Surprise Birthday Party

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Calum and I were both a bit upset when we found out that we couldn’t spend his birthday together, I wanted to make it better so I came up with the idea of surprising him. I was now about to board the plane to go to LA. I had told the boys that I was coming so we could do a surprise party for him.

My nerves were causing my stomach to flip, my palms sweaty as I sat through the flight. Soon I was going to be with Calum again. And he had no idea. I hope he’s as excited as me. The flight couldn’t have been slower, I just wanted to see Calum. I just hoped that our plan worked out.

As I walked through the airport, I found Luke with some of their security. “Luke!” I called out, waving my arm to get his attention. His tight knit group of security weaved through a fast-growing crowd of girls, trying to get to me. Finally they pushed through the last few and reached me, separating so Luke could hug me. “Y/N! I’m so glad you came!” Luke smiled, hugging me tight. “Calum has been whining for the last five hours because he hasn’t been able to face time you.” Luke continued, I laughed at Calum’s behaviour. We raced out into the black van where I was taken to the hotel, as I couldn’t stay at the house because Calum couldn’t know I was here yet.

"Do you think we’ll be able to pull this off?" I asked, facing Luke. He thought about it seriously for a second before looking me directly in the eye and giving me a sure nod. "I think we can do this." He nodded. I clutched onto my bag on my lap, squeezing my nerves into it. I really hope Luke is right.

We pulled up at the hotel and took my luggage in with me, “I’ll see you in a few hours. Please let this work Luke.” I pleaded, he nodded at me. He left the hotel lobby, I waved bye to Luke.

I looked out at the view from my window. “Somewhere out there is Calum. I can’t wait to see him.” I whispered to myself, hugging my stomach. This had to work. I love him too much for it not to work.


I arrived at the boys’ LA house, ready to get the house prepared. Luke greeted me outside, hurrying me in with a gesture of his hands. “Do you have everything?” He asked. I turned to face him. “Yep. All ready.” I looked around at the house, mentally putting decorations up, “Let’s do this.” I smiled.

The entire house looked great, we had diverted Calum away from the house for the day, and how the boys managed that I will never understand.

And then we waited for Calum to come home. Luke had to keep giving me reassuring nods to keep me from freaking out over it not working. I heard a car pull up in the driveway, Ashton peeking out the window. “Y/N! It’s him go into the other room!” He whisper-yelled. I nodded and went into the other room. I crossed everything that this worked… I didn’t really have much faith did I? Oh well. Fingers crossed.

The people in the other room hushed their whispers, becoming completely silent as they hid behind furniture. I heard the front door open, “Why are you guys so pushy-“

"SURPRISE!!" Everyone yelled, jumping up from their positions. Calum laughed out loud, he must have been scared from the large group of people shouting at him. "Oh my God a surprise party!" He laughed, "You invited everyone I love!" I peeked my head out of the doorway, looking at his reaction. He was smiling but it soon fell away. Calum looked at the ground. "Except Y/N’s not here…" He muttered. I came out into the full view of everyone. "No Cal! I’m here!" I laughed nervously. Calum’s head shot up and his sadness was replaced with pure happiness. "Y/N!" He exclaimed, running to me and picking me up, spinning me around. "I missed you so much!" He breathed into my neck, he set me on my feet again; both of us getting dizzy. "What? How? When did you get here?" He stuttered out through his utter happiness. "Today. I just missed you so much and you looked so sad when you said you couldn’t spend your birthday with me so I pulled some strings and…. tada! Here I am!" I said cheerfully, "You’re incredible!" He gushed kissing me as if it was the last time we would kiss. He pulled away our foreheads pressed together. "Best. Birthday. Present. Ever." He whispered, I blushed not only because it was cute but because the entire party was staring at us. "Well!" Michael called out, bringing all eyes on him. "Let’s partay!" He said, causing me to laugh and everyone else to woop. Calum’s fingers tucked under my chin, pulling me to look at his face again. His deep brown eyes looked straight into mine, making me melt on the spot. "Thank you so much Y/N. I love you." He smiled, kissing my forehead. "I love you too Cal." I giggled.

A/N: Hey guys! We wrote this imagine together, Bianca wrote three/four sentences and then I (Lucy) wrote three/four sentences and so on! We thought it was something different we could do. We are running out of ideas and since its Calum’s b’day we thought we could have a birthday themed imagine! Anyway hope you liked it!

~Bianca and Lucy xx 

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