#86 Amnesia

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Calum: His POV

I stared at her in her hospital bed, I couldn’t believe this was happening. Two weeks before our wedding and someone crashes into her car. The heart monitor beeping away in the corner has become a part of me now. I just sit and stare all day. “Sweetie why did you do this to me? Please come back, I’m so lonely. I want to marry you, I want to have a family with you, don’t leave me.” I said taking her cold hands in mine, I froze feeling her hand squeeze mine. “Oh Y/N please!” I cried, the nurses came rushing in. “She’s waking up, step back for a second sir.” The nurse said pushing me back. Her doctor came in. “Y/N? Squeeze my hand if you hear me.” The doctor looked doubtful as she did nothing. “Calum’s here and he wants to see you.” I watched as her hand pulsed the doctors, I noticed her eyes moving beneath her eyelids. A soft croaky sound came from her lips, before her eyes tiredly opened. She looked around, the doctor pushed me out of the room. I called Y/N’s parents, they were over here in under ten minutes. 

"The doctor’s talking to her now." I said to Y/’s mum, she hugged me. "My baby girl is waking up!" She cried, I held her tightly. Y/N’s dad walked up to us. "Y/N woke up." I said, her dad looked so happy. The doctor stepped out of the room. "Mr and Mrs Y/L/N, you can go in and see her, Mr Hood I need to speak with you." I nodded, Y/N’s parents went into her room. I just wanted to see her. "Now I was asking Y/N some questions and she doesn’t remember you. She had no idea who you were when I showed a picture to her." He said sadly, tears pricked in my eyes. Everything I had loved was gone. "Can she get her memory back?" I asked choking on tears. "Yes, but she will need assistance and things that will hopefully trigger something and she remembers. Even your bandmates might help. I asked her to name 5 Seconds of Summer and she named you, I thought she remembered you, but then she went on about how much she wanted to meet you. She has recollection of a relationship with you." The doctor explained, I nodded. "Can I at least see her?" He nodded, he held the door open for me. Y/N’s parents left us alone, the doctor followed. Y/N gasped seeing me, please remember, I said over and over in my head. "Calum? Calum Hood?" She croaked out. "Yeah baby." I said, she gasped again, tears in her eyes. "Why are you here?" She asked, I looked down sadly. "I’m your fiancé, Y/N. We were supposed to get married." I said, she moved her hand to me. I took her tiny hand in my large ones. Her beautiful, big eyes stared up at me…

Ashton: Your POV

Ashton had woken up today but me and the boys hadn’t seen him yet. His mum, his brother and sister were with him all day. The doctor had mentioned amnesia could be something that affects him but so far he’s been doing well, according to the doctor. “Do you think he’s going to be okay?” Luke asked tiredly, Michael, Calum and I looked at him quickly. “It’s Ashton, he’ll bounce back.” I said, I was so tired and I just wanted to see him. The doctor came out with Mrs. Irwin and Harry and Lauren. “He’s really tired, but you can go in.” The doctor said, the boys and I nodded. “Y/N, you go in first.” Luke said, I nodded.

I went inside to see Ashton sitting up, his eyes shut. “Ash?” I asked softly, he looked at me. He moved away from me a little. “Who are you? I know you from somewhere.” He asked, tears pricked in my eyes. “I’m Y/N, your girlfriend.” I said coming closer to him, I stood beside the bed. His beautiful green eyes caught mine. “How long have we been together?” He asked, I sat down on the chair next to the bed. “Three years.” I said softly, he smiled. “Tell me everything.” He said rolling onto his side so he could see me properly. “We met at a concert, your concert. Our first date was dinner and a movie, and I cried because it was a scary movie.” I noticed that his lips twitched up. “First kiss was at Christmas, we were under the mistletoe. Michael made us do it.” I said, smiling thinking about all the things we’ve done together. “Michael?” Ashton asked confused, my jaw dropped. “Yeah, Michael your bandmate.” I said, he frowned. “Michael Clifford? I’m in a band with Michael Clifford?”

