#36 Song Preference: "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry (5SOS version)

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A/N: Hey guys just with this preference, I’ve used the 5SOS version of Teenage Dream as the title says just letting you know :D Anyway hope you like it!

Calum: “Let’s go all the way tonight, no regrets, just love”

Calum and I had been together for a long time now, over two years. Since Calum had been away on tour we didn’t get to do things together anymore, but he was finally home.

Calum was taking me out for dinner, something we hadn’t done in ages. While I was putting on my shoes, I heard a knock at the door. “Calum? Can you get that?” I called out, when I heard another knock; I huffed getting my shoes on quickly and going to the front door. Opening it, revealing Calum in a tux with a bouquet of red roses. I blushed looking away from him, he stepped into the house. He handed me the roses. “You look beautiful. As always.” He mumbled kissing my forehead. “You look so handsome.” I gushed, hugging him. He chuckled into my hair. “Are you ready?” He asked, I nodded; putting the roses on the entrance table.

Calum took me to one of my favourite restaurants. We ordered our meals and talked for ages even through our meal. We were always talking to each other, joking around, I really hoped our relationship never ended.

We left before it could get too late, tonight made me realise that I was completely in love with Calum and that I wanted to give him everything.

When we got home he raced ahead of me into the bedroom, telling me to stay where I was. He came back a few minutes later smiling at me. He led me into the bedroom, telling me to shut my eyes.

“Open!” Calum said, his hand still holding mine tightly. It was beautiful there were rose petals all over the bed and candles softly lighting the room. Soft romantic music played in the background. Calum pulled me into the room and shut the door. He pulled me tight against his chest. His fingers locked on my lower back, my arms around his neck. He pressed his forehead to mine, his eyes locking with mine. “I love you so much. You are so beautiful. So perfect.” He said lightly stroking my face. I blushed shyly, he chuckled at my reaction. He pressed his lips to mine in a passionate loving kiss. We swayed to the music, dancing in our bedroom. His lips at my ear softly singing the lyrics as if they were to be only sung by him and only heard by me. “Calum?” I whispered, as the song ended; he nodded at me to continue. “I want to go all the way…” I said, he smiled at me, and then it faltering. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to regret anything.” He said suddenly concerned. “Calum, I love you. You’re the only man I want to do this with.” I replied, he smiled at me. I felt his hand slide the zipper down on my dress letting it pool at my feet. My hands shook as I attempted the undo the buttons on his dress shirt, finally getting them undone. I slid his shirt off his shoulders. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, his fingers tips running over my stomach and chest. He bent down lifting me up and laying me down on the bed. I moved up the bed, Calum’s body hovering over mine. He kissed me passionately, my hands trying to undo his belt and pants… but failing. “I love you so much Y/N. I promise that I will take care of you and love you.” He whispered against my lips, I nodded. I knew that I had chosen the right person to do this with. 

We laid together, naked and exhausted. I was wrapped up in Calum’s arms, his heart beating hard in his chest. “I love you so much. I will never forget that.” He said kissing my forehead. “I love you too Calum. That was perfect.” I replied, kissing his chest. “You don’t regret it?”

“No regrets… just love.” I replied.

Ashton: “I think you’re funny when you tell the punch line wrong”

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