Not Worth the Tears - Michael Imagine (Part 1)

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I arrived home in a rush, excited to see Michael. We barely got much time to see each other with work going on, but today I got off early and it was his day off. I unlocked the door to our apartment and flung it open. “Michael!” I stepped in and dropped my bag at the door. His shoes and jacket weren’t there. “Mikey, baby!” I called out again. No response. “That’s weird.” I mumbled to myself. He must have gone grocery shopping. That must be it. Smiling to myself, I shut the door and made my way to our bedroom, my light footsteps padding down the hallway. I went straight to our drawers, eager to get changed, and got out some comfy shorts and a snug T-shirt. Nice for a relaxing afternoon. I flung my work clothes to the floor and pulled on the clothes from the drawers. One last look in the mirror ensured I looked cute and flirty. Perfect! I ran to the couch and flipped over the top, landing right on top of the pillows. Giggles filled the room as I waited for Michael, excitement still pumping through my veins. I pulled the couch blanket around myself, breathing in the scent of Michael. I know that he was here this morning but all we exchanged was a good morning and I love you before I had to leave for work. Sounds from outside the apartment door caught my attention. Laughter. Michael’s laughter. A smile cracked on my face as butterflies filled my stomach. But I noticed that it wasn’t just Michael’s laugh. There was someone else. A girl. My smile vanished as the butterflies in my stomach died, leaving a heavy, sinking feeling in their place. Their laughter ceased just outside the front door. I jumped up from the couch, blanket wrapped tight around my shoulders. Tip-toeing, I walked to the corner of the front hallway and crouched, listening to their conversation. “Today was so much fun.” The female said huskily. “Yeah it was. And I can’t wait for tomorrow. Same time and place yeah?” Michael asked. My heart dropped, a hollow ache replacing the void. “Are you sure she won’t know?” The girl asked. Tears burned at my eyes. No no no. This can’t be happening. “No she won’t. This is our little secret.” I could hear the smile in Michael’s voice. Was this a game to him? I had to bite my tongue to stop the sob clawing up my throat. “Oh shit!” Michael muttered. “What?” She asked. “I forgot my jacket. It must have slid off the chair to the floor so I didn’t see it.” Michael’s back thumped against the door. I swear it sounded as loud as the heart beat in my chest. “Well you can get it again tomorrow. It’s not going anywhere.” I could hear the smile in her voice now, followed by a giggle. Rage filled me, mixing with my sadness, a dangerous cocktail of emotions. “Well you better go before Y/N gets here. Don’t want her getting suspicious and start snooping.” I was shaking, hurt now added to the brewing storm inside me. I can’t believe he did it. Michael cheated. I clutched to the blanket around me, the only feeling of safety left for me to hold onto. The front door creaked open, followed by the click of it shutting. I stood up straight as Michael rounded the corner. He took a step back, clearly surprised I was there. “Uh, Y/N! Hi! Hey! What are you doing here?” He asked, scratching the back of his head. The tears I held back were now flowing freely, leaving salty stains on my cheeks. “Y/N? Are you okay?” How dare he? Hurt was the emotion I latched onto. My Mikey cheated on me. I dropped the blanket and turned to make a dash down the hall. I only took two quick steps before Michael clutched my wrist. He spun me so that I faced him. “Y/N.. what’s wrong?” Michael asked, his eyes searching my face. He reached for my face but I turned away before he could make contact. Hurt filled his eyes, only adding to my pain. Michael has no right to be hurt. No right at all! “Who the hell was that Michael?!” I yelled, backing away from him. He was stunned by my question, frozen to his place. “Wh-who are you talking about?” He mumbled. I pointed towards the door. “That girl!” I screamed. Michael shook his head. “What girl?” He asked, his voice a bit stronger than before. The anger boiling in me exploded, sending me straight through rage to a place I haven’t been before. “Don’t give me that shit Michael!” I seethed. “I heard everything you said! I heard her telling you how much fun you had today! And that you’re doing it again tomorrow! So don’t try to come up with some bullshit lie to get out of this! I can connect the dots! You cheated on me Michael!” My voice broke on the last sentence as more tears cascaded down my face. Michael stood there, dumbfounded, without anything to say. I laughed a short, cruel laugh before speeding to our bedroom. “Y/N! That’s not what happened!” Michael called after me. I grabbed my spare backpack and filled it with some clothes. “Y/N!” I spun on my heels to face him. “Fine then! What happened?” I shouted, lifting my arms and dropping them. Michael hesitated before looking to the floor and mumbling, “I can’t tell you.” I huffed and finished packing the bag. “Where are you going? No you’re not leaving.” Michael said sternly. “No I’m not.” I said simply, facing him again. Relief washed over Michael, his posture relaxing. “You are.” He stiffened at my words. “What?” He asked in disbelief. “Yeah you heard me,” I said, chucking the bag at his chest, “get out.” Michael caught the bag as tears filled his eyes. “Baby please…” “GET OUT!” I screamed, clenching my eyes shut. My breaths were heavy and ragged, the anger finally starting to simmer down. I heard the front door click shut. My heart rate slowed as I opened my eyes to see an empty bedroom. I blinked a few times, taking in what just happened. Michael cheated. And now he’s gone. “No. No no no no.” I sobbed, sinking to my knees in the empty feeling bedroom. I clawed at my hair as I let the tears fall. My heart was broken. And everything ached. It was a pain unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I just wanted to claw my heart from my chest to get rid of the ache. Michael isn’t worth my tears. He isn’t worth the pain. And what sucked the most was that I still loved him. With all of my broken heart.

A/N I want to do like a multi- part one for this imagine, so the story will continue :) Tell me if you would like that :) I hope you like this one!
Bianca xx

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