#79 You're Past Your Due Date

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Calum: I sat down on the lounge, my belly protruding against Calum’s tank top. Calum came in a little later sitting beside me. “Day eight late, hmm?” He confirmed, I nodded. “I’m tired, I’m sore. Why can’t she just come out?!” I cried, Calum’s arms slid around me. I laid my head on his chest. “I was talking to Ashton earlier and his wife went through the same thing. He said she ate lots of spicy food.” Calum said, I shrugged. I was willing to try anything to have this baby. “Do you feel like Mexican for dinner?” He asked, I looked up at him smiling. “Yes please.” 

Calum and I ate all of the hot food, he had sweat dripping down his face from the spiciness, I, however was totally unfazed. “How do you not find this food hot?” He asked chugging another glass of milk. I shrugged, chewing on a chili. He rolled his eyes at me. “How are you feeling?” He asked, I shrugged leaning back on the lounge. He lightly rubbed my belly. “Tired. It’s just not happening Calum. I’m gonna lay down okay?” I said, he nodded. “I’ll be in there in a bit. I’ll clean up in here.” He said, I nodded waddling off to the bedroom. I crawled into bed, and tried to get comfortable.  

I fell asleep before Calum even came to be. Later that night I woke up to find my water had broken. 

Ashton: I stood tiredly in the kitchen with Ashton while he made me a mug of herbal tea. “I spoke to the doctor today and she said drinking herbal tea would work, she also said drinking castor oil but I’m sure you don’t want to do that.” I shook my head, he slid the mug over to me. He stooped down and kissed my belly button. “Come on baby. We want to meet you.” Ashton said against my belly.  I giggled as he kissed my belly. I picked up the mug sipping the hot tea. “Come on let’s go sit down.” Ashton said wrapping his arm around me. He led me to the living room. He helped me sit down and relax. Ashton rested his palm on my belly. “I can feel him moving.” Ashton said as I sipped my tea. “Is that a good thing?” I asked, he shrugged. “Maybe he’s preparing for his big entrance to the world.” He chuckled, I smiled. “Yes his very painful entrance.” I replied resting my head on his shoulder. “Can you feel anything happening?” He asked. “He’s just shifting around. I don’t know we’ll have to wait and see.” I said putting my free hand on his. He laced his fingers with mine. I continued to drink my tea, it was calming me down a bit. I put my mug down on the table. “I feel sick Ashton. I’m just gonna go to bed.” I said sliding forward to get up. He got up quickly, helping me up. 

I crawled into bed, my belly obscuring Ashton from my vision as he changed. He laid beside me, “You’re so big.” He said to himself more than me I think. “I remember saying that to you when we made this guy.” I joked, I felt pain stab through me. “Ash…” I warned sitting up quickly. He looked at me worried. “I think it’s happening.” I said quietly, he smiled. 

Luke: Tears sprung in my eyes, I was getting so stressed with not having the baby. He just didn’t want to come out. I was now nine days late and Luke and I had tried everything… well everything but one. Sex. I didn’t want to ask him because I thought it would be weird. He must have heard me sobbing as he came rushing into the bedroom. “What’s happened? Are you okay? Is the baby coming?” He asked, his words running into each other. “I’m okay. I’m just stressed. I just want to have this baby.” I cried, he laid beside me wrapping his arms around me. “I’m sorry, we’ve tried everything. Maybe he’s just really comfy in there.” He chuckled, rubbing the base of my bulging stomach. “We haven’t tried everything.” I said quietly, he frowned. “What else is there?” He asked, I breathed in deeply. I didn’t want to ask him but I had to. “Sex, Luke. Sex induces labour.” I said, I rolled onto my side. “Babe, if it makes you more comfortable I will do it… As long as it doesn’t hurt him or you.” He said, rolling me onto my back. “It doesn’t hurt the baby. Really? You don’t find it weird?” I asked, he smiled. “A bit but you’re my wife and I want this baby here too.” He said kissing me softly, I nodded. His hand came up to cup my face, wiping my tears away. “Don’t cry beautiful. Everything will be okay.” He whispered his lips ghosting over mine. His hand slid down to my shorts, undoing the ties. I shyed away from him as his fingers dipped into my underwear. “You okay?” He asked a smile in his voice. “Yeah, just haven’t been touched like this in a while.” I said shakily, he smiled kissing me softly. He helped me get my clothes off and his too, he large frame encasing mine… as much as possible. He reached over for a condom, before he stopped himself. He laughed, his head falling to the crook of my neck. I lightly kissed his cheek.

We laid together, his body close to mine. “I love you so much.” He whispered , kissing my nose. I pressed my face to his chest. “I love you too. Let’s just hope that worked.” I said, trying to lighten the mood. I knew he was still worried about me and the baby and so was I.

The next morning I woke up knowing that it was time and Luke couldn’t have been more scared.

Michael: I had tossing and turning all morning. I just couldn’t get comfortable and I was so anxious because I was late. Michael slept like a rock, I didn’t want to wake him so I got out of bed and went to the lounge room.

I ended up researching on how I could go into labour. There were only a few things I could actually do on my own and with the things I had in the house. No spicy food, no herbal teas, no castor oil and Michael was still asleep. The only thing left was nipple stimulation.  I pulled the blanket over me as I took off my shirt. I couldn’t believe I was doing this.

I did as the website said to do. I didn’t think it would do anything but I was still hoping for something. My head fell back with pleasure, I heard a door opening. “Babe? What are you doing?” Michael asked as he came into view. “I’m trying to have this baby.” I grumbled, he chuckled coming to sit beside me. He lifted the blanket revealing my hands and my naked torso. “And playing with your boobs is going to help?” He asked, clearly thinking I was just horny. “Yeah, stimulation helps.” I said, dropping my hands away and pulling the blanket back over me. Michael grinned, I knew what he was thinking. “I can help with that.” He said softly, he kissed my collarbone. I shakily nodded, his hand came up to my breast, doing the same movements I was before only better. I felt the baby move suddenly. “Michael…” I said, he frowned stopping his hand. “What?” He asked, I looked up at him tears in my eyes. “I think the baby is coming soon.” I said softly, he smiled broadly. His hand came up to cup my cheek, he softly kissed me. His hand shaking against my cheek, I don’t think he’d ever been so nervous. He shifted away from me suddenly, I felt the water running down my legs. “That was my water.”  I said softly, he nodded getting up and then helping me up. “We can do this. I love you.” He said before he kissed me and then ran off to get the bag.    

A/N: Sorry its late I’ve been dealing with post concert depression!! 5SOS were amazing last night!!! Calum saw me crying and I was not okay!!!  And then Michael was laughing at me(not for crying)… like why 5SOS? why? And Calum kept poking his tongue out at me and winking.... 

~ Lucy xx

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