Under the Stars - Ashton Imagine

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Ashton and I were sprawled out on the lounges on the warm summer night, it was too hot to sleep so we stayed up talking. He suddenly stood up holding out his hand, I gladly took it. “Come with me.” He said sweetly he grabbed a blanket and two pillows on his way. Ashton walked out to the back garden. “Ashton what are we doing?” I asked quietly, he smiled at me. “It’s boring inside, and it’s a beautiful night.” He said laying out the blanket on the grass and tossing the pillows onto it. He sat down patting the space beside him; I moved quickly as we laid beside each other. His hand finding mine the soft glow of the moon. I stared up at the stars, there was not a cloud in the sky tonight it was stunning. “It’s so beautiful. Stars do amaze me.” I pondered staring up at the night’s sky. “I’m definitely enjoying the view.” Ashton said sweetly, he took my hand to his mouth pressing light kisses. I turned my head to see him looking at my face. His hand coming up to stroke my cheek, I shuffled a little closer to him. “I never thought I would meet someone like you.” I said softly, watching Ashton’s face. “Me either, I never thought I could love someone this much.” He replied, his hand moving to my waist. He kissed me softly and passionately, it was more than a kiss though there was love in it. I pulled away needing air, Ashton smiled shyly at me knowing how he made me feel. I rolled onto my back and stared up at the sky again.

Ashton’s voice broke me out of my thoughts, “Y/N? Do you believe in soul mates?” He asked, I frowned having never really thought about it. “I don’t know, I guess yes because I believe that there is one perfect person for everyone.” I said, Ashton’s hand taking mine in his again, lacing his fingers with mine. “What about you?”

“I didn’t… and then I met you.” I blushed, I was glad that it was dark so he couldn’t see me. “Aw are you blushing?” Ashton teased, I sat up quickly. “How did you know?”

“I can read you like a book love. I felt you squeeze my hand, I know do that when you’re shy.” He said pulling me down again, I relaxed as he pulled me into his side, my head on his chest. “What about love at first sight?” I asked, not taking my gaze off the sky. “No. I don’t think that someone can just look at someone and say that they are in love with them. I mean physically yes, because it’s just looks but emotionally no. You need to get to know the person. Do you believe in love at first sight?”

“No.” I said, we went silent just enjoying each other’s company. It was nice not to have the stresses of work and everything else that was going on, it was just Ashton and I nothing else existed in that moment but us. “Oh, Y/N. A shooting star make a wish.” Ashton said quickly. I saw the bright light flying through the sky, Ashton’s arms tightened on me. “I don’t need to make a wish Ashton, everything I could have wished for is right here.” I said pressing a soft kiss to his collarbone. “You’re too cute.” He said sweetly, I smirked as I kissed up his neck to his jaw. Finding his sweet spot he groaned, a smile spread across my face. Ashton’s hands grazed along my sides, I ran my fingers through his hair. “You’re so sexy.” Ashton groaned, my heart thumped in my chest. He suddenly rolled over the top of me, his hands on either side of my head. He kissed me passionately, before pulling me up sitting. “Stand up.” He mumbled against my lips. He pulled out his phone, playing soft music. I looked at my feet and Ashton began to dance me around the blanket. The moonlight dim against his face. “How did I get so lucky? You’re so beautiful.” He mumbled kissing my cheek softly. He stepped back from me, “Will you make me even luckier?” He asked before sliding onto one knee and pulling out a black box. “By marrying me?” He opened the box, the moonlight bouncing off the cuts in the diamond ring. “Ashton, yes! Yes I would love to marry you!” I breathed out, he slid the ring onto my finger. Tears spilling down my cheeks. “Don’t cry beautiful. I want you to be happy.” He said wiping the tears away. “I am happy. I love you Ashton.” I said pressing my face into his neck as he lifted me off the ground spinning me around. “I love you too… Mrs. Irwin.” Ashton mumbled into my hair. 

A/N: Hope you like it!!! 

~Lucy xx 

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