Black Grease and White Singlets - Calum Imagine (Undercover 5sos Series)

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I groaned as I tried to start my car, I was stuck in the middle of nowhere and something had just stopped working. I sat in my car alone for a while before calling a mechanic I had seen one a few kilometres back.

After waiting half an hour a tow truck pulled up in front of my car. “Are you Y/N?” An older man asked, I nodded. “Yeah, thank you so much.” I said, he nodded. I grabbed my bag out of the car. “You’ll have to excuse my son, he usually works in the mechanics shop but he’s been insisting to come with me since there has been nothing on today.” I nodded. “Just hop in the truck and I’ll get you hooked up.” He said gesturing to the truck cabin, I nodded.

I managed to haul myself up into the dirty truck, I froze seeing a boy sitting in the middle of the bench seat. “Hello.” He grinned, he leaned over and helped me onto the seat. My breath hitched in my throat, he was gorgeous. Despite the fact that he was covered in black grease and his white singlet completely ruined. It just made him so much more attractive. “Hi.” I said getting myself settled. “I’m Calum.” He said sweetly, I smiled. “Y/N.” He shook my hand. Before we could say anything else his dad climbed up into the truck. “Calum I’ll get you to have a look under the hood when we get back. I think some wires have fused.” His dad said, Calum nodded.

The drive back to the shop was quick but awkward, I couldn’t help but sneak glances at Calum, he had an attractive face better than anything I’d ever seen. His chocolate brown eyes caught mine, he smiled and looked away. I blushed and turned my attention out the side window. I jumped feeling his hot arm brush mine. Calum’s dad pulled up out the front of the shop, he jumped out, Calum followed and they quickly unhooked my car. I got out of the truck, standing out of the car. “Can I get your keys?” Calum asked, I nodded handing them to him, he winked and got into my car, driving it into the shop. Calum lifted the hood of my car, looking for the problem. His dad’s phone rung, which he walked away answering. I continued to watch Calum, the muscles in his back flexing as he looked in the engine. “Son, I’ve got to go, do you think you’ll be okay with Miss Y/N’s car here?” His dad asked, Calum turned to look at us and nodded. “Yeah its fine dad you go.” He shrugged, he grabbed a rag wiping his hands. A black residue still remained. His biceps flexed as he threw down the rag onto the cart with his tools. “Y/N, do you want to wait in the other room, this won’t take long.” Calum grinned, I nodded. He led me to the waiting room, he looked so awkward. I wasn’t sure why. I sat down pulling out my phone, to create a distraction from Calum, if I kept looking at him I may just jump on him. “You know, I’m glad I came into work today.” He said sitting beside me, I looked up at him confused. “Why?” I asked putting my phone in my bag. “Because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have met you.” He said, blush crept up on my cheeks. “Well, that’s sweet of you.” I said unsure of what to actually say. “What would you say to grabbing a bite to eat with me after I finish fixing your car?” He offered, I nodded. “Sure, I’d like that.” He grinned, he went back and fixed my car.

Calum came back about ten minutes later, sweat dripping down his face and chest. My breath hitched in my throat. He wrung a rag around his hands and wiped his face. “Done.” He said, I nodded unable to speak. I paid for my car and then Calum took me to the restaurant next door and bought me lunch. We had a really great time together, when it was getting late and I had to get home, Calum and I exchanged numbers. “Hopefully we can get together sometime.” He said, I nodded. He hugged me trying to avoid getting oil on me. I had never been so happy that my car broke down. 

A/N: Hope you like it! I wrote this ages ago and I want to do a series but yeah let me know :)  Sorry the title is shit!

~ Lucy xx

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