First Time - Calum Imagine

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(Oh yeah and it gets a little smutty!)

Calum and I were cuddling on the lounge, his hands lightly caressing my side. He sighed heavily, I frowned. “Are you okay Calum?” I asked looking up at him. He shrugged and then sighed. “Does it bother you that I’m a virgin?” He asked, I sat up quickly. “Calum where would you get an idea like that?” I asked shocked, he shrugged. “All my mates aren’t virgins, you’re not a virgin.” He said softly, I smiled. “Calum, it doesn’t bother me at all. I love you so much and when you’re ready we can.” I said kissing him hard. “I want to.” He mumbled against my lips. I crawled over the top of him, pushing him down on the lounge. His hands rested on my hips, moving down to my bum. I ground my hips down into his. He groaned softly against my mouth. I felt his bulge pushing against me through his jeans. I applied more pressure his groans getting louder. “Oh wow.” He moaned, I grinned. “That feel good?” I teased hooking my finger in the neck of his t-shirt. “Amazing.” He muttered, he kissed down my neck harshly. I pulled away stripping off his shirt. He did the same with mine, his jaw hung open. “You’re so sexy.” He grunted, I grinned. “Coming from you.” I giggled. “Why don’t we take this to the bedroom?” I asked my breath short. He sat up wit me still on top of him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he stood up. I kissed and sucked down his neck as he took me to the bedroom. He pushed me against the wall as he shut the door behind him. His hips ground into mine, I moaned in his ear. “What did I do wrong?” He asked pulling away. I giggled. “Nothing it felt good.” I said, I kissed down his neck. He groaned as I sucked on the skin at the base of his neck. He walked away from the wall and laid me on the bed, I quickly rolled us over. I took his hands in mine lacing our fingers together, I leaned forward my breasts pressing into his chest. I could feel him hardening beneath me. I kissed his lips, his tongue in my mouth. I pulled my hands away to tug at the hem of his shirt. He helped me pulled it from his torso, I was always mesmerized by his torso. I moved down kissing down his stomach leaving little marks as I went. I cupped his through his jeans, his stomach muscles clenched as he bit back a moan. I undid his belt and popped the button on his jeans, tugging down the zip. I yanked them off his legs, his hard-on pushing against his boxers. I palmed him hard, soft puffs of air fell from his mouth. “Shit babe.” He groaned, I smiled at him. “This is just the beginning.” I said seductively, he just looked at me, his jaw hung agape. I pulled his boxers down his legs, tossing them on the floor. He hissed as his dick slapped up slapping his stomach. It was my turn to let my jaw drop, he chuckled at me. “Is something wrong?” 

