Good Girl, Bad Boy - Michael Imagine

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I laid in bed reading my book for English. My phone had been vibrating next to me for the last ten minutes, I knew it was my boyfriend Michael. My parents had been telling me that I couldn’t see him anymore, just because he was covered in tattoos and had piercings. He was the sweetest boy I had ever met, he treated me with more respect than the tattoo less, rich pricks at school. Michael had given up texting me for a few minutes and then my phone rang. I rolled my eyes knowing he wasn’t going to give up. “Hey Michael.” I said, I tried to sound happy. I hadn’t seen him since my parents had kicked him out of the house last week. “Hey beautiful, open your window. I need to see you.” I sighed, he chuckled. “Michael, I’m studying, and my parents will kill us both if they find out.” I said, I didn’t want to protest all I wanted to do was hop on Michael’s motorcycle and ride off into the distance and forget about my parents. “Baby, I need to see you. I’m outside your house and my bike is down the street. Please just see me.” He said sadly, I smiled and sighed. “Fine.” I said. “I love you Y/N, I’ll be at your window about… now.” He said and then there was a gentle knock on the glass. I smiled, he grinned at me as he hung up. I slid my window open, I glared at him playfully. “Did you just hang up on me Clifford?” I asked teasingly, he smirked. “What are you gonna do about it baby?” He teased, he leaned forward to kiss me. I leaned away, smirking at him. “You are such a tease.” He growled, I grinned. “I know.” I said walking away from the window to get my jumper. Michael grabbed my arm, “You don’t need a jacket, you can borrow mine. I want to get out of here.” He said smiling, I blushed and nodded. He slid his hand down to my hand and tugged me towards the window.

Michael helped me climb out of the window, he slipped off his leather jacket, revealing his tight black t-shirt. I slipped my arms through the sleeves which were too long for my arms. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” He said lacing his fingers with mine, we quickly ran across the road and down the street. He’d parked almost ten houses down to not draw attention to my parents.

We stood at his motorcycle, his hands went to the bottom of his jacket, he slid the zipper up. His hands wandering over my chest, I giggled and grabbed his hands. “You look so cute and sexy in my jacket, I’m not sure which yet.” He said, a smirk in his voice. I smiled up at him, my fingers drifted over the tattoos swirling up his arms. He leaned down and kissed me, his hands on the small of my back tugging me into his body. I gripped onto his shoulders, as he deepened the kiss, his tongue swiping over my bottom lip. He chuckled against my mouth. “Come on sweetie.” He said, squeezing my side. He grabbed the helmet off his seat and put it on my head. He climbed onto the bike, I swallowed nervously. He looked so sexy, his broad shoulders curled over. I climbed on behind him, I pressed my face into his back, inhaling his musky scent. I wrapped my arms around his stomach, Michael turned his head to look at me. “You good back there?”

“Never better.” I said happily, kissing his shoulder. He started the engine and then sped off down the road. I tightened my grip on his waist and my thighs pressed against his thighs.

He pulled over in the driveway of his house, he turned off the engine. We got off the bike, he pulled the helmet off my head. He laughed as he smoothed my hair down. “Shut up!” I joked shoving him, he put his hands up in surrender. “Hey, I just saved you from studying! You should be thanking me!” He teased, he took me inside. I was glad he lived alone. He dropped his keys on the table by the door. He dragged me to his bedroom. “I am thanking you Mikey.” I said, taking off his jacket and placed it on the end of the bed. He undressed for bed, he laid on the bed just in his boxers. “Come cuddle with me.” He teased, I blushed and kicked off my shoes laying down with him. “I wish my parents would see this side of you. I don’t want to stop seeing you. I love you so much.” I whispered, his arms tightened around my waist. “I love you too. I hope they realise that and then we don’t have to sneak around anymore.” He said kissing the top of my head. “Me too. Although, it makes me feel like such a bad girl sneaking around with you.” I said, smirking up at him. He chuckled, “But you’re my good girl. I love the whole innocent thing. It’s really cute.” He said, I blushed hiding my face with my hand. He pulled my hand away from my face. “You’re even more beautiful when you blush, don’t hide it.” He said kissing me softly, I rested my head on his chest, I was slowly getting more tired. I aimlessly traced his tattoos with my fingers, this is what I loved doing with Michael… absolutely nothing. I just liked being with him, his arms around me and mind around him. We didn’t need to say anything, we just needed to be there.

We laid in silence for what felt like an eternity. “Hey Y/N, want to go to sleep?” He asked quietly, I nodded. “You can sleep in one of my shirts, if you want.” He offered, I nodded. I rolled off the bed and changed into his black t-shirt. We climbed under the covers. Michael held me close, I really hoped my parents would realise that Michael loves me and I love him. 

A/N: Hope you like it!!! The title is shitty… my bad…

~ Lucy xx

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