#49 Tattoos

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Calum: Even after dating Calum for over a year I was still mesmerized by his tattoos. I used to think they were dirty looking until I met Calum.

I was stood in front of the bathroom mirror taking off my makeup. I jumped as a pair of inked arms slid around my stomach. “Hey Cal.” I said leaning into his arms. “Come to bed I’m lonely.” He whined pouting at me as I looked in the mirror. “Okay hang on.” I giggled as his arms tightened on me.

I crawled into be beside Calum, he smirked at me. I laid my head on his chest, my fingers tracing over the lines of his tattoos on his arms. “Why did you get so many?”

"I just like them." He said shrugging. "Don’t they hurt?"

"They did and then as I got more it was less and less." He said casually, I still didn’t understand why people did that to their bodies, but on Calum it was different. "Would you ever get one?" He asked, moving so he could see my face. "No probably not, I’m too scared to." I said honestly, he smiled at me. His hand lightly cupping my cheek. "I love how innocent you are. No tattoos…" He whispered his fingers moved down my shoulder and arm, my skin looked white compared to his darkly inked skin. I smiled as he kissed my forehead mumbling a good night and pulling me close.

Ashton: I knew Ashton was coming over soon so I decided to change and get cleaned up because I’d done nothing all day. 

I was just about to pull my jumper over my head when I heard the door open. “Hey Y/N, oh shit! Sorry.” He stumbled back outside my bedroom. “No it’s okay Ash. Come back.” I said, he smiled coming into my bedroom. I was about to put jumper on, when Ashton’s hand caught my waist. “Is that a tattoo?” He asked looked at my face, a smirk appeared on his lips. “Uh yeah.” I lifted up my arm so he could see the ink on my ribs better. ”Oh wow that’s really hot.” He breathed; bending down to look at my tattoo better, I smiled shyly. “When did you get it?” He asked his fingers trailing along my ribs. “Uh when I was seventeen. It’s my only tattoo.” I said smiling down at him. “I can’t believe my girlfriend has a tattoo.” He said smirking at me. “Alright, Ash. I’m getting cold. Let me put my jumper on.” I said stepping away from him and pulling my jumper over my head. His smirk faded into a pout. “Come on Ash.” I said, taking his hand leading him into the lounge room. Where we spent – well he spent – the rest of the night obsessing over my tattoo. 

Luke: "Babe?" I heard Luke ask from the other room. "Yeah Luke?" I asked sitting down on the lounge beside him. "Am I too innocent for you?" My eyes widened in shock, "Luke where would you get an idea like that?" I asked my arm wrapping around his broad shoulders. "Well okay you have tattoos and piercings and I don’t have any tattoos, I just don’t feel good enough." He said sadly, I smiled moving closer to him so our thighs were brushing. "Luke I don’t care if you have no tattoos it doesn’t make you a different person." I said kissing his cheek. "Thanks babe, I just don’t like feeling not good enough." He said, his blue eyes catching mine. "Never think that about yourself Luke, you’re an amazing guy don’t let me having tattoos get you down just because you don’t have them." I said, pecking his lips. He pushed me down on the lounge, him moving behind me. His rough, calloused hands running over my skin. His mouth occasionally pressing kisses to the drawings. It was good that he was back to his normal confident self.

Michael: Michael and I had been together for almost three years and we had just gotten engaged, I couldn’t be happier.

I was sat in the lounge room flicking through bridal magazines. “Hey Y/N? What do you think of matching tattoos?” Michael asked coming into the room, I shrugged. “Never really thought about it. Do you want one?” He nodded at me smiling, we both had tattoos so it wasn’t a big deal. “What would we get?” I asked turning to him. “I was thinking your name in an arrow heart on me and my name on you.” He suggested, I smiled loving the idea already.

Michael and I came back from the tattoo parlour to look at our tattoos, we had them done on our ribs, they looked great. “I’m glad we did this.” Michael said, wrapping his arms around me. “Me too.” I smiled, he ducked his head down to my ear. “It’s so sexy that you have my name on you.” He whispered, shivers going down my spine. He pressed his lips to mine softly. I wouldn’t have done this with anyone else.  

A/N: Hope you like it!!!

~Lucy xx

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