"You’re so big." I said, he looked at me through hooded eyes. I took his length in my hand, I pumped him a few times. He didn’t even try to control his moans. I pressed my lips to the underside of his shaft. I kissed up his length, my tongue tracing up the protruding vein. A few beads of pre-cum leaked out the top. I rubbed my thumb over his head, spreading the pre-cum over his shaft. Breathy moans fell from his lips. "God baby!" He groaned, I took his hand in mine. I lightly sucked on the head, his hand squeezed mine. I pushed down a little further. "Jesus!" He hissed as I sucked harder. I bobbed my head on his dick taking him deeper each time. We kept eye contact the entire time. He was trying so hard to not buck his hips up or put his hand in my hair. I took his other hand, bringing it up to my head. He understood, his fingers tightened on my hair. I moved my hand down between his thighs, I squeezed his balls. "God, do that again!" He moaned heavily, his hand tightened again. I squeezed him there again, I felt him twitch I knew he was close. I bobbed my head a little faster. "Babe, I’m uh close." He said breathlessly, I squeezed his balls again. His orgasm ripped through him, his cum spilling down my throat. "Holy fuck- shit- god." Was all that came out of his mouth. I swallowed all of it, his chest heaved up and down. His mouth open trying to suck in enough air. I crawled up beside him, I placed my hand on his chest. His heart was racing, I smiled knowing I had done that to him. "That was amazing." He puffed out, I smiled running my fingers over his collarbone. "I’m glad it was." I said kissing his chest. "Do you want me to do anything for you?" He asked nervously, I shook my head. "Not tonight, it’s all about you tonight." He relaxed down into the mattress. I slid my hand down his stomach, he turned to me his lips millimetres from mine. “Just give me a minute.” He huffed out, I smirked kissing him softly. His hand came up to cup my cheek delicately, his thumb rubbing over my cheekbone. I moved on top of him, he grunted as I ground into him. “I think I’m good now.” He muttered against my lips, I chuckled. I got off of him, going to take off my clothes. “Wait,” Calum said sitting up, I frowned at him. “I want to do it.” He said now standing in front of me. “Okay.” I sighed as his hands skimmed up under my shirt, I shivered as his hands brushed over my bra. He tugged my shirt over my head tossing it onto the ground, he hesitated for a second; unsure where to put them. I giggled at his apprehension, I unhooked my bra throwing it on the floor. His eyes widened, I moved his hands to my breasts. “You can touch me Calum.” I said softly, he smiled and softly squeezed my breast. His other hand slid down my torso to my jeans. He popped the button and tugged down the zip. His calloused fingers brushed over my nipple making me jump. I shimmied out of my jeans, I pushed them to the side, pushing my underwear down too. “You’re so beautiful. I am so lucky.” He whispered, my heart jumped in my chest as he pulled me close. He walked me back to the bed, pulling me on top of him. “Do you want to be on top or on bottom?” I asked, straddling his hips. “Bottom, I don’t know what to do so yeah…” He trailed off, I smiled. I leaned down to his kissing along his jaw and to his mouth. I leaned over to the bedside table taking out a condom, he frowned confused. “They’re just in case. I have them because in case you didn’t.” I said reassuring him, he nodded. I rolled the condom on his length, I stood up on my knees above his length. I grabbed him, rubbing him against my wet core. We both groan at the feeling, I pushed the head into me. I laid one hand on his chest supporting myself and one holding his length. “God baby! You’re so beautiful.” He groaned as I slid down his length, joining us all the way. He moaned, I stayed there letting myself adjust to his size. My breath came out in hot puffs, I didn’t want to move to quickly wanting it to last for both of us. I moved up on him, he threw his head back. He took my hands lacing them with his, I held them next to his head. I continued to move slowly up and down on him. “Is that okay?” I asked breathlessly, he nodded, his eyes clamped shut and his mouth hanging open. I moved a little faster, I could feel myself getting closer. “Babe, go faster. I’m close.” He gasped out, I bounced on him faster and harder. My stomach tightened, I could feel my high coming. I let go of his hand and began rubbing my clit, my head fell back. “Shit Calum.” I moaned out, he pushed my hand away rubbing my clit for me. “Shit, I’m coming!” I moaned out heavily, I leaned forward my torso pressed to his as I rolled my hips on his. “Me too!” He grunted, his arm wrapped around my back. He kissed me heavily, his tongue in my mouth catching my moans. One last thrust and we both came undone, a string of swear words and my name came out of his mouth. I continued my movements to make our highs even more pleasurable. I laid flat on his chest, I was completely spent. I slid off him, I took the condom off and threw it away. I rolled to the side of him, he pulled me close to his side. “Thank you babe. I love you so much.” Calum whispered, I smiled content. “I love you too Calum. That was perfect.” I whispered, we both got under the covers. We faced each other, his forehead pressed to mine. “I love you so much sweetheart.” He whispered his hand lightly skimming my cheek. “Go to sleep Calum, it’s late and I don’t know about you but I’m tired.” I said, he nodded wrapping his arms around me. We laid together I felt so secure and safe with him.      

A/N: Hope you like it… it’s not my best but its all I have :D

~ Lucy xx

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