Moving in - Luke Imagine

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Luke and I had finally made the decision to move in together, today was moving day. Yay! We had to finish packing the last of the boxes for my place today before taking them to our house. That’s weird… our house.

“Y/N. Ashton’s coming over to help us with the last of your stuff.” Luke said as he came into my bedroom carrying an empty box. “Okay, cool.” I said as I put more of my stuff in a box. “What do you want me to do?” Luke asked setting the box down. “Can I trust you with my make-up?” He nodded quickly at me, I smiled and nodded. “Can you do that for me?”

“Sure. All this?” He said as he went into the bathroom. “Yes. Luke all the stuff on the bench and in the cupboard.” I said showing him where everything was. “Babe, do you even use all this?” Luke asked as he looked at all my stuff. “Well, yeah. Do you think I wake up like this?” I asked pointing to my face. “Yeah… because you don’t need all this junk to be beautiful.”

“Aww… Luke. Wait for that to change when we move in.” I said, touching his arm. “It won’t change. You’ll always be beautiful to me.” He whispered before his kissed me softly. “Just pack up the boxes Hemmo.” I teased, he smirked and slapped my bum as I walked out. I rolled my eyes ignoring the gesture.

A little while later as I was packing away my stuff, I heard Ashton come in the house. “Luke! Y/N! Where are you guys?”

“In here.” I called out, Ashton was at the doorway. “Hey. What do you want me to do?”

“You can be my muscle.” I said gesturing to the four large boxes on the floor. “Hey, am I not strong enough for you?” Luke said coming out of the bathroom, I smiled trying not to laugh. “Yes Luke you are, but you’re busy.” I said, I turned to Ashton. “Can you take those into the lounge room? The removalist will be here soon.” I said point at the boxes. Ashton left lifting the boxes and taking them out. “Now… You.” Luke said standing in front of me, his hands darting out to my stomach as he tickled me. I backed away trying to get away from his hands. “Come here!” He laughed coming after me, he caught me. I curled up in a ball on the floor giggling. “Oh my god! Get a room.” Ashton said as he came to get the next box. “We have one.” Luke said pulling me up standing. “You guys are weird.” He said taking another box out.

Along with Ashton helping us we were finished really quickly, the removalist was at my house early. Everything was packed away to be taken to our house. Ashton left when the removalist did, I had a look around my empty house just checking everything was looking okay. “Can’t believe we’re doing this.” Luke said as he hugged me from behind, I nodded. “Me either.”

“Come on, we better go.” Luke said standing in front of me. I nodded as we left my house for the last time.

We drove up to our house, it looked oddly homey. The removalist was already parked out the front, getting ready to unload our stuff.

All of our new furniture and our boxes were unloaded quickly, leaving Luke and I alone at our new house. “This place is amazing. Looks great.” I said admiring our work with the furniture. Well Luke moving everything while I observed. “Thanks for your help babe.” Luke joked as he sat beside me on our new lounge. “That’s okay.” I said slapping his knee. “So am I strong enough now?” I thought, scrunching up my nose. “Nope.” I said trying not to smile, I jumped up and ran away. “Come back here!” He laughed, before he caught me in our bedroom. He tackled me onto the bed tickling me. “No Luke! Stop!” I laughed pushing his hands away, he smirked. “Not until you tell me I’m strong.”

“Never.” I laughed as he tickled me, my stomach began hurting. “Okay… okay. Luke you are so strong. You are so manly, oh my god. I can’t handle it.” I said, he smiled before kissing me.

After our tickle fight, I went to unpack the kitchen… oh the joys. “Do you want any help?” Luke offered, I shook my head. “Nah I’ll be fine.” I shrugged.

I was about halfway through and I had done all the bottom cupboards… and I wanted to do the top cupboards but I couldn’t reach. “Luke!” I called out, he poked his head in the doorway of the kitchen. “Did you finally admit that you needed my help?” He smirked, I rolled my eyes. “Not my fault that I’m short.” I said, he came into the kitchen and took the dishes from my hands as he easily put them on the shelf above my head. “Shortie.” He joked nudging my side. “How’s the weather up there?” He leaned over me, we were always like this. “Well it’s sunny up here, but I think it’s a little shady for you.” He joked kissing my nose. “Just help me put this stuff away.” I said unwrapping the other dishes. “Of course. Where do you want them?” He asked as I handed him things, I pointed up to the cupboard where I wanted them.

We were finally done unpacking; given that there was only two of us we got all the unpacking done really quickly. We were currently chilling out on our new bed, watching some TV. “I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else. I love you Y/N.” Luke whispered, as he turned off the TV, I smiled. “Me either. I love you too Luke.” I said before I kissed him softly. I was so glad that I had moved in with Luke, I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.    

A/N: Sorry its late today. Hoep you like it! :D

~ Lucy xx

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