#54 You / He Spends the Night for the first time

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Calum: Calum had gotten back from tour and he had asked me to pick him up from the airport since his flight was landing in the early hours of the morning. He tried to stay awake in my car but jet lag was getting the best of him.

“Calum. Cal.” I said shaking his shoulder. “What?” He groaned. “We’re home.” I said, he smiled at me. “Why are we at your place?”

“I’m not driving all the way onto the other side of the city. You’re staying here tonight.” I stated as he got out of the car, his eyes drooping. I managed to get him inside with his luggage. “Go crash into the bedroom.” I said getting a couple of blankets for the lounge. I wasn’t going to sleep in the same bed as my best friend, it would be weird. “Why have you got blankets? Just come into bed with me, I won’t bite.” He said, I shrugged. I wandered into the bedroom with him. I turned away as I changed and he got undressed down to his boxers. He was already in bed when I turned around. “Is it weird?” He asked. “A little, but its okay.” I said as I crawled into bed. I was so tired I didn’t really care. “Good night Calum. I’m glad you’re back.” I whispered rolling onto my side away from him. “Oh no you don’t.” He suddenly grabbed my waist pulling me to him. I giggled as he kissed my nose, something he always did. “Good night Y/N thanks again for picking me up and letting me stay here tonight.” He said, I smiled snuggling into his side. It felt oddly comfortable.

Ashton: Ashton and I had been together for a while but I had never stayed overnight, it was an awkward thing to ask or say. Fortunately, I had gone over to Ashton’s for a night in and it was stormy outside.

“You are not driving in that. You could get killed.” He said as we stood at the window. “Ashton I can’t just hide out here. What am I going to sleep in?” I asked, he smiled cheekily at me. “You ask the important questions. I’ll lend you a shirt and shorts. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable but I don’t want to be worried sick that you won’t be okay.” He said shutting the curtains. “Plus I know how much you hate storms.” He said his arms wrapping around my waist. “Alright, you win.” I sighed, he smiled kissing my lips softly.

We stayed up a little longer until the power went out so we thought we might as well go to bed. Ashton held my hand tightly taking me to the bedroom. I managed to change into Ashton’s t-shirt and his boxers. I felt around for the bed tripping over it, Ashton giggling from the other side. I crawled into bed beside him, his arms wrapping around me. I snuggled into his chest. Thunder and lightning making me jump and move a little closer to Ashton, he chuckled holding me close the entire night.   

Luke: My eyes snapped open adjusting to the harsh morning light, when I moved I realised that there was another body on the lounge. I looked to see Luke still asleep, so clearly he had stayed the night. We were having a catch-up night after the tour and we must’ve fallen asleep on the lounge.

“Y/N?” Luke asked, as I fell off the lounge. “Yeah?” I said sitting up on the floor, he smiled at me, his eyes still hooded from sleep. “Why am I on your lounge?”

“We stayed up last night and we fell asleep together. Is that awkward?” I asked, he shook his head. “No, I was a little confused. Come back up here you’re warm.” He said opening his arms, I reluctantly snuggled into his large frame. “Mmm… I could get used to this.” Luke sighed, I frowned confused. “What are you saying?”

“I like you… a bit… or a lot.” He said awkwardly, I smiled curling up against his chest. I felt him breathe out. “You’re not freaked out.” I shook my head, “I’m glad it’s not just me.” I said against his chest.

We laid on the lounge all day just talking about everything.

Michael: Michael had invited me to come on tour with him, which I was stoked about. I was worried about having to share a hotel room with him because we were best friends but I couldn’t handle it as I had a massive crush on him. Ashton was the only one that knew and for the first part of the tour he was rooming with Michael. They managed to get me a room just for me.

I was really bored on my own so I went to Michael’s room, finding Ashton ready to go out and Michael laying on his bed in just his boxers… this was off to a great start. “I’m going out tonight. See you guys later.” He said before he hugging me whispering, “Go for it.” In my ear, I smacked his shoulder as he walked out.

I hopped up onto Michael’s bed, he turned off his game. “Hey Y/N, bored were we?”

“Little bit.” I said, sitting beside him. “This is why I said you should just be rooming with me.” He said, I looked at my lap. “It would be awkward.” I said quietly. “Why?”

“Because I like you, it would be so hard for me to control myself if I was sleeping in the same bed as you.” I huffed, Michael shifted closer to me. His hand cupping my cheek. “Stay the night. I like you too.” He said softly, my eye widened. “Really?”

“Yeah, of course. Just stay the night and then you can share with me and whoever the rest of the tour.” He said, I shrugged. “Let me go get some of my stuff.” I said, he nodded.

Five minutes later I was back with just some clothes for tonight and tomorrow and other stuff. It was getting later so Michael and I decided to get some rest, he didn’t hesistate in pulling my body against his. I felt relief washing over me and I was finally right where I wanted to be… in Michael’s arms.   

A/N: Sorry for any mistakes hope you like it!

~ Lucy xx

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