Perfectly Imperfect - Luke Imagine

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The excitement buzzed through me as I waited in the boys’ dressing room. I wasn’t supposed to be here, I was supposed to be back home in Australia, but I wanted to surprise Luke by coming over to America. So here I was, palms sweaty, heart racing, nervous for the boys as they were just about to go on stage. A TV flickered before me as it showed me a clear view of the stage near the front. I beamed at the screen. No matter how many times they went on stage I would always be amazed that 4 dorks from Australia are now touring America. I watched as the lights on the stage were brought to life, flashing bright colours on the small TV screen. The boys jogged on stage, moving to their usual positions. My eyes were glued to Luke who bounced with each step, obviously filled with excitement. Fans were screaming their names, holding up signs, hoping the 5SOS members would look at them. My nerves flew into overdrive making my hands shake and my breaths quicken. ‘It’ll be okay. They do this all the time.’ I thought to myself. I breathed in deeply and blew the air out of my lungs, calming me down. My smile returned when Luke introduced 5 Seconds of Summer. They began their first song Lost Boy. The first note Luke sang sent shivers down my spine. Goosebumps rose along my skin as his voice rang out through the room. This song was so catchy that I head banged my way through it and didn’t realise it ended until they began their cover of What I Like About You. I loved this cover because it showed off their sexy side. Luke’s opening growl of the first line sent the crowd wild. I clenched my fists and playfully snarled as the growls kept coming. The fans weren’t the only ones who went crazy with this song. The song ended too soon though. “How are you doing L.A?” Calum asked loudly into the microphone. The crowd screamed as a response to his question. I giggled at their excitement. I could see that they put a lot of effort into those songs. Perspiration formed across Calum’s forehead as a lone drop of sweat trickled down his face. The physical exertion clear in his heavy breaths. Luke butted in by announcing their next song. “Okay, this is Beside You.” He smiled. My smile was small as the song reminded me of us. Everything was going smoothly until just after halfway through the song. Luke scrunched his eyes closed and sang through it.

There are pieces of us both
Under every city light
And we’re shining as we
Fade into the night

He took a step back from the microphone, staring at the floor before flicking his gaze to Calum as he sang.

She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was
I wish I was

Tears welled up in Luke’s eyes. He took a deep breath and looked at the crowd before rushing off stage. I gasped, covering my mouth from shock. Pounding footsteps echoed through the hall just outside the dressing room door. I looked at the door listening to the steps coming closer. It burst open with a flustered Luke standing before me. He looked up and saw me with red puffy eyes, completely shocked. “Y/N…?” He breathed. “Hey.” I whispered. This wasn’t how I wanted this to happen. We were supposed to be smiling and in each other’s arms by now. Luke’s eyes roamed me, soaking me in as if I wasn’t there. “Y/N.” He breathed again cracking a small smile. I let out a breath that I never knew I was holding in. I laughed nervously. “Luke.” I smiled. “You’re here.” He smiled. I cracked a full smile, lifting my hand to the corner of my mouth, and nodded. Luke beamed then took the few steps separating us. He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up and spinning me around. I giggled into Luke’s neck as he continued to spin around. “Luke,” I giggled, “Put me down.” His spins slowed as he began dropping me to the ground. I pointed my foot, landing on my toe as my other leg was flicked up. “I can’t believe you’re here.” Luke chuckled breathily. “Me either.” And it was true. It felt like I wasn’t even there. Like this was a dream that I was going to wake from at any moment. But here I stayed, clinging to Luke’s shirt as my smile failed to express the overflow of emotions inside me. “What’re you doing here?” He asked. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by more questions. “When did you get here? I can’t believe it. Why did you come here early?” I giggled at Luke’s response to my surprise visit. His questions kept coming so I decided to interrupt. I yanked Luke’s shirt toward me and pushed my lips against his. His lips softened under mine as he realised what was happening. I missed the touch of his lips on mine. Like a missing puzzle piece. His lips on mine just fit. It worked. I pulled away with a cheeky smile. “Does that answer you’re question?” I asked. “Not really but that works.” He shrugged. I laughed but quickly stopped. My eyes widened at the realisation. “Luke you’re supposed to be on stage!” I exclaimed. Luke looked like he wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say. “Get out there!” Luke nodded and kissed my forehead. His lips lingered like he didn’t want to forget the feeling of me in his arms, his lips on my skin. Luke slowly released me and moved past me, jogging to the door. He stopped just before he left and smiled one last time. I smiled back before saying, “Quick! Go!” He ran out the door as I laughed. Not exactly how I planned to be reunited with him. But it was perfect. Perfectly imperfect.

A/N Sorry this is late! But I hope you enjoy it :) And I also don’t know their track list for their shows so I made one up ehehe
Bianca xx

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