Movie Session - Calum Imagine

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"So.. do you want to watch Anchorman or Anchorman?" Calum asked with a big grin on his face while holding his single copy of Anchorman. I eyed him while trying to hold back my laughter. "Uhhh, I hate Anchorman," I said jokingly, "So let’s watch Anchorman!" As soon as I said it I mentally face palmed. That joke was so corny! Calum chuckled at my joke, shaking his head. "That joke was awful babe." He chuckled. "That sounded so much better in my head," I mumbled while curling up on the couch. I watched as Calum stood up and walked over to the DVD player. I rested my head on the arm rest, causing my hair to fall into my eyes. Calum put in Anchorman and walked back over to where I was laying on the couch. He reached out with his hand and brushed the hair out of my eyes. "Any room for Cal?" He whispered. I got butterflies whenever he whispered to me. It was like a little message just for me. It made me feel special. I exaggerated a sigh and lifted up the blanket. Calum smirked and crawled in behind me, draping his arm over my waist when he settled in. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck giving me goosebumps. The butterflies were back. I smiled and snuggled into Calum’s chest. I was the perfect height to fit his body. "Oh my God I love this movie!" Calum exclaimed. "I know Cal, you say that every time," I giggled. Calum wrapped his arm tighter around my waist, pressing play as he did so. After watching the movie for a while I felt my eyes getting heavy. I quickly snapped them open, hoping that Calum didn’t notice. He didn’t say anything so I relaxed again. Calum hates it when I fall asleep during Anchorman. "Well that escalated quickly," Calum said, mimicking Ron Burgundy. I chuckled at his weirdness. But I guess that’s one of the things that I loved about him. Calum could always cheer me up whenever I was sad with a single silly face. I’ve never told him but I love him so much. He hasn’t told me that he loves me either but I can tell that he cares about me. He just means so much to me and I never want to lose him. I want to be with him forever, I just hope that he feels the same way. I was snapped out of my train of thought by Calum’s laughter. His laugh is different to most people’s laugh but I find it endearing. As we watched on my eyes became heavy again. Come on Y/N stay awake! Stay awake for Cal… "Y/N… wake up babe." I opened my eyes slightly to see Calum’s deep, brown eyes watching me. "You fell asleep during my favourite movie!!" He exclaimed. I jerked up into a sitting position, eyes wide open. Oh my God I fell asleep. Crap… "Sorry babe. It’s just a bit late and you woke me up this morning with your singing!" I giggled at the thought. Calum snickered at the memory as well. "So you’re really tired?" I nodded to his question. "Then come here," Calum whispered with his arms wide open. The butterflies swirled about in my stomach once again. I rested in his arms again, my back facing his body. Suddenly Calum’s arms circled my waist and he started turning me around. I was quickly spun so that I was now facing him. "That’s better," Calum breathed while looking into my eyes intently. I quickly looked away, my cheeks flushing a bright red colour. He chuckled at my embarrassment and whispered, "Go to sleep now baby." I looked up to his face again. "I can’t go to sleep just like that Cal." He stroked my cheek while searching my face with his eyes. Suddenly I heard him begin to sing to me softly.

Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

Lie down with me and

Hold me in your arms

When your hearts against my chest

Lips pressed to my neck

I’ve fallen for your eyes

But they don’t know me yet

The butterflies weren’t just a few, but an entire colony now. My eyes were becoming heavy again and I was dozing in and out of consciousness. Calum noticed so he started to stroke my hair while singing even softer.        

And with a feeling I’ll forget

I’m in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

By now I was almost completely asleep. I was in that state where you are just about to fall asleep but you are still aware of what’s going on around you. Just as I was about to totally fall asleep I heard Calum inhale deeply. “I love you Y/N…” And with that I was asleep.

A/N Sorry if this was short! I hope you like it though! Bianca xx

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