#23 He Catches You Doing Something Embarrassing

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Calum: Calum was working late at the studio which meant I had the house to myself tonight, I was all ready for a relaxing movie night on my own. I was all warm in Calum’s shirt and jumper, he would never admit it but he loved seeing me in his clothes.

After the first movie I had gotten bored so I went into the bathroom to fix myself up for Calum. I turned on my music, the first song that came on was a Chris Brown song… Calum must have left his iPod in here from this morning. I shrugged leaving the music to play. “Hey, I’m Calum. I’m in a band, I play bass. Cash money.” I said in a deep voice, doing the west side sign; trying to impersonate Calum. “I’m so hot, look at me all tan.” I continued, I grabbed his snap back from the bedroom. “Check me out. Look at my snapback, my snapback gets all the girls.” I said, I froze when I heard a muffled laugh. I turned to see Calum in the doorway. “Oh, hey Cal. How was recording?” I asked taking the snapback off and walking past him. He caught my waist, turning me around to face him. “Oh no, you’re not getting away that easy.” He said, his face close to mine, I was blushing furiously. “What was all that about?” He asked smirking at me, I shook my head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrugged trying to look as innocent as possible. He laughed and kissed me softly, I felt him pry the snapback from my hand. Before he put it on my head. “Damn, you look hot.” He said before he kissed me again and walked away laughing. I face palmed knowing that he would tell the boys and I would never hear the end of it.   

Ashton: I was ecstatic when Ashton told me that he would be touring with One Direction, I was a huge fan of them but I would never tell him how much.

Ash was out with the rest of the boys celebrating, so I decided to have my own celebration. I blasted One Direction through the house singing along and dancing around the lounge room. “And I’m like OW! You’re giving me a heart attack!” I yelled out, laughing as I did. I continued my terrible singing and dancing for a few more songs until my favourite from the Take Me Home album came on, She’s Not Afraid. I did air guitar as I sung along. “She’s not afraid of all the attention.” I sung, I heard a giggle from behind me… oh crap! “She’s definitely not afraid.” Ashton joked as he paused my music, I blushed a bright red. My heart thumping in my chest from singing and dancing too much and my own embarrassment. “Uh… she is now.” I said as Ashton towered over me. “So are we a fan of One Direction now?”

“Little bit.” I said, squinting. “I knew it! Who’s your favourite?” I shook my head. “I'm not telling you. You’ll tell them, I don’t really fancy that.” I grinned, he shook his head. “No, I won’t I promise.” He said sounding like a child that wanted lollies. “Fine, Liam is my favourite.” I shrugged, he smiled evilly. “You cheeky bastard!” I joked shoving his chest. “You love me.” He said grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Sadly Ashton I do.” I sighed my head falling on his chest knowing that he would tell everyone including the One Direction boys… which scared the crap out of me.  

Luke: I had been best friends with Luke for years, and we had always said that we would never date because it would be weird. Only lately that feeling for me has changed, I think ever since I saw him play live it was all down the drain about the ‘but we’re friends’ excuse. My best friend, B/F/N had called me just for a general chat. “So how is the situation with Luke going?” She asked randomly, I shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t said anything, I mean what can I say? ‘Hey Luke, I saw you live the other night and oh my god you were so sexy… let’s date.’ I can’t say that.” I reasoned, she sighed. “Okay, Y/N. When was the last time you dated a guy like him?” She sighed, I rolled my eyes. “I haven’t. It would just ruin everything if Luke found out. I mean sure he has perfect hair, he’s super tall, gorgeous blue eyes, the widest shoulders ever, the most amazing smile, the best body—” I stopped talking when I heard a cough behind me, I spun around on my chair to see Luke standing in front of me. “Uh… B/F/N I'm going to have to call you back.” I said hanging up quickly. “Hey, Y/N.” Luke smirked at me, I blushed beet red. “How much of that did you hear?”

“It would ruin everything if Luke found out. I mean sure he has perfect hair, he’s super tall, gorgeous blue eyes –” He mocked coming closer to me, “– Yeah I get it Luke.” I cut him off, he smiled proud of himself. I threw him a harsh glare, wiping the look off his face. “Y/N, why didn’t you ever tell me?” His voice serious now. “What? That you have perfect hair, you’re super tall, gorgeous blue eyes, the widest shoulders ever, the most amazing smile, the best body? I thought you already knew that.” I joked, a smile cracked on his face. “Thank you Y/N, but why didn’t you tell me that you felt this way?” He smiled. “I didn’t feel that you needed to know. Luke I’m sorry it’s just a crush I’ll get over it.” I said quickly hoping that I hadn’t ruined everything. “I don’t want you to get over it. I didn’t know you liked me back so I never said anything about liking you.” He shrugged, he wrapped his arms around me. “So what do you say, want to go out with me sometime?” He asked smiling down at me, I nodded. I never knew embarrassing myself like this would end so well.   

Michael: It was so hot today, Michael had gone out with the boys for the afternoon. I wanted to sit around and do nothing because it was so hot but I couldn’t because I had some housework to do before Michael came home. The only way I was gonna do housework in this heat was in my underwear, yes it was weird but no one was home and Michael wouldn’t be home for hours so why not?

I stripped down to my bra and undies and went into the kitchen to do the dishes. I blasted my music as I washed up. I danced around the kitchen as I continued my work.

I was almost finished when I froze feeling someone wrap their arms around me, I knew who they belonged to straight away. “Michael! You’re all sweaty!” I wiggled in his arms, he just chuckled darkly in my ear. “I don’t care. Now what are you doing… like this?” He asked turning me around and stepping back from me. “Well… two things… it’s hot and… it’s hot.” I said holding up my fingers. “And by it’s hot you mean you’re hot, yes?” He cheekily asked, grinning at me. “Nooooo… the weather is hot today and unless you wanted to be eating off your hands tonight this needed to be done.” I said seriously. “Michael! What’s going on?” I heard Ashton ask before he walked into the kitchen, Michael stood in front of me. Blocking me from him. “Nothing. Ash can you leave please?”

“Oooo… Is Y/N naked?” He teased before leaving. Michael turned to me, I blushed deep red. “Why am I so embarrassing?” I groaned, Michael just laughed. I shoved his chest playfully. “I thought it was pretty cute you singing along to my songs in your cute underwear.” He said playing with a bow on my bra. “Shut up and go hang out with your friends.” I teased, he smiled before kissing me. He left for a second, and came back shirtless handing me his shirt. “Please for the sake of the boys’ lives wear this.” I shook my head pulling his shirt on. 

A/N: Hope you like it! Please like and comment! We really appreciate it!

~Lucy xx

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