#22 Babysitting

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Calum: I was helping Sam, my neighbour’s son, build a Lego house. “Put that there.” He instructed me, pointing to the side of the plastic house. I fixed it to it’s place, finishing the last of the walls. I was about to help build the roof when there was a knock at the front door. “I’ll be right back.” I said, getting off the floor. I smoothed out my shorts as I pulled open the door. “Calum?” I asked, surprised. “I wanted to surprise you and come over but I saw that you weren’t there… so I came here.” He smiled. I chuckled at my best friend. He definitely surprised me. “Well I’m babysitting Sam. You wanna come in?” I asked, pointing behind me with my thumb. “Sure.” He said, slowly stepping past me. I closed the door then walked over and sat on the couch. Sam jumped up from his spot on the carpet. “I built a roof before! I’ll go find it!” He exclaimed. I chuckled at his excitement. “Okay buddy.” I smiled. Calum came and sat next to me as Sam ran down the hall. He was a very excitable child. Calum shifted nervously beside me, wiping his palms on his pants. “Are you okay?” I questioned, twisting myself to face him. “Um…. I uhh.” He mumbled. “Calum?” I was worried now. He was never nervous about anything. Calum looked down at his hands then back to my face. He looked hesitant about something at first, but then something changed in his eyes. Like a fire was ignited in himself. Before I could ask him a question Calum leaned forward and pushed his lips onto mine. I widened my eyes in shock, but soon eased into the kiss. It was a chaste kiss at first, until Calum separated his lips. We both started to envelope in the kiss and each other. “Ewwww! Cooties!” Sam shrieked behind us. Calum and I quickly pulled away from each other, chuckling at the 8 year olds response. “Ewww cooties!” Calum teased. “Shut up!” I laughed, punching his arm. Well at least I got cooties from Calum Hood.

Ashton: My little sister whined as I sat on my be reading my magazine. “I’m bored! Do something!” She complained as she pushed my leg. I groaned as she tried to pull away my magazine. “Get lost!” I said as I pulled it from her reach. “Well do something!” She yelled. “Okay! Okay!” I said, flicking my head back in annoyance. Olivia smiled, knowing she won. I dropped my mag on the bed and thought of what I could do. I smiled as I got an idea, reaching over to grab my phone from the bedside table. Thumbing in Ashton’s number, I quickly called him up and asked him to meet me in the park. “Please Ashton!” I whined. “But I’m babysitting Harry,” He sighed, “I have my hands full.” I smiled, seeing a perfect opportunity. “Well I’m babysitting Olivia, so they could play on the playground while we hang out.” I suggested. Ashton sighed, thinking about it. “Fine!” He chuckled. “Yay! Meet you there!” I smiled. I hung up, getting up to go meet Ash at the park. Babysitting with Ash. Much better than listening to my sister whining.

Luke: I fed little Zoe her dinner for the night, scooping up the food spilling down her chin. She laughed as I pulled a silly face. I laughed with her until I heard the doorbell. “Hold tight Zoe,” I said, taking her out of her seat and carrying her to the front door, “Let’s see who’s here.” I held Zoe in one arm as I opened the front door. Before me stood a tall blonde boy who looked very confused. “Can I help you?” I asked. He looked between Zoe and I, furrowing his eyebrows. “Uhh… what’re you doing here?” He asked in response. I frowned back and flicked my gaze to Zoe then back to the boy. “Babysitting. What are you doing here?”

"I’m supposed to be babysitting Zoe. My mum told me that she needed someone to look after her." He said, pointing to Zoe. "I’m her cousin." I tilted my head to the side as I processed the information. I snapped my head back. "Oh. Well uh, come in." Stepping to the side, I let this boy come inside. "Oh wait." I exclaimed which caused him to turn around. "I didn’t catch your name." I shut the door and turned to face him, waiting for his answer. "Luke. You?" He asked. I smiled shyly and held onto Zoe with both arms. "Y/N." Luke smiled and looked down to his feet. His smile gave me butterflies and made my cheeks blush. I think this is the best babysitting job I’ve ever had.

Michael: “What are you up to babe?” Michael asked over the phone. I sighed, slumping back on the green couch beneath me. “Babysitting John from down the road. I’ve put him to bed now though,” I said, looking up the stairs then back down to the TV, “So now I’m watching The Simpsons.” I chuckled at a cheap joke on the screen. “So nothing really.” It sounded like a question but was said as a statement. “Yeah.” I agreed. “Okay… well I have to go now. Bye!” He quickly hung up. I pulled the phone away from my ear and frowned at the quick goodbye. “Bye then.” I mumbled. I was watching the TV for a while until I heard a knock on the door. John’s parents weren’t supposed to be home yet. I pushed myself off the couch and scuffled to the door. I swung the door open and was surprised. “Michael?” I questioned. Michael didn’t answer though. He leaned down and kissed me, placing his hands on my hips as he pushed me inside. Michael kicked the door shut behind me as he continued kissing me. I pushed him off me, shocked with what was happening. “Michael what are you doing?” I asked. He smirked and let out a small chuckle. “What do you think? You’re here alone-” “John’s upstairs sleeping.” I interrupted. Michael pulled me closer. “Yeah he’s asleep and his parents are out.” He smirked before leaning closer to my ear. “And I think it would be kinda sexy if we did it at someone else’s place.” He breathed. Goosebumps rose across my neck and I liked his idea. “Fine but we only have a few hours.” I told him. “I can work with that.” He whispered before returning his lips to mine. 

A/N: I hope you enjoy this pref! :) I had some trouble thinking of these so it’s not my best. Thank you for reading 

Bianca xx

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