Not A Party Girl - Ashton Imagine

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I sat at the table in the corner of the room, Ashton had invited me to one of the YouTuber parties he always went to. I didn’t know anyone that was there, I felt a bit awkward. “Hey Y/N?” Calum asked sitting across from me, I smiled at him sipping my drink. “Hey Cal.” 

"Are you okay?" He asked, I shrugged. "I’m bored. I think I’m gonna go home." I said, he stood up with me. "I’ll walk you out. Ash is on the dance floor somewhere." Calum explained, I nodded. I noticed Ashton dancing with a group of blonde girls, my breath hitched in my throat. I didn’t tell Calum but it definitely stayed in my mind.  

"I’ll just get Michael to pick me up." I said, Calum hugged me and waited with me until Michael picked me up. 

"Party boring, huh?" Michael chuckled when I got in the car. "Yeah. I didn’t know anyone and yeah… it’s not my thing." I sighed, I stared out the window. "Why do you think I sit at home and play video games?" Michael joked, I nodded. "Can I chill at yours for a while?" I asked, he nodded. "Sure."

We sat in silence, the thought ran through my mind that maybe Ash was cheating. “Michael?” I asked as we pulled up outside his house. “Yeah.” 

"Would Ashton cheat on me?" I asked softly, Michael’s head snapped towards me. "Where would you get an idea like that?" 

"I don’t know, it’s just he’s going to all these parties with all these beautiful girls and I just worry that he’s going to realize that I’m not good enough." I said softly, Michael smiled at me. "You’re the best thing that has happened to Ashton. He’s happier than ever with you. It sounds terrible but the girls at those parties are nothing compared to you." Michael said happily, I grinned. "Come on."

We went into Michael’s house, I laid on the lounge, I was just about asleep. Michael and I stayed up talking for a while until he decided I should go home. 

When Michael dropped me off, Ashton still wasn’t home. 

I changed and went up to bed, maybe I was right. Maybe Ashton was cheating on me. I jumped hearing the front door slam, Ashton stumbled through the house trying to be quiet and failing. I giggled at his attempt to get into our bedroom, him walking into the door frame. “Oh who put that there?” He groaned falling into bed, almost on top of me. “Oh hello!” He giggled, I rolled my eyes. I always loved drunk Ashton, only thing was he was pain in the neck in the morning. “Hi Ash.” I groaned as he rested on top of me. “You’re crushing me.” I laughed shoving him off. “Sorry babe. I love you.” He slurred, I held back a smile. “Ashton.” I said seriously, his whole body went stiff at my voice. “Yeah?”

“Are you cheating? I mean you always come home from these parties late and you’re drunk.” I said, the words rushed out of my mouth before I could stop them. “Why would you think that?” The slur in his voice almost completely gone. “I guess I’m just being paranoid.” I shrugged, he wrapped his arms around me. “You’re really beautiful you know?” He whispered grinning at me. “Ash, stop.” I giggled as he kissed all over my face. “Promise you’re not cheating.” I said, again the words out of my mouth before I could stop them. “You’re too pretty to be cheated on.” He continued with his cheeky, sweet remarks. “Stop it!” I giggled, he chuckled as he held me close. “Babe, I’m being serious. I’m not cheating on you. I love you too much.” He said softly kissing my forehead. “How about we have some time just you and me? I’m sorry I drag you along to the parties.” He continued. “I love you too Ash, and I would love that. It’s okay you have your friends and you can hang out with them. I’m just not a party girl.” I said smiling at him, he kissed me softly. We cuddled close and all my worries about him cheating were gone.  

A/N: This was requested a while ago and I’m sorry it’s terrible! 

~ Lucy xx

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