Friends First - Ashton Imagine

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Ashton and I were hanging out in our apartment, we were watching a random movie on TV. We hadn’t been able to spend much time together lately as he was on tour all the time. It was always good though when he came home though, we had been friends since birth so we had always been basically living in each other’s pockets. We knew each other inside out and it was good that he could come home and not have to do anything.

It was Valentine’s day and we had no dates. “Hey Y/N?” I turned to Ashton, and nodded for him to continue. “Want to do something different?” I shrugged. “We should go out tonight.” 

"You mean just dinner?" I asked, he shook his head. "No I mean like a date." He said, my heart stopped for a second. "Are you asking me out?" I asked confused, Ashton blushed and looked at his hands in his lap. "Uh, yeah." He said shyly, I grinned. "I’d love to." I said, I leaned over kissing his cheek. 

We both got up to get ready, I was kind of nervous about going on this ‘date’ with Ashton. Sure he was my best friend but I had been in love with him for years. I heard a knock on the front door, “Ashton can you get the door?” I called from the bathroom as I finished my make-up. The knocking continued, I frowned. “Ashton? Can you get the door?” I called again, there was no answer. I huffed wandering out to the front door. I opened the front door to see Ashton standing against the frame with a bouquet of red roses. My heart dropped and my cheeks went pink. “I’m here for my date.” Ashton said sweetly handing me the flowers, I smiled taking the flowers from him. “Come in.” I said, letting him in. “Can we treat like this is a real date?” Ashton asked, I nodded. “Sure. I have to ask why are you doing this?” I asked, his arm wrapped around my waist. “Because… I don’t know.” He said sheepishly, I grinned up at him. “You’re so cute Ashton.” I teased. “Come on. Are you ready?” I nodded, Ashton took my hand. My heart fluttering in my chest. 

That flutter continued all night, we finally decided to go home… Well actually we got kicked out of the restaurant for being in there past closing time. 

When we got home, Ashton was still acting like it was a date. “So I had a really great time tonight. I was thinking we should do it again?” He said, unlocking the front door. “I’d love to.” I said smiling up at him. “I know it’s our first date but can I kiss you?” He asked shyly, I blushed and nodded. Ashton’s hands slid to my waist and pulled me close. His lips pressed to mine, fireworks went off behind my eyes. I couldn’t believe it. I was kissing Ashton. We both pulled away at the same time. “You go inside. I’ll be in soon.” Ashton said opening the front door. 

I went inside and waited for Ashton. A few minutes after I sat down he came in the house and flopped on the lounge beside me. “How was your night?” He asked, I grinned shaking my head. “It was great. I met this guy and we went out and he was great.” I said happily, he smiled and I noticed the slightest of blush on his cheeks. “Well I had a date too and she was beautiful. A good kisser too. I was so happy she said yes.” I grinned at him, he hugged me close. This was something I could get used to.

— 2 Weeks Later —

Ashton and I had gone on heaps of ‘dates’ in the last two weeks, it was a good and bad feeling because my feelings for him were getting stronger and I didn’t know how Ashton felt about me. He hadn’t kissed me properly since the first date. I was worried that I had scared him off.

We had planned to go out again tonight but it was a stormy night and it wasn’t safe to go out.

I sat on the lounge shivering as it was so cold, and I hated storms. “Hey, let’s get you to bed.” Ashton said softly, I groaned not wanting to move. “Come here.” He whispered, he lifted me up into his arms and carrying me to his bedroom. I frowned, wondering why. “Ashton this is your room.” He chuckled and nodded. “I know that sweetie. I can’t let you sleep alone, you’re freezing.” He said, his head ducking down and pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

Ashton helped me into bed, his arms wrapped around me tightly. “Mmm, you’re warm.” I hummed, pressing my face into his chest. He shivered at the contact. “Oh my god! Your nose is freezing!” He exclaimed, I smiled and cuddled closer to him. “Ashton are you okay? Ever since our first date, you’ve been distant?” I said, it came out as more of a question. He rolled over onto his side as he took a deep breath. “I didn’t tell you this because I was scared to tell you but I might as well do it now…” He waited for me respond, I just nodded. “I’m in love with you, Y/N. Ever since our first date, I’ve been wanting to have you as my girlfriend. I’ve been in love with you for years but our date two weeks made me sure that I want you and only you.” He said softly, I froze, I was shocked. “Ashton… I can’t believe you’re in love with me.”

“Do you – you know love me too?” He asked nervously, I smiled broadly. “Yes I do! I’ve been in love with you for years!” I said happily, I pressed my body tightly against his. “Are you still cold?” I nodded against Ashton’s chest. His body slowly warming me up, “I know a way we can warm up.” He said suggestively, his lips ghosting over my neck. “Ashton, I don’t know. I’ve never done that before.” I said softly, he smiled. “It’s okay. When you’re ready we can. I promise I will make it perfect for you.” He said softly, his lips pressing softly to mine. “I love you Ashton.” I whispered against his mouth, his hands pressed to my back. “I love you too. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?” He asked shyly, I grinned. “Yes, Ashton. I would love to be your girlfriend.” I kissed him, his tongue sliding into my mouth. I clutched onto his biceps. He rolled me onto my back, his torso pressing down to mine. My fingers wound into the hair on the back of his neck. It was the most perfect feeling in the world. I truly loved him. Our perfect moment was ruined, with the loud clap of thunder outside. I shook with fear beneath Ashton, he chuckled and rolled to the side. “Let’s get some sleep, beautiful.” He whispered, I curled up against his warm body and slowly drifted off to sleep. I hoped that we stayed together because he was the best thing that ever happened to me.  

A/N: Hope you like it!! This was requested too! xx

~ Lucy xx

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