#62 Your Parents Don't Approve of Him

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A/N: Okay this is kinda all over the place… it’s kinda half punk  5sos and not … so yeah. Enjoy! 

Calum: Things were getting heated between Calum and I, we were over at my house and mum and dad were out. He was lying on top of me, grinding against me as he kissed and sucked on my neck. I heard the click of the front door, they were here early. “Calum.” I whispered tugging on his hair, he took it as me wanting more. His hands trailed up to my breasts giving cheeky squeezes. I moaned against his mouth, forgetting about the door that I heard. “Oh my god!” I heard mum screech, oh shit! I shoved Calum back off me, readjusting my shirt. “Y/N! What do you think you’re doing?” She scolded, Calum shifted awkwardly. Her eyes drifted to Calum, she rolled her eyes at him. “I would appreciate it if you would leave.” She said coldly, he nodded knowing not to be a dick. He softly kissed my cheek, whispering bye in my ear and leaving the house. “You’re not seeing him again.” She concluded, I stood up to protest. “What? Why? He hasn’t done anything wrong.” I said defensively. She shook her head. “He will. Come on he’s a punk, covered in tattoos and piercings. He’s not good for you sweetie. And that’s final.” She said leaving the room, I curled up in a ball on the lounge sobbing… I couldn’t lose Calum he was my everything.

Ashton: Ashton and I had been together for a fair while and, he still hadn’t met my mum and dad. I wanted him to meet them but I didn’t, I knew they wouldn’t approve of him, yes he’s a nice guy but… I don’t know how mum and dad would feel about a guy like him with their daughter.

Ashton was shifting awkwardly in his seat as I drove, “Ash, calm down. It’s going to be alright.” I said, trying to calm not only him but myself.

I knocked on the front door; Ashton was pulling at his sleeves, covering his tattoos. “Y/N!” Mum gushed when she saw me, hugging me tightly. “Oh hi! Ashton?” She questioned, he nodded. “Hi Mrs. Y/L/N.” He said holding out his hand for her to shake, she took it cautiously. “Your dad will be home soon.” She said letting us in. Ashton and I sat on the lounge, holding hands. He knew that my mum was already apprehensive about him.

Mum sat talking to Ashton and I while waiting for dad to come home. I was surprised when dad came home he and Ashton got along so well.

Mum pulled me away from them into the kitchen. “Y/N, you’re not seeing him again.” She stated firmly, my mouth dropped. “Are you serious?” I bit back, she shook her head. “No. He’s wrong for you. I don’t like him.”

“What’s not to like?” I asked, “He’s so nice, caring and he respects me.” She rolled her eyes, “Yeah until he starts asking you for things.” I scoffed, shaking my head. “Nope. We’ve discussed that, he’s waiting for me.” I said, tears stinging in my eyes. I left the kitchen, almost in tears. I sat with Ashton his arm going around me, dad left us alone. “Are you okay sweetheart?” I shook my head, sniffing back the tears. “Mum doesn’t want me to see you anymore.” I said snuggling into his side. I didn’t know what I was going to do, mum and dad came back letting us know that dinner was ready… I didn’t know how I was going to convince them that Ashton was an amazing guy.    

Luke: Luke had met my parents already, but that didn’t go down so well. They did not approve of him at all, they told me that because he is in a band, is covered in tattoos and does drugs he was a bad person. I went against my parents’ word and continued dating him, mum and dad had stopped talking to me because of it.

Luke and I were out on our weekly Friday night date, I saw mum and dad walk into the restaurant. “Luke… my parents are here.” I whispered to him, he shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, babe.” He said his hand lightly rubbing over my knee. My dad saw me, giving a harsh look to Luke. Mum dragged him over to our table, “Hi, Mum, dad.” I said getting up, mum hugged me. Dad was a little more reluctant. “Hi Mr and Mrs. Y/L/N.” Luke said shaking dad’s hand. We both sat back down beside each other in the booth. “I’m guessing you are still together.” Dad scolded. “Well, yeah.” I said casually, Luke smiled at them. “Any more tattoos Luke? Not like you need anymore.”

“Uh yeah, there’s only one that I need now though.” He said, showing the underside of his wrist. He got my name tattooed in an arrow heart. “I can’t believe you would let him do that Y/N.” Mum said looking at me harshly. “He can do what he wants. I trust him not to do anything stupid.” I said, smiling. Luke’s hand clutched mine. “I would never do anything to hurt your daughter ever. I love her so much.” Luke defended, mum wandered off. Dad stayed back and turned to Luke. “Please just treat her right. If you don’t I will make sure you know not to do it again.” He said, Luke nodded. “I understand.”    

Michael: Michael and I had been in a secret relationship, I didn’t want my parent to know because they didn’t like guys like him. Mum and dad were out for the weekend and Michael had come over for the weekend to keep me company. It was late in the morning, I was cuddled up to Michael’s naked body. My fingers lazily tracing over the black lines on his chest, his hand running through my knotty hair. “I love you so much beautiful.” He whispered in my ear, I smiled looking up at his face. “I love you too Mikey.” I replied rolling onto my stomach and resting my chin on his chest. He softly kissed me. “Come on let’s get breakfast, I won’t be able to control myself if we lay here all day.” Michael said sitting up, I nodded grabbing his shirt and underwear putting them both on. “I was gonna wear those.” He said, I smirked. “Not anymore.” I said scampering out of the room. Michael chased after me, his arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around in his arms, he smirked down at me. “Put some clothes on, dork.” I joked shoving him slightly, he chuckled running back into the bedroom.

I went into the kitchen to find mum and dad, staring at me with disapproving looks. “Hey babe, is this bet—?” Michael asked coming into the kitchen in just his boxers. Dad’s eyes widened, he almost hit Michael then and there. “Who is this?”

“I’m Michael. Hi Mr and Mrs, Y/L/N.” He said sweetly, he wrapped his arm around me. They both said hello sceptically. “Mikey, go back into the bedroom. I’m just gonna find out what’s happening.” I whispered to him, he nodded kissing my nose and going into my bedroom. “Y/N! How long have you known this Michael! I hope he wasn’t a one night stand.” Dad scolded, I shook my head. “No, we’ve been dating for a long time now. I didn’t tell you because I know that you wouldn’t approve of him.” I said, they shook their heads at me. “I didn’t expect this kind of behaviour from you. Is he pressuring into anything? Because if he is.” Dad said, I rolled my eyes. “No, I would say no to anything that makes me uncomfortable and he respects me.”

“Really a kid like him?” Mum said, I shook my head. “Give him a chance. Anyway why are you back early?” I asked trying to divert the conversation, “I left some stuff behind. We’ll be leaving soon and so will Michael. I don’t want to see him again.” Dad shrugged, I sighed looking at my feet nodding.

They both left a few minutes later and made sure that Michael was gone, even though mum and dad said no, he was the first man I fell in love with and I wasn’t going to throw that away.          

Thanks for reading!!

~ Lucy xx 

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