Ashton Imagine for Avantika [Requested]

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I waited at home for Ashton to come back from recording, I was sprawled out on our bed. I was getting close to the end of my pregnancy and the pain was getting to me. It was becoming so unbearable, I just wanted Ashton to come home and comfort me. Tears streamed down my cheeks from the pain, my stomach hurt, my head hurt, my boobs hurt… everything just hurt.  

“Hey beautiful?” Ashton called coming into the house, I struggled to sit up. “Ash, I’m in the bedroom.” I called back, I heard his footsteps coming to the bedroom. He pushed the door open, he sat on the bed beside me. “What’s wrong?” He asked hugging me, being careful around my stomach and breasts. “It hurts so much, Ashton.” I said sobbing into his chest. “I know it does but just think we’ll have a beautiful baby soon.” He said softly kissing my temple. “Ash.” I said, I laid back down onto the pillows. Tears rolling down my cheeks, Ashton laid down in front of me. His stomach pressing against my bulging belly. “Do you want anything?” He asked softly, I shook my head. “No, just be here with me.” I said, I rolled onto my back so Ashton could get closer to me. “What about a bath? I heard that can be relaxing.” He suggested, I shrugged. “Come on, I hate seeing you upset and in pain.” He said, he took my hands. He pulled me up standing, his arm wrapped around my hips.

Ashton ran the bath for me, he helped me out of my clothes. Ashton lit candles all over the bathroom and played soft music. As I took of my clothes, I notice dark stretch marks on my sides and breasts. “Ashton, I don’t know about this.” I said, wrapping my arms around myself. “Why not?” He asked his arms wrapping around me. “I’m worried I won’t be able to get out. I’m really sore.” I complained, he giggled. He kissed me softly. “I’ll help you. I just want to make you feel better, I mean I am the one that caused this.” He said, I nodded a small smile forming on my face.

Ashton finally got me in the bath, he slid in behind me. My tense back pressed against his warm chest. His hands rested on my shoulders, he rolled his thumbs against my shoulders. “You’re so tense.” He mumbled, kissing my neck softly. “I wonder why.” I said, I leaned back against him. “Just relax, let me take care of you.” He whispered softly, I shut my eyes enjoying his hands on my shoulders. I grabbed his hands and pulled them down to my chest. “Just gently.” I said softly, he softly massaged my chest. “Is that okay?” He asked softly, I nodded. “That’s perfect.” I sighed, he kissed down my neck. He leant forward and grabbed my body wash and my loofah. He lathered the body wash onto the loofah and then he gently rubbed the soap over my bulging belly. “That’s really nice Ash.” I said softly, he kissed my cheek. I didn’t know why this time but tears welled in my eyes. “Are- are you crying?” He asked softly, I shook my head. “I don’t know.” I said tears rolling down my cheeks. “Ashton I want to get out.” I said, shifting forward. “Okay, let me get out and then I’ll help you.” He said getting out of the bath, I watched him as he dried himself off. “Babe, last time you looked at me like that, that happened.” Ashton chuckled, he pointed at my stomach. I shook my head laughing at his comment. He secured his towel around his waist, he bent over holding me tightly to lift me out of the bath. “You okay?” He asked, holding me tightly as I stood up. “Yeah.” He was my anchor as I stepped out onto the towel on the floor. He gently dried me off, I shivered. Ashton’s arms wrapped around me. “Come on let’s go to bed.” Ashton said, leading me to the bedroom.

We both got dressed and slid into bed, Ashton cuddled me close. “Did I make you feel better?” He asked softly, I nodded. I laid my head on his chest. “Yeah, I’m still sore though.” I said softly, he smiled. “I expect that. Why don’t you go to sleep? Maybe you can sleep it off.” He said kissing my cheek. “Sing to me.” I said looking up at his face. “Any requests?”

“Hmm… Beside You.” I whispered, he smiled knowing that it was our favourite song. He softly sung in my ear, I heard him softly mumble. “I love you Avantika feel better beautiful.”

“I love you too Ashton.” I mumbled, before falling into unconsciousness, hopefully I could sleep of the pain.        

A/N: Hope you like it!!!

~ Lucy xx 

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