I will be your idiot forever!" He whispered, I giggled shyly and kissed him softly. We both giggled into the kiss, I knew that it would all be okay.

Luke: His POV

My hands were running over Y/N’s naked torso, she was so beautiful I couldn’t believe we were about to make love. Her body reacting to my touch in ways I couldn’t imagine. She paused for a second, I looked at her confused. “Why did you stop?” I asked my breath short. “Uh… I don’t know if I can do this Luke.” She said, her voice barely a whisper. “Okay, we don’t have to.” I said rolling to the side of her, she pulled my shirt from off the bed to cover herself. “I want to… I’m just… uh… well… nervous.” She said sounding scared. “Oh baby. Don’t be. I will take care of you. I love you so much, if you don’t want to tonight that’s okay. Whenever you are ready.” I said, my fingers softly running down the curve of her face. “Why are you nervous?” I asked, she looked at me; her beautiful eyes catching mine. “I’m worried that you are going to hurt me or I’m not going to do it right. Believe me Luke I do want to make love to you but I’m just nervous as hell.” She said her hands moving to my arms. “I love you and I want to be intimate with every part of you. Only if you want me to.” I said, she nodded. “I love you Luke. I want to be intimate with you too.” She said softly, before she tugged me on top of her. “Is that a yes?” She just nodded, before she kissed me. Her bottom lip trembling, I smiled against her lips and did my best to calm her down.

Michael: Your POV

I held onto Michael tightly as sharp unbearable pain coursed through my stomach. His hand softly rubbing over my protruding belly. “Michael it hurts so bad!” I cried digging my fingers into his arm and hand. “I know baby. Just breathe.” He replied, keeping the soft, soothing movements on my belly. The pain suddenly left as quickly as it came, there was a dull ache but it wasn’t as bad as a few seconds ago. “Michael, I’m nervous.” I cried, my head falling onto his chest. “I know, everything will be okay. It may be painful now but it will be worth it in the end. We’ll have a beautiful baby girl.” He whispered kissing my sweaty forehead. I nodded sniffing, I pressed my face into the warmth of his chest. He wiped my hair off my forehead. “Don’t be nervous. I’m here for you.” I felt a bit better. “What if something happens?” I cried, a million things going through my head. Michael’s arm wrapped around me, his face close to mine. “Shh, shh. Everything will be okay. Just focus on breathing okay?” He rubbed circles on my back, another contraction ripped through me. I felt like I was being torn in half. I held Michael so tightly, he whispered in my ear to help me through the pain. The doctor came in a few seconds later, checking to see how I was going. “You’re ready to go.” She concluded, I looked at Michael. “I’m so scared Michael.” I whispered, he had tears in his eyes. “It’s going to be alright.” He said holding my hand as the doctor wheeled me off into delivery. Having Michael by my side made it a little better.    

A/N: Hope you like it!!! (It’s terrible I know but that’s okay) Also the Calum one was requested by an anon so yeah! :D 

~Lucy xx

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