#71 He Accidentally Insults you and another boy comforts you

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Calum: I watched on as the boys played a hilarious game of truth or dare. It was how we passed the time on the bus. I laughing so hard along with the boys until it all died down I was the only one still laughing. I wanted to stop but couldn’t. “Okay Y/N, calm down.” Calum said sounding annoyed, “Jeez you’re so annoying.” He groaned annoyed, I stopped. I thought I’d heard him wrong but when all the boys turned to me I knew I had heard him right. I got up, annoyed, going into my bunk. I sobbed into my pillow, I knew my laugh was loud but I didn’t think it was annoying. “Y/N?” Luke asked pulling the curtain back a little. “What?” I growled, he flinched back. “Y/N, Calum didn’t mean it.” He said softly, I shook my head. “If he didn’t mean it he wouldn’t have said it.” 

"Okay he’s been under heaps of stress lately and I’m sure he didn’t mean to take it out on you. And for the record I love you laugh." He said sweetly, I wiped my eyes nodding. "Thanks Luke." I said smiling. "I’ll get Calum." He said, he went to the back room.

Calum got into the bunk beside me, “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” He said softly, I nodded snuggling into his side. His hand stroking softly down my face. I smiled, knowing everything was okay. “I love your laugh, I am really sorry.” He whispered, I kissed him softly telling him that I forgave him. 

Ashton: I woke up to an empty bed, Ashton had gotten up early again. He was acting differently lately and I didn’t like it. I went down to the kitchen, I stopped hearing Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton’s voices floating through the door. “Ashton? What the hell do you mean not great?” Calum asked loudly. “Shh! She’s still asleep.” Ashton hushed, Calum muttered a sorry. “I just— I don’t know there’s no spark.  I wish there was but there isn’t.” He said, I felt so insulted. I wasn’t going to be perfect. “Hasn’t she only slept with you a couple of times?” Luke asked, there was silence. I didn’t care, I pushed through the door to the kitchen startling the boys. “Morning, Ashton, how dare you tell the boys I am not good enough for you! God! Give me a break!” I paused, Ashton went to say something but I stopped him. “I am so sorry that your sad-only-had-sex-three-times girlfriend isn’t good enough.” I said before I stormed out slamming the door behind me. I ran back up to my bedroom and curled up in a ball. I felt the bed dip, I looked up to see Michael. “Just leave me alone.” I said sitting up and leaning my head against the headboard. “No, not until you’re okay.”

"Michael, I didn’t think he could sink that low… I mean okay yes I am inexperienced but that doesn’t mean I won’t get better." I said, I trusted Michael with everything he was like my brother. "Hey, it’s okay. He’s just being a dick okay. I know he loves you and who wouldn’t?"

"Apparently his dick doesn’t like me." I said, Michael held back a smile. "Look I’m sure it isn’t completely terrible. He loves you so much. Just hear him out." Michael reasoned. "I heard what he said, no spark, not good enough. Simple as that." I shrugged, Ashton walked in the room. "No not simple as that." Michael quickly left the room and Ashton sat in his spot. "You are too good for me. Listen Y/N I am so sorry. You’re right you’ve only had sex a few times, I was wrong to think you would be perfect at it." He said, I nodded. "I just wish you told me first and not gossip to your mates about it." I said, he leaned forward hugging me. "Just think practice makes perfect." He whispered in my ear, I swallowed nervously. "Now I’m worried I won’t be good enough." I said, he smiled. "You will be, I’ll make sure. I love you." He said kissing me softly, I blushed. "I love you too." I whispered pulling him closer. We stayed cuddled up to each other for a while longer.

Luke: I sat at the dinner table biting my nails thinking how I was going to break the news to Luke that I was pregnant. The boys had all finished dinner and were in the lounge room. I was still hungry to I went to the fridge getting another plate of food. I sat picking at the leftovers, I looked up to see Luke and Ashton watching me. “What?”

"How come you’re eating so much? You don’t need to eat that much." Luke said without thinking, tears spilled down my cheeks before I could stop them. I stood up and ran into the bedroom. I heard Ashton snap at Luke and then there was a knock on my door. "Go away Luke." I said hiccupping. "It’s not Luke. Please Y/N." Ashton said, I sighed opening the door. He slipped into the room shutting the door behind him. "He didn’t mean it." Ash said sitting at the foot of the bed. "I know but… promise you won’t tell Luke yet." I said leaning forward and dropping my voice. "What? What’s going on?" He asked concerned. "I’m pregnant. That’s why I’m eating more and that’s why I’m getting fat. I hate lying to Luke I’m just scared." I said, reducing myself to tears again. Ashton sat closer to me wrapping his arms around me. "You’ll be okay. Do you want me to get Luke?" He asked, I nodded as he let go of me. He stepped out of the bedroom and went to get Luke. He came towards me, his eyes catching mine. "I am so sorry you know I didn’t mean it like that." He said softly, tears rolled down my cheeks. "There’s a reason why I’m putting on weight and eating more… I didn’t want to tell you this way but I’m pregnant." I said softly, he froze before his face lit up. He enveloped me in a hug, not caring about my anger from before. "Aren’t you upset?" I asked, he shook his head. "I’m so happy. I can’t believe it. I love you so much!" He whispered, I giggled as he nuzzled my neck. "Do you forgive me?" He asked pulling back and watching me, I gave a small nod, that was all he needed.

Michael: Michael was being a distant towards me lately I was getting worried about what I had done. He avoided my kiss this morning and shrugged out of my hug. He stayed in the game room while I was in the bedroom. I decided to confront him.

"Michael what the hell is your problem? Hey Calum." I said seeing Calum next to Michael. "You’re being too clingy lately." Michael said simply. "Ugh! I’m sorry you went on tour for six months and I just want to hug my boyfriend because I missed him." I said sharply, I went back into the bedroom. I picked up one of my books and began reading. The door creaked open, my eyes snapped up to see Calum. "At least someone wants to talk to me." I said rudely, he ignored my comment and shut the door behind him. "He didn’t mean it. Look he’s still upset that he left for six months." He said, I shrugged. "I just want the cuddly, fun Michael back. Not the one that doesn’t even touch me when we go to bed." I said tears welling in my eyes. Calum nodded, he came close to me. I stood up in front of him. I wrapped my arms around him, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "You need to tell him how you feel." Calum said softly, someone cleared their throat. Michael stood before us. "I’ll leave you guys to it. Bye." Calum said awkwardly leaving the room. We both waved at him. "I heard what you said to Calum I’m sorry but he’s right I am still upset about leaving you." He said looking at his feet. "Don’t be you’re living your dream, I’m not going to hold you back. I just want you to talk to me and acknowledge me." I said standing toe to toe with him. He nodded, I looped my arms around his neck, his hands gripped my hips. "I am so sorry." He mumbled against my lips, he kissed me for the first time in ages. "Tell me again why I didn’t want this?" He muttered, I grinned. "I don’t know…" I replied, he continued to passionately kiss me. I couldn’t be happier that he is back to his playful, fun self.

A/N: Hope you like it!!!!

~ Lucy xx

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