Long Way Home - Calum Imagine

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I smiled knowing that Calum was coming back from tour today.

I heard Calum come inside, a wide smile spread across my face. “Calum!” I yelled, running up to him. He caught me just in time. “Someone’s happy.” He chuckled, I grinned. “I am.” I kissed him quickly, he let me down. “I am too.” He said kissing me softly. “I have a surprise for you.” He said happily, I waited for him to continue. “We’re going away together. Just us.” He said happily wrapping his arms tightly around me. I grinned, I pecked his cheek. “Really?” I asked, he nodded. “Yeah. Just us.” He said, his face close to mine. “Where are we going?” I asked, he smirked.  ”That’s for me to know and you to find out.” He said softly before kissing me passionately. His hands gripping my waist tightly. 

As the sun rose Calum and I were on the road to our little adventure. 

We drove for hours, Calum’s hand around mine the entire time. 

"We’re almost there." He said softly, we came to a stop sign. "I love you Y/N." He whispered turning down the radio. I blushed looking at our hands clasped together. "I love you too Calum." He leaned over and kissed me softly, our kiss interrupted by the car behind us beeping their horn. Calum and I laughed and he sped off down the road. "We’re in the middle of nowhere." I said looking out the window, staring at the dark empty fields. Calum chuckled and turned up the radio again, Green Day blasting through the speakers.  

We drove for a whole longer talking about everything and anything. 

Calum pulled up to a small cottage almost in the middle of a field. I grinned. “Come on, darling.” He said kissing my cheek, I blushed at his pet name for me. He got my door for me and took my bag and his to the cottage. I stared up at the stars. Calum’s arm was around my waist pulling me to his side. “How long are we here for?” I asked, Calum chuckled. “This is just our first stop, we have a while to go yet. It will be worth it.” He said sweetly, I looked up at him smiling. “Come here, it’s still warm.” He said tugging me towards the hood of the car. He quickly turned up the radio. He helped me up onto the hood before he got up beside me. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, I stared up at the stars. “It’s so beautiful out here.” I whispered staring up at the stars, Calum’s fingers caught my chin. He turned my head to look at him. “You’re the most beautiful.” He mumbled against my lips, I blushed and kissed him. I pulled away, his bright eyes catching mine. “Stop staring you’re making me blush.” I laughed, Calum brushed my hair off my face. “I don’t want waste a minute not looking at you.” He said chuckling before kissing me softly. 

We laid on the hood of the car for a while longer before going inside the cottage. It was so perfect, we fell asleep quickly as we had been driving all day. 

The next morning we dragged ourselves out of bed. Calum decided to jump in the shower with me. We stood in front of the mirror getting ready, it suddenly hit me. “Oh my god! I know where we’re going!” I said happily, Calum smirked turning to face me. His hands going to my bare waist. “Where are we going darling?” 

"My home town! Where we met!" I said happily, slamming my hands on his chest, he chuckled. "About time!" He said, kissing me softly. "Shut up, I was just distracted by you." I grinned, he shook his head kissing me. "We have to get going soon." 

"I’m in no hurry Calum." I whispered against his mouth. He moved his hands down to my bum, gently squeezing. I giggled against his lips, his slipped his tongue into my mouth. My hands slid down his torso, he chuckled against my mouth. "Stop, if you keep going we won’t be ever leaving." 

"I don’t mind if we never leave." I replied, he shook his head and pulled away. "Come on." He said opening the bathroom door and going into the bedroom. 

We got changed and hit the road again. As we drove dark clouds began to roll in. “That storm’s getting close.” Calum said slowing down, I nodded. “There’s a small pull in over there.” I said, pointing at the shelter shed off the road. He pulled into the pull in. The rain began to beat down heavily on the car. “Looks like we’re going to be here a while.” He said shrugging, I nodded. “Calum we should get more comfortable.” I said, he frowned. I shook my head grinning. I got out of my seat and moved to get to the back seat, Calum laughed. “Your butt is in my face.” I shook my bum as I slid into the back seat. I moved over as Calum came over as well. He held me close, his hand resting on the top of my thigh. “Much better.” I grinned kissing him softly. He chuckled against my lips. He suddenly pulled back, I frowned. “You know this is the first place I saw you.” He said sweetly, I frowned. “Wait, what?” I asked confused, he nodded. “Yeah you had pulled over here and we drove past on the way to your town. It was a day before I met you.” He grinned, I blushed shyly. “And you know what I said to the boys?” I shook my head. “I said; I’m going to be with her one day.” He said sweetly, he gently kissed my nose. “Calum!” I blushed digging my face into his chest, a laugh rumbled in his chest. “You’re so cute!” He whispered kissing the top of my head. “Shut up Cal.” I nudged his stomach. 

We cuddled and kissed for a while in the back of the car waiting for the storm to pass. We got back in the front and drove into town. 

After going into the house we had rented and putting our bags away. “Come on. I want to go to the place where it all began.” He grinned, I laughed shaking my head. “You’re so cheesy Calum.” I giggled getting in the car again. “I know but you love it!” He grinned, he turned up the radio as we drove to the park where we first met. 

I grinned as Calum took my hand as I got out of the car. It hadn’t rained in town so everything was still dry. 

We went and sat on the park bench, Calum lifted my legs over his lap. I grinned as he pressed his lips to mine quickly. “It’s so weird that I met you here.” He pondered staring up at the sky.  I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, so much has happened since.” I grinned, following his gaze. “While we’re away I don’t want to waste any moments.” He mumbled, I blushed. “Me either. I just want to spend every second with you.” I felt Calum’s hand drift up my thigh, sending shivers up my spine. He leaned in and kissed me softly. Cold raindrops began falling on us. “Calum, it’s raining.” I said against his mouth, he ignored it and continued to kiss me. We ignored the rain, we were both soaked and shivering. I managed to get off Calum’s lap and get away the car to find it locked. Calum caught up to me his warms arms wrapping around my waist, he lifted me off the ground kissing me. I clung onto his shoulders, “Calum! Put me down!” I laughed, he laughed putting me down and unlocking the car.

I shivered in the car as Calum drove back to where we were staying. We rushed inside, to get warm. We quickly changed into our dry clothes, Calum lit the fire. I grinned sitting on the lounge waiting for him to join me. He cuddled me close. “Y/N, thank you for coming here with me. I love you so much. I never want this to end.” He said sweetly, I blushed looking down. “I love you too Calum.” He kissed me hard, his hands tightening on my waist. “We’re taking the long way home, babe. I’m not wasting any time.”  

A/N: Hey guys!!! Hope you like it!!! I love Long Way Home sooooo much!!! This imagine is based off the song so yeah :D The next few imagines and preferences are going to be songs from the album so let me know which ones you want :D xx (Also to the people with requests I am getting to them! I promise :D)

~ Lucy xx

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