Stuck With You - Ashton Imagine (Part 5)

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Ashton and I had been watching scary movies for most of the evening. We had both put on brave faces and acted not scared. 

We were up to the third movie, I knew that this one scared the hell out of both of us. We both jumped, clutching onto each other. My heart thumping in my chest at how close we were and from the fright. Ashton turned to look at me, his eyes catching mine. His lips just millimetres from mine. They were so tempting, I know we said that we would get to know each other but I couldn’t resist. He pressed his lips to mine, his hands fumbling for the remote to turn off the TV. Which he finally did, he pushed me down on the lounge and crawled over the top of me. His tongue slipped into my mouth when I gasped feeling his hands on my bum. I pulled away finally coming back to my senses. “Wait, Ashton? Do you think this is a good idea?” I asked pushing him back by his shoulders, he nodded. “I’m sorry. Do you want to finish the movie?” He asked getting off me, I nodded. We still sat close beside each other; gripping onto each other is scary parts. I was getting used to the movie, Ashton however was not. He was almost in my lap, hiding his face in my neck. I giggled as his hair tickled my neck. “What’s so funny?” He asked, still hiding the TV screen from his vision. “Your hair was tickling me.” I said, he continued to nuzzle into my neck. I switched off the movie and held Ashton close to me. He was so warm, even though he was heavy on my body, it was a good heavy, a safe heavy. I didn’t want to move or leave this embrace. Ashton suddenly stood up knowing the movie had been turned off. He strutted off towards his bedroom, “No no no. I can’t do it.” He said running back into the lounge room, I smiled. “Please don’t make fun of me but can I stay with you?” He asked, I wanted to burst out laughing but I couldn’t. “Sure, just let me get changed and then we can go to bed.” I said walking off into the spare room, I heard Ashton running after me. He took hold of my arm, he felt as if he was actually shaken up by the movie.

We both got into bed, he pulled me close. His heart beating hard, I could feel it against my own chest. “You’re actually really scared aren’t you?” I asked softly, he nodded. He pressed his forehead to mine, his arms tightening on me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Well go to sleep, I’ll be right here.” I cooed, softly kissing his lips. “Please don’t tell people about this.” He whispered, I shook my head. “No I won’t. This is private.” I said, I shut my eyes to get to sleep.

The next time I opened my eyes, I found myself on top of Ashton’s torso. His arms still tightly around me, sunlight streaming through the blinds. I tried to get up off him, but his arm just tightened. I knew he was awake, he was fighting a smile. One that I wish he would show, I gently poked his stomach. “Stop moving.” He grunted through a giggle. “Sorry, if you let me get off you it wouldn’t be so uncomfortable.” I joked, he smiled dimples popping in his cheeks. “What if I like you on top of me?” I rolled my eyes, so I’m guessed the scared Ashton is gone. “Shut up Ashton. I need to pee, let me go.” I said wiggling off of him, he laughed as I ran to the bathroom.

I walked out to find Ashton standing at the door, he grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Better?”

“You know, Ashton. That’s really weird and creepy.” I said going back to bed, Ashton followed me crawling in beside me again. “So what do you want to do today?” He pondered, I shrugged. I pressed my feet to his calves knowing they were freezing. “Jeez Y/N do you have pieces of ice for feet?” He asked moving his legs away. “That’s what you get for following me to the bathroom like a weirdo.” I said, he rolled his eyes. He pressed his face to my neck, the tip of his nose, chilling. “Stop,” I cried out while laughing, his fingers dancing along my sides. I squirmed away from his hands, which eventually stopped. “So what do you want to do today?” He asked again, returning to cuddling with me. “Hmm… can’t believe I’m going to say this but I just want to stay here for the day. Right here.” I said nodding at the bed. “I’m okay with that.” He said, moving a little closer. Our bodies fit snugly against each other. I rest my head against his chest, listening to his heart beating. “You know I’m really sorry about the other night and those things I said.” He said softly, I nodded. “It’s okay, as long as you don’t think that now then we’re cool.” I said, avoiding his face. “I don’t.” He said kissing the top of my head.

We laid together for ages, just wrapped up in each other until my phone rang. “Hello?” I answered, Ashton pulled me back to his chest. “Hey babe! Are we shopping today?” My best friend asked, I laughed at her excitement. “Hey! No I’m sorry I can’t. I’m busy. Mum’s making me go over to the Irwin’s again.” I said, sighing over-dramatically. “Oh right okay. Turn your flirt on for me! Make Ashton fall in love with you!” She said a little too loudly, Ashton held back a laugh. “She –”I clamped my hand over his mouth to muffle his voice. “Already has!” He continued, I just hoped my best friend didn’t hear. “Alright, I have to go, bye babe I’ll fill you in later!” I said loudly to cover Ashton’s talking. “Who’s that in the background?” She asked, I felt Ashton lick my palm. “Ew, Ashton that’s gross!” I exclaimed taking my hand away. “Ashton?! Holy shit! Are you with him now?” She blasted down the phone, I laughed and blushed. “Yeah he’s here. Mum went away for the week and I had to stay here.” I said casually, I heard her excitement while I explained. “Okay, I am so sorry. I’ll let you get back to what you are doing and tell me everything later. Please.” She said, I laughed. “Yes of course. Bye.” I said hanging up. “You.” I said glaring at Ashton. “Me? What did I do?”

“She doesn’t know about this week. She doesn’t know that we have… warmed up to each other. Well now she does.” I said sighing, he just giggled. “What’s the big deal?”

“You weren’t supposed to find out that I liked you.” I said softly rolling over, my back facing him. “Why not?” He asked, I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t say anything. “I just didn’t want you to know.”

A/N: Hope you like it!!! Let me know if you want another part ( I have a good idea for the next part so you know…) haha

~Lucy xx

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