Forbidden - Calum Imagine (Part 2)

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I sat in my room crying for hours on end, hoping that I could forget what happened with Calum. Yes, it was just a kiss but it was special to me… he was the only person I wanted. “Y/N?” I heard my mum’s voice say as she came into my room. “Go away. I don’t want to see anyone.” I snapped turning away from her. “Honey, as much as I don’t want to say it. Michael’s right, Calum’s no good for you.” She said sitting on the edge of my bed. “Mum, do you think there is something wrong with Calum?” I asked sitting up, tears still spilling down my cheeks. “Yes. He’s obnoxious, he’s covered in tattoos and piercings. He’s no good for you.” She said, my mouth dropped. “Michael is exactly the same! You’re always telling me ‘be more like Michael’ ‘come out of your shell like Michael.’ What do I have to do to make you happy?” I yelled, I was over being everyone’s second choice. “Michael is an egotistical douche when he’s at school! But of course you wouldn’t see that despite his appearance you think he’s the best kid to walk the fucking earth.”

“Don’t swear young lady.” My mum scolded, I rolled my eyes. “Why do you care? I’m already a burden on you.” I snapped back before getting up and going into my bathroom.

I hoped that a shower would calm me down but it didn’t and I was still the emotional wreck from before.

-Next Day-

Michael’s POV

Despite what Calum did last night, I still had to deal with him at school making sure he didn’t put any more moves on my sister. I noticed, Y/N looking over at us. Calum returning her gaze. I slapped him over the head with my textbook. “Look at her again and I will kill you.” I threatened. “What is the big deal here? She’s almost eighteen, I’m sure she can make her own decisions. It’s not like I was having sex with her.” Calum defended, I groaned. “You can’t date my sister, you can’t talk to my sister, and you can’t kiss my sister. My sister is off limits.” I said trying not to make a scene.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning to see Y/N’s best friend, Katie. “What is your problem Michael?” She said harshly, I sucked in a deep breath knowing Y/N had told her everything. “Look I don’t like the idea of Calum and Y/N dating or kissing or anything.”

“So much that you are forbidding them from seeing each other? Talking to each other? Looking at each other?” She accused, I stood my ground. “Yes.” I said firmly, Katie huffed and went back to Y/N.  

When I turned back around I saw that Calum was gone, I spotted him walking with Y/N into one of the corridors. “Bastard.” I muttered under my breath. “Oh no you don’t.” A female voice said, Georgina and Katie were stood in front of me. “What are you going to do?” I threatened. “We can’t easily make a scene, which will make you look like a dickhead. It’s that or you let Calum and Y/N talk.” Georgina taunted, Katie smiled. “I would suggest the second one.”

Your POV

Tears were still stinging in my eyes from last night, “Calum? What are we doing? Michael’s going to kill you.” I said as I walked beside Calum, he smiled at me. “I talked to Georgina and Katie this morning and we worked something out. They’re taking care of Michael.” He assured me; we stopped at my locker; which happened to be in a corridor that not many people went down during breaks. “I’m sorry Calum. My stupid crush has ruined your friendship with Michael.” I said holding back my tears, Calum stepped back a bit. “Is that all I am to you? A stupid crush?” He asked, his voice laced with hurt. “Cal- Calum. I don’t know. I’m just confused; all I know is that I like you… a lot.” I said a tear rolling down my cheek. Calum suddenly pulled me into a hug, my face pressed to the warmth of his chest. “Y/N, I like you too. I want to make this work with you. You’re the first girl that I have ever really, really liked. I don’t care what Michael says, or your parents.” He whispered, kissing my forehead. “Thank you Calum.” I whispered, I looked up at his face; he smiled at me. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, like he did the night before. “Don’t you even dare.” Michael said, tapping his foot at us. Calum and I stepped away from each other. Before anyone could say anything the bell went, which I was thankful for.

I somehow managed to get through my last two lessons of the day, I broke down on the bus on the way home from school. Michael didn’t offer to drive me as he had band practice and he was angry with me.

I opened the door to find my mum standing with two suitcases at her feet. “Mum where are you going?” I asked, she shook her head. “Nowhere. You are. You’re leaving. Michael and I have both told you not to see Calum again and I was told that you and Calum were all over each other at lunch today.” She accused, tears began forming in my eyes. “But –”  

“No. Get out and don’t come back!” She snapped handing me the two suitcases. I let the tears freely stream down my cheeks. She took the bags outside, putting them on the verandah, pushing me outside and shutting the door behind her. I pulled out my phone, dialling Calum’s number. “Calum, can you pick me up?” I sobbed, I heard him moving around. “What’s going on?”

“Mum kicked me out.” I sobbed back, I heard the clunk of keys in the background. “I’ll be there in five.” He said before mumbling a bye and hanging up. I sat on the bench waiting for Calum to pick me up.  

A/N: Hope you like it! Let me know if you want a part 3!

~ Lucy xx

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