“Yeah, and Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood.” I answered, he nodded. “What’s our name?”

“5 Seconds of Summer, but I don’t think I should be the one to tell you this.” I said, he nodded. “Do you want me to get them?” I asked, he nodded. I got up and went to the door, “Y/N wait,” I turned to face him. “I know that you are special to me, I just need to remember why. You’re beautiful and I know that I’m lucky to have you.” He said, tears slid down my cheeks as I turned and left…     

Luke: Your POV

Tears in my eyes as I stood face to face with Luke. He looked so confused. His bandmates stood outside. “Luke?” I asked softly, his blue eyes flashed across me. “Who are you?” He asked, his voice still croaky from his coma. A cry wrecked through my throat, he looked like he was trying to remember. “Luke, I’m you’re girlfriend.” I said, tears blurring my vision. “Oh.” He said, nodding. “Do you want me to leave?” I asked softly, he shook his head. “Stay.” He mumbled, I moved closer to his bed. I wasn’t sure whether I should touch him or not. “So? Why are you my girlfriend? You’re too beautiful to be with me.” He said sweetly, blush crept up on my face. “I think you’ve forgotten what you look like.” I said, trying to make a joke. He smiled, “come closer. I won’t bite. I promise.” He chuckled, I looked at my feet and shuffled over to his side. His hand reached out to mine. His hand cold from the drip, his thumb gently rubbed over my knuckles. “I want to know about us, our relationship.” He said softly. “Uh, I was friends with you first and Calum finally got us together through a game of truth or dare.” I said smiling at the memory, he grinned at me. “Trust Calum.” He chuckled. “Wait you remember your band mates?” I asked, he shrugged. “Yeah… Calum and Michael.” He said casually. “What about Ashton?” I asked, he frowned. “I don’t know any Ashton’s…” He said cooly, tears in my eyes again. “Is he our drummer?” He asked, I nodded. “I don’t want to talk about them, I want to talk about you.” He said sweetly, his hand came up to my face. “Please don’t cry. I want to remember you and I will.” He said wiping my tears away, I sniffed and smiled. It seemed that little flashes of our relationship were coming back… 

Michael: Your POV

I could hear voices around me, “Y/N sweetie please wake up.” A voice said, Y/N? Is that my name? I somehow willed my eyes to open and my fingers to move, there was sudden movements around me. The smell of nice cologne clouding my senses. “Y/N?” A male voice asked, I stared up at the bright light above me. It was blinding. I looked for the voice again, turning my head to see a man with a boyish face, wild hair and vibrant green eyes staring down at me. Tears in his eyes, a smile gracing his face. “Y/N! Oh my god!” He whispered, his hand moved to hold mine, I moved it away quickly. I didn’t want this random man touching me. I opened my mouth to speak, I felt another person holding my shoulder down. I hadn’t realised that I was trying to sit up. “Miss Y/L/N. Just relax, you seem to be suffering from amnesia.”

“Amnesia?” The man beside me asked, the doctor nodded. “Yes, you said she was your girlfriend, yes?” The doctor continued, my eyes went wide. “G-Girlfriend?” I choked out. The two males looked at me and nodded. I was still apprehensive around the wild haired man, he didn’t look like my type. “Michael, what I would ask you to do is to either tell her about your relationship with her, mention special moments that might make her remember and items help too.” He explained, at least I had a name now… Michael… that is familiar. I tried thinking of a last name. The doctor and Michael spoke while I tried to think of his last name it could give me something at least. Something else popped into my head. “Five seconds of… something.” I mumbled, the doctor and Michael snapped their heads to me. Clifford, that was his last name. “Michael Clifford.” I said, beginning to remember, tears filled Michael’s eyes. “You remember me.” He said happily, I just needed to remember our entire relationship… 

A/N: Hope you like it! I was thinking of doing a part two later but I don’t know that’s why I ended them all with ‘…’ also for the people that have been asking the Luke Groupie imagine part two will be up as my next Luke imagine (you guys know what I do haha) 


~ Lucy xx  

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