Stuck with You - Ashton Imagine

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Y/M/N = Your mum’s name

Cold nipped at my skin as I hugged the cardigan tighter around my frame. The smell of casserole filled the air as I carried my mum’s signature dish to our neighbours house. “Now can you try to be nice to Ashton? Just for tonight?” My mum asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily. “Fine.” I muttered. Mum bounced on the next step, happy she won me over in one sentence. We were going to her best friend’s house which was just across the road from us for dinner. Ashton, their son, was a total douche. He made fun of me at every possible chance and he looked down on me as if I was scum. I hated him. He hated me. It was how we’d always been. Even as kids we could never get along. Our parents wanted us to be friends but that was impossible. I hopped up onto the pavement and headed toward the front door. Mum quickly cut in front of me, eager to see Mrs Irwin. I reached the front porch as mum lifted her closed fist to knock. Just before her knuckles made contact, the door swung open showing an excited Anna ready to greet us. “Y/M/N!” Anna exclaimed, pulling mum in for a hug. “Anna!” Y/M/N squealed. I flashed an unenthusiastic smile at the overly excited pair. “Hi Mrs Irwin.” I said, waving a few fingers from underneath the heavy dish. “Oh let me take that for you,” She said, taking the casserole, “Thank you! Well come in! Come in.” She beamed. I shuffled in behind mum who slowly took in the place she visited two days ago. “Y/M/N, we need to discuss this weekend.” Anna whispered rather loudly. Mum looked at me warily before nodding to Anna. “Y/N, why don’t you go upstairs and play with Ashton.” I rolled my eyes again. “Mum I’m not four. I don’t ‘play’ anymore.” Both of the middle aged women chuckled to each other before leaving the entry hallway. “Just go be nice with him.” Mum called from the lounge. I peeled off my cardigan and trudged my way up the flight of stairs, taking as long as possible to reach Ashton’s room. Drumbeats sounded from the spare room, which according to mum, had become his practice room. I scuffled down the hall, the beats becoming louder and louder, almost deafening. Covering my ears, I nudged open the slightly ajar door with my hip. “Ashton!” I yelled over the noise. He was in his own little world, faced slightly away from me, as he pounded the drums with his sticks. I noticed the way his biceps flexed as he brought his arm down toward the cymbal. The clang stung my eardrums, a dull pain aching inside my ears. I walked to the edge of his kit. “Ashton!” I yelled again. Ashton flicked his head toward me as he stopped hitting the drums. He pulled out some ear plugs from his ears, dropping them to the ground as he swivelled his stool to face me. “What do you want?” He asked, grimacing as he looked me up and down. For the first time ever I felt self-conscious in his presence, heat rising in my cheeks. I looked down at my dress, which flowed out from my waist. There was nothing wrong with it. “I have to hang out with you while the parents discuss something.” I sighed, walking over to the small couch against the wall. “Okay whatever.” Ashton muttered, returning his ear plugs to his ears before resuming his drum bashing. For the third time this night I rolled my eyes, covering my ears as Ashton smashed the cymbal again. I was already sick of this boy and it had only been one minute. How was I supposed to stay here for an entire evening? I took a glance at Ashton, only planning to look for a second, but something about him kept my attention. The way he got so into what he was playing. It was intense and passionate. It made me wonder how he would be with a girl. With me. How his strong arms would wrap around my waist as he pulled me in for an intense kiss, his large hands flat against my back as he held me close. I shook my head to come back to reality, realising I just fantasised about Ashton Irwin. But he caught my attention again when he stopped playing. “Why’d you stop?” I asked curious. “I might as well teach you something on here,” He said pointing to the drums, “Seeing that we’re stuck up here and you can’t stop staring.” He snickered on the last part, causing my cheeks to flush again. Since when could Ashton make me blush? I left my cardigan in my place as I stood up and approached him while he moved back on the stool, beckoning me to sit down. Hesitantly, I sat between his legs, scared to actually touch him. “I’m just a boy.” Ashton said, sensing my hesitation. “I know.” I mumbled. Ashton leaned forward, pressing his chest to my back. I could feel his heartbeat through my dress as he placed the drumsticks in my hands and wrapping his large hands around mine. I sucked in a breath as I felt our closeness. His heart sped up as our skin grazed against each other, my heart rate also increasing. Ashton cleared his throat, “Okay so I want you to hit this one and this one.” I hit them both, pleased with myself. “I did it.” I smiled. “Hold your horses,” Ashton chuckled, “That was just two. Try this.” He hit the drums again, playing a beat. I looked at him and smiled smugly. “Piece of cake.” I looked back and hit the same beat successfully. “See,” I smirked, turning my face to see him, “Piece. Of. Cake.” Ashton nodded and smiled. “Yep. You did pretty good.” I turned my face back toward the kit but quickly frowned at what he said. He just complemented me. Ashton just said something nice. “Why are you being nice to me?” I asked, looking at our hands half intertwined. “My mum told me to behave while you were here.” He said before leaning his head down, his breath tickling my ear. “But it’s hard to behave with that dress you have on.” He breathed. Ashton’s lips ghosted over my neck, goosebumps rising on my skin. My eyes fluttered shut with the sensation. He placed a soft kiss under my ear, moving closer to my jaw. I turned my face with his kisses, bringing his lips closer to mine. But he stopped on the corner of my mouth. My eyes flew open, meeting his with a need I’ve never felt before. His eyes were gentle a few moments ago, but now they were hungry. Ashton’s gaze flicked to my lips and back. I couldn’t take the waiting anymore. I pushed my lips onto his, letting go of the sticks and grabbing his shirt in fistfuls. Ashton kissed me back with more force while his hands grabbed my waist. Our chests moved against each other as we tried to get closer. Ashton lifted me up and moved me so I was sitting on his lap. I was right before. This kiss was intense and passionate, making the room feel hotter than before. My hands drifted down to the hem of his shirt, quickly reaching under to feel his abs. He let out a groan of approval as my fingers grazed the edge of his pants. Ashton’s tongue traced my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I gave him an answer as I separated my lips, letting his tongue battle with mine. “Y/N! Ashton! Dinner is ready!” Mum called from downstairs. We continued kissing, not wanting to ruin the moment. Ashton’s calloused fingertips moved to my thigh, slowly rising up my dress. I gasped as he reached the edge of my underwear. “Don’t make me come up there!” Anna called out. Reluctantly, we both separated from the kiss, resting our foreheads together. “After dinner?” Ashton smirked. I giggled at his eagerness as I rose from his lap, straightening out my dress. “You’re gonna have to do more than ask to try that again.” I half-smiled, walking toward the door. Ashton got up and walked toward me, cutting in front of me before I left. “Oh I will.” He breathed, lightly smacking my bum before turning and leaving. I giggled to myself, playing with my hair as I walked down the hall. Who knew a drumming lesson could be so good?

A/N I swear it has gotten really hard to come up with ideas lately gosh ahaha :) Writers block has been hitting me in waves ugh. I hope you like it though! :)

Bianca xx

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