#31 One of the boys walk in on a heated moment

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This contains smut, so read at own discretion. :)

Calum: I had come over to LA to visit Calum while he was away, we missed each other so much and I decided to surprise him since I was on holidays. I breathed in deeply before knocking on the door.

I heard someone moving around the room before the door opened, Calum froze for a second before enveloping me in a bear hug. “Y/N! What are you doing here?” He asked lifting me off the ground and spinning me around. “Surprising you.” I said between my laughs. “I can see that.” He said as he put me down and grabbed my suitcase bringing it into the room. “I was also missing you too much.” I said as I sat on the bed. “I missed you too. I can’t tell you how much.” He said as he pushed me up the bed, he kneeled in between my thighs. “But I can show you.” He whispered in my ear, my heart thumped hard in my chest.

Before I could even register what was happening, we were both naked. His lips trailing all over my chest. He thrust into my unexpectedly, causing me to moan out.

Calum and I were close to finishing when we heard a loud yell and a door slam. “Calum! Y/N? What the hell?” I knew the voice came from Ashton. Calum covered my naked body with his, he pulled a blanket over himself; just in case Ashton came in the room again. “I didn’t know Y/N was coming to visit.” Ashton said, from behind the door. “Yeah hey Ashton. Can you leave us alone? We’re kind of busy.” I said. “Right yeah sorry. Have fun. Use protection.” He said, leaving hopefully. “He killed the mood didn’t he?” Calum asked, I nodded. “I’m sorry Calum, but maybe later?” I said, he nodded at me. “It’s okay, I’ll get Ashton back later.” Calum said, as he rolled off me and pulled me into his chest.   

Ashton: I was hanging out with Ashton back stage before his concert, we hadn’t seen each other in a while which meant that we had missed each other.

The other boys had left to do some stuff with their guitars leaving Ashton and I alone. He turned to me, his hand sliding between my thighs. “Ashton we can’t do this here.” I hissed, he smirked at me. “We’ll be quick.” He said laying me down on the couch, he rested between my thighs. He ground his hips into mine. He kissed me roughly, tongue battling with mine. He pulled my shirt off throwing it on the floor somewhere, his came off seconds later. He pressed his lips back to mine “Ash…” I panted out as he continued grinding against my hips. Ashton’s hand slid up my torso to my breast, cupping and squeezing as he pleased. My fingers winding into his hair, lightly tugging. I whimpered out his name against his mouth, his touches so overwhelming. His lips ghosted over my neck looking for my sweet spot, I muttered his name when he found it. “Where the hell is Ashton?” I heard Luke yell, I tugged on Ashton’s hair trying to pull him away but he took it to say ‘more’. “Ashton! We’re on in like two minutes!” Luke yelled, before he came through the door. “Holy shit! Ashton!” Luke stumbled over his words as Ashton sat up and got off me, handing me my shirt and putting on his own. “Why? Why me? I didn’t deserve this. I am scarred for life!” Luke said overdramatically. “Never seen a girl topless before?” I joked back, he glared at me. “Shut up, miss ‘oh Ashton. Yes Ash.’” Luke mocked in a girly voice, I scoffed as he continued. “Your sexy time buddy has a show to play. I’ll give him back as soon as possible.” He said nodding at Ashton, Luke and I always joked around like this so it was no biggie. Ashton gave me a quick peck before muttering, “I’m not done with you yet.” All I could hope for was that the show went quickly.       

Luke: I was finally getting some alone time with Luke, he had been away for so long and he had flown me over to the UK to join him on tour for a while. Calum, Ashton and Michael were out with some friends, Luke was going too but decided to spend some alone time with me.

As soon as the boys had left, Luke grabbed my hips and began kissing me. He pushed my down onto the lounge in the back of the bus. “Not in here.” I said pulling away from his kisses. He nodded at me lifting me up and taking me to his bunk. He laid me down before climbing on top of me. He slid the curtain across so no one would bother us even though the boys were out.

In a matter of minutes our clothes were off I was in just my bottoms and so was Luke. He was on top of me kissing me as if it was the last time he would ever kiss me. “I’ve missed you so much.” He said between rushed kisses. “I love you Luke.” I whimpered out. He rolled his hips into mine, I moaned into his mouth. He smirked as he ripped off my underwear and his. “Please Luke! I want you!” I moaned out as he teased me. Before he could give me what I wanted the curtain was ripped open on Luke’s bunk. Luke laid on me covering me from Michael.  “Oh hey Y/N. Since when did you guys start doing it?” Michael asked. “Get out Michael!” Luke scolded, he pulled the curtain across; only for Michael to open them again. He raised his eyebrows at us. “Seriously, wittle baby Luke is having sex now?” Michael teased. “Okay Michael, you can tease me all you want, just not now when my girlfriend is naked.” Luke said before he flipped off Michael and shut the curtain. I burst out laughing, Luke let out a breath. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for that.” He said, I shook my head. “They had to find out sometime.” I said, Luke moved off me.  He began to get dressed, he leaned over to me. “We’ll finish this later.” He muttered in my ear. “Ew! Luke I heard that.” Michael said from the other side of the curtain.

We both got out of the bunk to be met with Michael, Ashton and Calum shaking their heads.   

Michael: Since the boys were coming home from their tour I decided to throw a ‘welcome home’ type party just with their friends and family and a few of my friends. I was so excited because I would be seeing Michael for the first time in months. I decided to dress up a little bit just for him, I choose a light blue dress that I knew he loved with a pair of matching blue pumps. The thing was that the boys didn’t even know this was happening.

The boys finally arrived and to say they were surprised was an understatement. They all looked so happy to see everyone. Michael came up to me and almost knocked me to the ground in a hug. “I’ve missed you so much!” Michael said desperately trying to get the words out as he kissed all over my face.

As the party went on I could feel Michael’s eyes on me and practically undressing me. I smiled knowing what I was doing. “Come with me.” He said taking my wrist and leading me down the hall, he pushed me into the nearest room. He grabbed my waist tugging me closer to him, our hips grinding against each other. He pressed me up against the nearest wall, he slid the zip down on my dress letting it fall to the floor. He pulled off his shirt quickly and then kissing me again. My hands shook as I popped the button on his jeans. Sliding them off his legs. “Y/N… I’ve missed you so much.” Michael moaned out, as he held me against the wall. Our hips working against each other again. “I can’t believe I spent so much time without you.” I sighed, Michael was about to undo my bra clasp when Calum burst through the door. “Ahh! Sorry, sorry. I am so sorry!” He said shutting the door behind him. “Michael your parents are looking for you.” Calum said before we heard him walk away. Michael and I looked at each other, asking if we should keep going. “He killed it.” We said at the same time, Michael kissed me softly; it was totally different to how we were a couple of minutes ago.

We got dressed again and went downstairs finding a traumatized Calum talking with Ashton.    

A/N: Hope you like it! I had fun writing this one haha …

~ Lucy xx

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