#28 You See Him Play Live for the First Time

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Calum: Calum had always told me how he wanted to me to see him playing live, and I had never been able to go due to where he was. He was finally back in Sydney meaning that I could go and see him.

Calum had the boys over before the show so they could chill out. I was in the other room so they could have their band time. “What if she doesn’t like it? Like what if I play bad?” I heard Calum ask, the boys all groaned. “She is going to love it. She watches videos of you online and her face lights up.” Luke said assuring him, Luke was my closest friend so he knew me like the back of his hand. He was like my brother and he had set me up with Calum. “I don’t know Luke. It’s live and she’s going to be in the room.”

“Yeah with twenty thousand other people.” Ashton reasoned. “She’s the only person I care about loving the show.” Calum said, I decided to interrupt their conversation. “Cal…” I said sitting on the lounge beside him, he smiled at me. “You heard that didn’t you?” I nodded, I looked at the guys who understood and got up to leave. Once they were all gone I turned to Calum. “Calum, I love you and I believe that you will play amazing tonight. I have always thought you play incredible.” I said wrapping my arm around his shoulders. “Thank you. I just want you to enjoy it.”

“I will… I’ve seen videos of you playing and…” I leaned in pressing a kiss below his ear before whispering. “You’re really sexy on stage.” I pulled away, his cheeks flushed. “Don’t be such a tease.” He mumbled as he kissed me softly.

I went in the van with the boys to the venue, Calum getting more and more nervous. I was taken into the arena to where I was sitting along with the fans. A few girls knew who I was and I took photos with them. “Have you seen Calum live before?” One of them asked, I shook my head. “It sounds bad but I have never been able to get to a show.” I said smiling at them. “Aww, well he’s amazing. And I’m not judging you.” She said cheerfully, I nodded. The lights dimmed, the boys were about to come on.

My heart thumped in my chest from the beat of the drum and bass, Calum did look so sexy on stage. The boys were up to their last songTry Hard, which was my favourite. “You guys are all looking extra beautiful tonight!” Calum yelled happily into his microphone, his eyes landing on me. I smiled big and waved like an idiot. “We have had so much fun tonight! This is our last song, Try Hard.” Ashton yelled out happily. They began the song, on Calum’s line ‘she thinks that I’m a weirdo now’ Calum’s left eye dropped in a cheeky wink towards me.

They thanked everyone and went off stage, the girl that I was sitting next to turned to me hugging me. “Have fun with Calum.” She joked, I smiled. “I’m really sorry but could you maybe follow me on twitter and then Calum can follow me?” She asked sweetly, I nodded pulling out my phone.

After following the girl on twitter and her thanking me again, she left and I went backstage to see Calum.

I raced into the dressing room. I almost tackled Calum in a hug. “You were amazing!” I gushed happily, the boys all laughed at me. “Shut up, I’m getting some tonight and you’re not.” Calum teased, I quickly kissed his cheek. “You guys are weird.” Michael said, Calum smiled big at him. “Yes we are.” Calum turned to me, and whispered, “I’m your weirdo.” He kissed me softly, I smiled against his lips.      

Ashton: I was so happy to Ashton back in Australia and playing shows here, he had just come home from the airport.

“Ashton!” I squealed as I tackled him in a bear hug. “Hey beautiful, it’s so good to be back.” He said as he hugged me and kissed all over my face. “Also one thing. We’re playing a gig tomorrow night and you’re coming.” He said as we went inside not taking our hands and eyes off each other. “Are you serious?” I asked happily, I had never seen Ashton play live before.   

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