Kiss Me Slowly - Ashton Imagine

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Ashton and I had gone out on our weekly Saturday night date; we had gone back to his house for coffee.

He seemed quieter and less happy than usual. “Ash, are you okay? You seem upset.” I said as I sat beside him on the lounge, he smiled at me; the dimples popping in his cheeks. “I’m fine, because I’m with you. I’m just thinking about leaving for tour.”

“Ash, that’s six weeks away.” I said, he nodded. He suddenly lifted me up onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders; he pressed his forehead to mine. “I’m just worried that you’re going to forget about me.” He said, looking into my eyes. I blushed. “Ashton, I could never forget you. I’m worried you’re going to forget me, but we shouldn’t think about that now.” I said kissing him softly, his arms wrapping around my hips. I moved so I was straddling his thighs. The kiss began to get heated, his hands moving under my shirt, sliding up and down my skin. I pulled away my breath short. “Ash, I should probably go, it’s getting late.” I said going to move off him, he caught my hips bringing me close. “Stay tonight. Stay with me. Please.” He pleaded, I could never resist him. “Alright… wait. I have nothing to sleep in.”

“You could sleep in nothing.” He said cheekily, I glared at him. “Too soon? I’m sorry. You can borrow some of my clothes.” He offered, I smiled and nodded.

We decided to go to bed and talk there. Ashton left a pair of footy shorts and a t-shirt for me to wear. I quickly changed in the bathroom. I left my clothes at the end of the bed before crawling in beside Ashton. I noticed the window was open, letting the moon light in. There was only the soft glow of the moon lighting the room. His arms wrapping around me, my face close to his. Our noses softly brushing. His hand came up to my cheek as he moved some of my hair out of my eyes. “Beautiful. I never knew that I could be with someone like you. I don’t want to lose you.” Ashton whispered, his lips ghosting over mine; creating a tingling feeling all through me. My hands went out to his torso, finger tips running over the impressions on his stomach from his muscles. “I love you Ashton. Forever and always.” I whispered, smiling at him. He returned the smile. “I still don’t understand why you chose me over all those other girls.” I continued dropping my vision to his chest. “You’re perfect. You’re beautiful, funny, smart and so much fun to be around. Never doubt how amazing you are.” He whispered, his fingers lightly running over my cheek and along my jaw. “Just forget about everything else for a while. It’s just you and me.” He whispered, I blushed, my heart fluttering in my chest. He smiled at me, his hand pressing to my chest. “That’s all for you.” I said, kissing his nose quickly; he giggled nervously. He took my hand in his, kissing each of my fingers, I giggled at the feeling. He pressed my hand to his chest, I felt his heart beating hard in his chest. “And that’s all for you.” He whispered, I smiled broadly.  I wished I could stay like this forever. “Kiss me, Ashton.” I whispered, he leaned in connecting our lips in a slow, loving kiss. His hands taking my waist, underneath his shirt that adorned my torso. My arms wrapped around his shoulders. I wanted to feel his skin on mine and taste his lips. His legs intertwining with mine, bringing me impossibly close. This is all I had ever wanted, just to have Ashton, forget about everything else and kiss him slowly.      

A/N: It’s really cheesy I know but that’s okay… who doesn’t love a bit of cheese? (and rice crackers) …. I am so sorry… I am trying to be funny and it’s not working… Thanks for reading!!!

~ Lucy xx

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