#96 Secret Relationship

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Calum: Sometimes it was really hard being in a secret relationship with rockstar Calum Hood. I hadn’t told any of my friends that I was seeing him.  Only his bandmates, his family and mine knew about us. He’d been on tour for over six months and I missed him so much.

"Hey, Y/N! You there?" My friend asked snapping her fingers in my face. "Yeah sorry." I said coming back to reality, and out of my thoughts of Calum. "What were you thinking about?" She asked, I shook my head. "Don’t worry, nothing important." I muttered, she frowned and then turned back to our group. I couldn’t possibly tell her that I was dating Calum. She was a huge fan, I smiled to myself as she began fangirling over him and the band. "Y/N are you coming down to the airport with us to see 5SOS tomorrow?" I shrugged, knowing I was going to see Calum anyway. "I might, I have some big assignments to do this weekend." I said casually. "Come on Y/N this is a once in a lifetime chance."

"What to be stuck in a mob and maybe get a shit, blurry picture? No thank you." I said, she rolled her eyes.

My heart thumped in my chest as I cleaned the house for Calum to come home to. My phone buzzed in my pocket. From Y/B/F/N: ‘OMG just met 5SOS!! Im shaking!’ I laughed to myself. To Y/B/F/N: ‘Omg congratulations! Im so happy for you!’

I continued cleaning and singing to the 5sos album without shame. “I missed you beautiful.” A voice whispered over my shoulder and a pair of tanned arms wrapped around my waist. “CALUM!” I squealed hugging him. “I missed you so much!” He said, I leaned up and kissed him. “I missed you too!” I said against his lips.

Calum and I curled up on the lounge sharing stories of what we did while he was away. “Oh yeah the boys are coming over later. Hope that’s okay.”

Ashton: I hated always having to look over my shoulder for my brother and his friends. I am secretly dating the school’s punk, bad boy, Ashton Irwin, and my brother and his other sporty friends all hate him. I think it’s partly because ever since Ashton and his punk bandmates came to our school all the girls have revealed their bad girl streak and turned to drool over the tatted, pierced and foul-mouthed rockers instead of the soccer players. I, however was very reluctant to even look at the four boys. The only one in Ashton’s band that my brother got along with was Calum as he was on the soccer team, who my brother was captain of. My reluctance changed when Ashton came to my rescue on afternoon. We had been together ever since and only us and his band mates; Calum, Luke and Michael knew.

I sat alone in my room thinking about Ashton while I studied, my brother in the basement with his buddies probably playing Fifa. My phone rang, “Hello?” I answered, I heard a giggle  on the other end. “Hey beautiful.” It was Ashton. “Hey Ash.”

“Come over, I miss you.” He said sweetly, I chuckled. “I can’t, I have to study and my brother is home. And you saw me two hours ago.” I protested, he only laughed in response. “I don’t care, I still miss you! Pleeeeeease!” He whined, I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Okay, fine. Come pick me up though.” I said, he giggled again. “I’m already parked out the front.” He said and then hung up.

I quickly got my shoes on and an overnight bag ready. I scribbled down a note for my brother and ran out to Ashton’s car.  “My parents are out of town tonight so you can stay the night.” He said as he leaned over and kissed me softly, I smiled and nodded. I usually only stayed over when his parents were away.

Ashton and I went inside his house, I dropped my bag into his room and fell onto his bed. I felt the bed dip beside me. “Are you okay?” He asked softly, I shrugged and rolled onto my side.

We curled up together in bed, Ashton’s arms around me tightly. “I’m scared, Ash.” I whispered, he frowned. “About what?”

“My brother. He hates you and he would kill you if he found out we were together.” I said, moving in closer to him. My fingers trailing over the dark ink on his arms. “We’ll be okay.” He said, I had a feeling he wasn’t finished. “Y/N, I love you.” He whispered softly, his lips ghosting over mine, I swallowed nervously. “I love you too, Ash.” I replied, pressing my lips to his. We fell asleep curled up together, I was still worried about my brother finding out.

Luke:  I smiled to myself hearing Luke and his bandmates being loud and most likely causing trouble. Luke and I had been best friends for years and he had asked me to come on tour with him. The only thing was that we had become a lot closer than we ever thought. He had asked me on a date a while ago and its become a regular thing now. I had since become his girlfriend but we were yet to tell the boys and his fans. I was curled up in his bunk, scrolling through my twitter.  “Hey Y/N. Move over.” Luke whispered as he climber into his bunk with me. I moved back against the wall and made room for him. “Aren’t you worried about the boys finding out?” I asked, knowing neither of us wanted the boys to know about us yet. “They’ve gone out. They won’t be back for ages.” He said cuddling closer to me. “When are we going to tell them? About us?” I asked, Luke shrugged. “I don’t know. I like this though,  I like being with you and no one else knowing. It’s nice,  you’re  the only thing in my life that is just for me.” He whispered, I smiled and kissed his cheek softly. “I like this too.” I whispered snuggling into his chest. We went silent for a while, I looked up at Luke, a concerned look on his face. “What are you thinking about?” “Us. I feel like we should tell the boys… at least. They deserve to know.” He said, his arms tightening on me. I nodded, “Can we do it tomorrow?” I said closing my eyes, he chuckled. “Okay sweetie.” He kissed the top of my head. — I woke up hearing voices outside Luke’s bunk. “Luke needs to ask her out soon! If he doesn’t I will.” Ashton said, I tried to move to get out of the bunk but was stopped by a warm body. Luke rolled over with a grunt. “Shh.” I whispered, Luke smiled lazily at me. We stayed quiet while the boys talked about us, “Luke! Get up! We have to talk to you!” Calum called, I hid under the covers. I heard the curtain slide open. “Where’s Y/N?” Calum asked. “I don’t know. Come on let’s go out here.” Luke said getting out of the bunk. I moved to my own bunk when the boys had gone into the back room. The boys had been trying to get Luke to ask me out. I smiled to myself wondering when Luke would tell them.

Michael: Michael and I had been best friends for years, well that had changed a little while ago when he had drunkenly admitted his feelings to me. He wole up with a killer hangover and had realised what he had told me. I had the same feelings towards the dork of a best friend I had. We had kept our relationship quiet from the boys as we knew that they would make a big deal about it. Michael had a few days off from recording so I was spending some time over at the boys’ house. We were cuddled up on the lounge, it was a miserable day outside. The boys were out recording for a while. “I missed spending time with you. This is nice.” He whispered, kissing the top of my head. “Mmm.” I hummed kissing his chest gently. We laid in silence until Michael sighed and the spoke. “Here’s are hard question… when are we going to tell people about us?” He pondered, I looked up at him and he stared at the ceiling. “Well I think Luke already knows…” I said, worried whay Michael might say. “How did he find out?” “Well he suspected something when I blushed when he mentioned you… I couldn’t lie to him!” I defended, he shrugged. “I asked him not to say anything.” I added. “As long as he doesn’t say anything. I like having you all to myself and no one knowing.” He kissed my forehead. “Calum and Ashton have to find out some time.” I said, he smiled and pecked my nose. “I know but for now I prefer it this way.” He said squeezing me tightly, I giggled as I kissed him softly. “Michael! Y/N!” Calum yelled coming into the lounge room. Michael and I had no time to pull away.

A/N: Hope you like it!!!! Sorry Michael’s is bad… but I want to do a part 2 to this but only if you guys want it :) x 

~ Lucy xx

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