#93 Concerts

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Calum: I was so excited Calum had gotten tickets for us to go to Ed Sheeran tonight. I had always wanted to see him play but never got the chance. It was my birthday today so it was amazing that I could go tonight. 

Calum cuddled me close as we stood in the line waiting to go inside. “This is amazing thank you so much Cal!” I squealed kissing him, he chuckled. “You’re welcome beautiful. Happy birthday.” He said as we went inside the venue. Our seats were front row. I grinned as we sat down. 

Ed finally came on stage, everyone stood up and cheered. Calum’s arm wrapped tightly around me. 

Ed was a few songs into his set, Calum had moved closer to me, if that was even possible. He began to sing Kiss Me. Calum whispered the words in my ear. I blushed leaning into his side.   ”You are all looking so amazing tonight!” Ed said to the crowd, Calum and I cheered with the crowd. “I would just like to point out the cute couple in the front row!” He said happily, I blushed and smiled happily that Ed Sheeran noticed us. “It’s her birthday!” Calum yelled over the top of my head. I nudged his chest wanting him to shut up. I was suddenly being lifted on stage and Ed was hugging me. “Let’s all song happy birthday to…” 

"Y/N." I said nervously, he grinned. Everyone began singing as I stood there bashfully. 

I went back to Calum kissing him sweetly, I was sad that the concert was coming to an end. 

When we left I still couldn’t believe what had happened. “Calum thank you so much! This was the best birthday ever.” I gushed as we got in the car. I smiled all the way home. Calum giggled at my euphoric state. 

Ashton: I was so happy my friend and I managed to get tickets to the Fall Out Boy concert! 

We got into the venue and our excitement went through the roof, we didn’t have front row but we were on the side near the bar. 

We screamed the lyrics as they came on stage, I was having too much fun. My friend grabbed my arm. “Y/N! There’s a really hot guy over there.” She said happily, I rolled my eyes at her usual antics. I looked over seeing a guy with curly hair with a bandana tied around his head. He mouthed along with the words, I smiled at how attractive he was. His gaze fell on me for a second, he gave me a lop-sided grin and a wink. I blushed looking back at my friend. She nudged me towards him, I shook my head knowing he was probably looking at my friend. My friend jumped up and down screaming, I laughed at how excited she was. “Hey, I’m gonna get a drink!” I yelled, she nodded at me.

I went over to the bar and ordered a water. I saw the boy from before walking towards me, he grinned. “Hello?” He said sweetly, he leaned against the bar. “Hi.” I said smiling nervously, he grinned. “Can I buy you a drink?” He asked, the barman handed me my water. He chuckled awkwardly. “Oh, sorry.” He said, I shook my head. “No it’s okay. I’m Y/N.” I said, I held out my hand for him to shake. “Ashton.” He said shaking my hand, sparks went through my arm… cliché I know. I didn’t know why I was suddenly so nervous, but Ashton noticed. “Enjoying yourself?” He asked, I nodded. “Yeah, my friend invited me.” I said happily, I pointed at my friend who was jumping up and down with some guys. He took my hand suddenly, “Come on.” He said, I frowned following him into the crowd.

We spent the rest of the concert together, being crazy fans. He seemed like a really fun guy. At the end of the night he gave me his number and left with his friends while I left with mine, who teased me all the way home.

Luke: Luke had invited me to join him on tour for a few weeks since I had some time off work. He had mentioned some big surprise he had for me and it was eating me alive. I had asked the boys to spill but they weren’t saying anything.

"It’s okay tonight is your surprise babe." Luke said to me as we sat in the back of the bus. "I want to know now!" I groaned over dramatically. "Well you can’t know yet!" He grinned tapping my nose with his finger. I groaned leaning into his side. He kissed the top of my head, chuckling.

Luke gave me some clothes to change into for my surprise, and the clothes gave me no clue.

"You ready babe?" Luke asked, I nodded grabbing my bag. "You won’t need that." He grinned grabbing my bag and throwing it on his bunk. I frowned, "Luke what the hell are we doing?" I asked, he laughed and grabbed my hand. "Come on. We’ll be late."

Luke lead me out of the bus, we were parked outside the arena Luke was playing tomorrow. All Time Low was playing tonight… “Luke! Oh my god!” I squealed jumping up into his frame, he chuckled holding me close. “I’m guessing you like it?”

"Like it? I love it and I love you and I love them… I love everything!" I grinned, he laughed putting me down.

We joined the line as it was moving inside. Once we were inside Luke and I moved to the side of the stage so we didn’t draw attention to ourselves.

The opening act played their set, the entire room was full on energy. “You having fun?” Luke asked, I nodded. “Yeah, thanks again Luke.” I grinned, he kissed me gently.

All Time Low finally came on stage, along with the rest of the crowd I screamed. We sung along to all the songs, after a few Alex began talking. “One of my very good friends is here with his girlfriend. He wanted me to dedicate this song to her from him.” Luke kissed my cheek, I grinned from ear to ear. They began to play “A Daydream Away” Luke sang the lyrics in my ear. The crowd swayed with the song.

The concert ended too quickly, I could’ve stayed there forever. I kept thanking Luke, he laughed every time. “Your surprise isn’t finished yet.” He grinned, he led me backstage. “Luke what are you doing?!” I hissed as he walked into the dressing room. “Here’s the lucky lady!” Jack yelled running over to me. I was beyond shocked.

Luke and I hung out with the band for a while and I couldn’t stop thanking Luke.

Michael: Michael had asked me to go to a Green Day concert for our first date, we had met in a music shop we both wanted the last Green Day album and he ended up buying it for me and he bribed me into a date.

My phone buzzed with Michael’s name: Be there in 10 :) x

I replied: Sure, I’m so excited! x

Michael showed up on my door right on time, he grinned as I opened the door to him. “Hey Y/N, you look beautiful.” He said sweetly wrapping his arm around my waist, I grinned blushing. “Thanks you look good too.” I said, I kissed his cheek. “You ready?” I nodded, he led me to his car.

Once we were inside the stadium my excitement had gone through the roof. “Y/N stop shaking!” Michael joked grabbing my shoulders. “I’m sorry! I’m excited!” I said, trying to control my excitement. “I know you are, but its making me nervous.” He joked, wrapping his arm around me. I smiled up at him.

The crowd cheered as they came on stage, I cheered along with them. Michael laughed as he cheered with me. I groaned as a tall man moved in front of me blocking everything from view. “You can’t see can you?” Michael asked tapping his fingers against my side, I shook my head. “No, but its okay.” I said, Michael rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Want to sit on my shoulders?” He suggested, I frowned. “Wh-what, why? I mean are you sure?” I stuttered, he nodded eagerly.

Michael lifted me onto his shoulders, I could see everything it was great. “Everything okay up there?” Michael teased looking up at me, I nodded grinning down at him. “Everything okay down there?” I replied, he nodded. “Am I too heavy?” I asked worried I was going to hurt him. “Nope, light as a feather.” He said squeezing my thighs.

The concert was amazing! I felt like I had the best view, Michael seemed to be enjoying himself, he sung along with all the songs.

At the end of the night Michael dropped me home. “I had heaps of fun tonight Michael, first time seeing Green Day and I got to spend it with you, so it was perfect.” I said sweetly as we stood at my door. He grinned, “I had fun too, I hope we can see each other again. I’ll call you.” He said, he leaned in and kissed my cheek. As he left I couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot.

A/N:Hope you like it!!! Sorry it’s been so long!!! You all know what’s happened anyway yeah hopefully I can get back on track :D 

~ Lucy xx 

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