Party All Night - Calum Imagine (Request)

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This is smut so read at own discretion :) x

I stood in the middle of the kitchen in the middle of the massive end of year party.  I clutched my red cup in my hand.  “Hey Y/N what are you doing all alone?” Calum Hood asked tauntingly in my ear. He was the school’s bad boy and he was such a womaniser.  “Go away Calum. I don’t want to talk to you.” I said, moving away from him. “Oh don’t you want to dance with me? All your friends are getting laid, do you really want to stand here alone all night. Hmm?” He teased his fingers running over my cheek. “I don’t even want to be here. They dragged me along…” I cut myself off, because I didn’t want to be telling Calum, of all people.  I turned to walk away,  his hand reached out and grabbed my arm. “Come dance baby.” He said, his tone of voice not inviting. “You’re so uptight. You need to chill out.” He said tightening his grip on my arm.  I rolled my eyes and drank the rest of my beer in one gulp. Calum smiled at me, he was clearly tipsy. He tugged me to the dance floor.  He spun me around so my back was pressed to his front. His hips ground into my ass. I sighed,  pushing back against him. I jumped feeling his lips on my neck and his fingers trailing up the inside of my thigh. “What are you doing?”

"I want you." Calum said turning me around, his face close to mine. I swallowed nervously,  as much as I hated him he was so sexy. He leaned down and kissed me hard. His hands sliding under my dress, grabbing my ass. I pulled away, wanting more privacy.  "Not here." I muttered, that was all he needed. He grabbed my hand as we ran up stairs and into his bedroom. He shut the door and pushed me hard against it. His lips hungrily attacked my neck and chest. His hand running up my thigh softly tickling my skin. I ran my hands down his torso to the hem of his shirt. I tugged at it, he pulled his shirt off quickly re-attaching his lips to my neck and chest. My fingers undid his jeans, he groaned as my fingers brushed over his hardening length. He grunted as he tried to unzip my dress. "Fuck it." He grunted before he ripped my dress all the way down the front. "Calum!" I gasped,  he smirked. "I’ll buy you a new one." He said, kissing me again. His tongue in my mouth, prodding mine. I moaned into his mouth as his fingers brushed over my heat. "You’re so sexy." He whispered, his fingers tickled my inner thighs softly. He suddenly lifted me up and threw me on his bed. He landed on top of me, he kissed down my body leaving harsh love bites down my torso. I shuddered beneath him. He ripped my panties down my legs. He sucked on my clit harshly, my fingers threaded through his hair. I shook my head, tugging on his hair. "Calum, stop. Stop." I rushed out, he looked up at me confused.  "Skip the foreplay. I need you now." I mumbled out, he smirked at me. "Eager are we?" He chuckled, he tugged down his boxers and threw them behind him. He grabbed his jeans pulling out a condom. He quickly rubbed his length and then put on the condom. He leaned over me, his tip brushed my slit. "Ready baby?" I nodded,  he thrust into me roughly. "Fuck you’re so tight." He grunted thrusting into me roughly. I ran my nails down his back as he thrusted faster and harder. "Ah fuck! Calum!" I screamed, I jolted as he hit my g-spot. "Found it!" He groaned into my neck. His lips nipping at the skin on my neck. His hand slid up to my breasts, his thumb and finger rolling my nipple. My breath getting short and fast. "Calum, I’m close." I moaned, his hand moved down to my clit rubbing fast circles. "Hold on baby." He grunted trying to get to his own high. "I can’t—" I stuttered, he shook his head and grunted. "Just a little longer baby. I know you can." I tightened my walls around him, his head fell forward into the crook of my neck. "Do that again baby." He grunted, I did as he said. "Please let me come!" I cried out, I felt him nod into my neck. "Go on baby." He grunted,  my vision clouded with white. I felt him spill his warmth into the condom.  His torso fell on top of mine, his breathing heavy. I winced as he pulled out. "Yeah! Calum finally got in with Y/N!" A few boys yelled outside, Calum released a disgruntled sound. "I’ll be back." Calum left me and went to the door.  "All of you fuck off and get out!" He growled to the boys outside. I heard them all walk away annoyed. The noise from downstairs quietened as everyone left.

I sat up as Calum came into his room. “Sorry about that.” He said sweetly, I frowned and shook my head. “It’s okay. I’ll get out of your hair and leave you to it.” I said climbing off his bed as I stood my legs wobbled beneath me. Calum chuckled, his hands darted out to catch me. “Stay the night.” He said pushing me back onto his bed. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” I said shyly, he smiled. He pushed me back down onto his bed, he followed and laid beside me. “Why not? I never ask girls to stay. One night won’t hurt.” He said, I shrugged. “Okay, I am pretty tired.” I pulled the covers up over my naked chest. Calum smiled over at me, his arm wrapped around me tightly. “I could get used to this.”

"I thought you hated me. I know I just slept with you but I don’t know… nevermind." I trailed off, he smiled. "I never hated you. I think you’re hot as fuck and I knew you didnt like me so I played it cool." He said, I smiled and snuggled closer to him. "I could never hate you." He concluded, I slowly drifted off to sleep in Calum’s arms. A place I never thought I’d be.

A/N: I wrote this on my phone so I apologize for any errors :) Hope you like it :) 

~ Lucy xx

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