Too Blind to See... Ashton Imagine

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Justin hasn’t called me back even though he said that he would do it the night of the party. I had a bit of a crush on him and he told me at the party that he felt the same way. He wanted to talk to me in private but I knew that he wanted to make a move on me, so I said that I had to go. Just before I left the party I managed to exchange numbers with him. It has now been three days since the party and he still hasn’t called me back. I was really worried that maybe Justin didn’t like me back so I went to the only person that I could trust with this. My best friend Ashton. We’ve been friends for years and we could talk about anything and everything, so of course I could talk to him about this. I rocked up to Ashton’s apartment and knocked on his door. The apartment door opened just a crack and Ashton peered through. He saw me and smiled, opening the door fully and stepping out to hug me. “Hey Y/N! I wasn’t expecting you here!” He exclaimed. It was nine at night and I didn’t tell him that I was coming so this was a surprise for him. “I need some advice on something. Is now a bad time?” I asked. “No of course not! Come in!” Ashton beamed. I waltzed into his apartment and went straight to his bedroom. We would always sit on his bed and talk if we needed some help or just wanted to chat about stuff. I hopped onto Ashton’s bed and sat cross-legged. I looked around at all of the band posters splayed across the walls. Typical Ash. Ashton soon walked in after me and sat down so that he was facing me, also cross-legged. “So what’s up Y/N?” Ashton looked at me intently while waiting for my response. “You know Justin?” I questioned. Ashton’s body became tense and he scratched the back of his neck. Maybe he doesn’t like Justin that much. “Yeah..” Ashton replied. “You know how he said that he would call me back,” I didn’t wait for a response seeing that I had already told Ashton about that. I tell him everything. “Well he still hasn’t called me back so I’m a little worried that maybe he doesn’t like me back.” Ashton looked down to his fiddling hands. “Maybe he ran out of credit or his phone is broken.” Ashton suggested. I relaxed a little with the idea that something else was to blame for Justin not calling me. I was about to say something about how Ash was acting when my phone buzzed in my pocket, causing me to jump a bit in surprise. I pulled out my phone and looked at the screen. It was a text from Justin. “It’s a text from Justin!” I squealed with excitement. Ashton frowned at my phone and looked back down to his hands. I wonder what’s gotten him so down in the dumps. From: Justin Hey babe. There’s a party this Friday and I want to you to come. It’s at my place, 7 pm. See you there “He’s invited me to his party! Ashton, he must like me back!” I squealed again. This was awesome! I looked up from my phone to see Ashton sitting completely still. “Ash, what’s up?” No response. I put my phone down, too concerned with what was wrong with Ashton to care about Justin’s text message. “You’re too blind to see the truth..” Ashton mumbled. It was just loud enough for me to hear. I felt anger rising in me. “Excuse me?” I hissed. What the hell is he trying to say? “I said that you’re too blind see the truth!” Ashton scolded. “What the hell are you even on about Ashton?” Ashton rarely got angry at me and it was about Justin. This made me angry in return. “You can’t see that Justin is using you! He just wants to sleep with you and move on! How can you not see that!” He yelled. “No he isn’t! Even you said that he liked me!” I yelled back. “I didn’t even say that Y/N!” I groaned and stood up. I don’t want to listen to this but I stayed anyway. “Why do you think he hasn’t called back? He wanted another opportunity to sleep with you and the perfect place would be at a party at his house!” I hated it when Ashton yelled at me. Especially right now when I haven’t done anything wrong. Ashton stood up and slowly made his way to me like he was trying not to scare me away. He walked so close to where I was that we were only inches apart. “Why are you even yelling at me?” I questioned in a lowered voice. “Because I’m trying to protect you Y/N..” Ashton replied with a normal tone. “You don’t need to do that for me.” I stated. Ashton stared into my eyes. He looked hesitant about something. “Yes I do.” Ashton whispered while taking a step closer to me. We were now standing extremely close together. “You’ve never worried about any other guy that I’ve liked or gone out with. Even with some guys that turned out to be sleeze-bags.Why do you worry now. I mean seriousl-” But I didn’t get to finish my sentence. I was stopped by Ashton’s lips colliding** with mine. I was shocked at first but then I relaxed into it. Ashton’s arms wrapped around my waist bringing me even closer to him. The feeling flooding through me was better than any feeling Justin has ever given me or could ever give me. And that was when it hit me. I loved my best friend. I couldn’t believe it. I was in love with Ashton Irwin.

A/N: First Imagine, hope it's good and that you like it :) Please rate, comment and share. 

Bianca xx

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