#16 He finds your Tumblr

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Calum: I came home from work early so I could surprise Calum because we hadn’t seen each other in a while due to him being away for tour. I walked in the door, seeing Calum on the lounge with his laptop. “Hey, Cal.” I said happily, he looked up at me scared and then slammed the lid shut. “What are you looking at?” I asked in a funny tone. “Nothing.” He said in a childish voice, I giggled and wandered over to him and sat beside him. “Don’t I get a kiss?” He asked pouting at me, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. I snatched the laptop from his hands and pulled away and ran off into our room with the laptop.

I opened it, getting it to load. Calum burst into the bedroom. “Don’t open it. You will kill me.” He said sitting beside me, the screen came up. It was a tumblr page. My tumblr page. Oh god. How did he find it? “Look familiar?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said shaking my head. “Oh really.” He clicked on the face page link. “Shit! Calum! How did you find it?”

“I was on the 5SOS tumblr creeping on fan blogs and I found this one… which happens to be yours.”

“Calum!” I said slapping his arm, he laughed before opening a link I didn’t wish for him to open. My writing link. “Calum if you want to save your sanity you will not read anything on that page.” I threatened. “Babe you know I’m insane. And don’t worry it’s really cute. Plus I’ve already read most of your stuff. You never told me you were a Michael girl.” I looked up at him with wide eyes before burying my face in his shoulder. “If you tell anyone Calum I swear to god!” I mumbled into his shoulder, he kissed my forehead before chuckling. “No of course not.” I knew that he was going to use this against me for the rest of my life.

Ashton: I was in the kitchen finishing up the dishes while Ashton was in the lounge room watching TV. “Hey babe?” Ashton asked, I frowned putting the plate down. “Yeah Ash?” I called back, I went into the lounge room. He was standing up in front of the lounge, with my laptop open; I was so confused I never understood this boy. “Do you think these jeans make my thighs look so… wait shit what was it?” He looked back at the open laptop. “Oh so damn sexy that you want me to straddle you with them?” I froze realising that I had posted a photo of Ashton’s thighs with that caption on tumblr only a few days ago. “ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN!” I yelled trying not to laugh from my own embarrassment. “How the hell did you find my tumblr?”

“My laptop’s broken, you left it open. So you still blog about me huh?” I rolled my eyes knowing that he will never let me forget this and he will make sure that the boys know. “Ashton… please don’t say anything.” I pleaded, he came closer to me wrapping his arms around me. “Oh babe you know I can’t keep a secret like that.” He taunted. “Shut up.” I said punching his shoulder. “Oh and I’ll make sure to let Calum and Luke know about your love of Cake.” He said kissing my cheek. “Ashton!”

“You still didn’t answer my question…” He didn’t need to finish his sentence and I’m glad he didn’t. “Yes Ashton your thighs look great.” I said blush creeping up on my cheeks. “Yay!” He stepped back from me, he wiggled his hips. “Am I giving you feels?”

“Shut up Irwin.” I said shoving him and going back into the kitchen, where I could blush like mad and realise that he will never forget.   

Luke: Luke had the boys over today so I just chilled in mine and Luke’s room watching TV because I didn’t want intrude on their day together. “Y/N. Come here!” Luke yelled from the lounge room. I huffed hopping off the bed and wandering into the lounge room to find Calum and Michael giggling hard in the corner, Luke smirking at his laptop and Ashton on the floor with his arms and legs spread out. “What the actual heck is going on here?”

“Do you have chest pains and heart failure yet?” Ashton asked cheekily, Luke looked at me with a jealous look on his face. “Ashton get off the floor.” He said harshly, I giggled as he got up and winked at me. “Okay you guys are weird.” I said going back into my room. I heard heaps of laughing coming from the other room probably reading some stupid thing on the internet.

Later that night the boys had all left and Luke came into our room with his laptop. “Do you wanna read something with me?” He smirked at me; he was up to something. I nodded as he put half the laptop on my legs and the other on his. After I read the first few lines… I knew this story. Oh my god. He found my tumblr. “This is Ashton smut; I don’t want to read this.” I said handing him the laptop, hoping he wouldn’t notice my reddening cheeks. “Anyway good night Luke.” I said rolling over and pulling the covers over my head. “You’re not getting away that easy. What about this?” He said lifting me up and putting the laptop on my lap. It was my Luke smut… this wasn’t so bad… maybe he won’t know it’s mine. “I love your writing babe, but why write when you can have the real thing?” Luke smirked at me, blush on my cheeks turning me to a tomato. “You want me to sleep with Ashton?” I asked innocently, he glared at me. “No, you are not sleeping with Ashton!” He said putting the laptop on the floor. He was suddenly hovering over me, he kissed me cheekily. “Can’t believe you write smut about me.” He chuckled, I smiled blushing. “Trust me babe. Tonight will be better than any smut.” He said before passionately kissing me. I knew he would never let me forget that he found my tumblr and what’s worse is I’m pretty sure that’s what the boys were laughing about earlier today. 

Michael: While Michael was out recording I decided to go on my tumblr that I still used frequently, I hadn’t written any smut in a while because the thought of Michael finding out scared the crap out of me. Today I wanted to live on the wild side and write some, about Michael of course.

I was just finishing and re reading my work before I posted it, I heard Michael’s car pull up in the driveway. “Shoot.” I mumbled, quickly hitting the post button and shutting my laptop.

Michael came into the house, I was freaking out because he almost caught me. “Hey Mikey.” I said smiling, he looked at me quizzically. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing, just surprised you came home earlier.” I said hoping my lie was good enough. He shrugged and pecked me on the lips.

Later that night I went to have a shower and without even thinking I didn’t close my tumblr on my laptop from earlier. “Babe? Can I use your laptop, mine’s flat and I can’t find the charger.” Michael asked through the door of the bathroom. “Yeah go for it!” I yelled back, forgetting about my tumblr.

I came out of the bathroom in just a towel to find Michael on the bed smirking at something on my laptop. I knew that smirk; he was either watching porn or turned on. “MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD IF YOU ARE LOOKING AT PORN ON MY LAPTOP I SWEAR—” he cut me off with a laugh. “Babe, I’m not watching porn… I’m reading it.” He said with a smirk on my face. “What, why are—oh my god!” I said realising what he was reading. “Michael! Why?” I groaned sitting beside him, seeing my worst fear… Michael finding my tumblr. “It was open and I saw my name and the rest is history.” He said looking at me, I blushed a bright red. He kissed my cheek, and smiled. “It’s really cute… but we need to do this.” He said pointing to my screen, I rolled my eyes. He shut my laptop and put it on the floor. He pulled me on top of him, pulling my towel off and throwing it on the floor.

Let’s just say we had a long night… and he kept reminding me that he would never forget what he found.    

A/N: Hope you like it! I had fun writing this one :) 

~ Lucy xx

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