Not So Nerdy - Luke Imagine (Part 2)

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The next morning was the same, Michael was acting weird around me. “So, are you seeing Luke tonight?” He asked, I nodded. “Yeah, are you and Calum coming over?” I asked, we always hung out at my place on a Friday night. “I don’t know. I mean will it really be like always is?” He said sounding sad. “Michael are you okay? You seem… down.” I said, touching his arm. “Yeah I’m okay. Maybe one day you’ll understand.” He said, I frowned confused. I opened my arms, he hugged me close. “It’s okay Michael. You guys don’t have to come over if you don’t want to.” I said, he nodded. “I think we will come over just to suss him out.” He said pulling back, I nodded. Before I could say anything else the bell went.

Michael’s POV

 I pulled away from Y/N, her hair brushing my face. I wish she’d notice me more than a friend.

I made my way to English class, Calum and I weren’t in Y/N’s class so we could talk about this whole thing. I told him about it last night. “We’re stuck with Hemmings tonight.” I said quietly to Calum when we sat down at our desk at the back of the classroom. “What? Why?”

“Y/N is tutoring him tonight and it’s a tradition to hang out at her place on a Friday night.” I explained, he rolled his eyes. “Well, we just have to pick out all the bad things about him. Make her see that you’re the best choice for her.” He said, I shrugged. “I don’t know… she kissed him yesterday.” I said, Calum’s eyes went wide. “Wait? She kissed him?!” I nodded, sadly. “Maybe you should ask her out before he does.” Calum suggested, I shrugged. “I thought about it. But she’s kissed him not me.” I complained, Calum turned to me fully. “Yeah but you know her better than anyone.” I shrugged, the teacher began the lesson shutting us up. 

I found Y/N with Luke after class, she had a big smile on her face and he was joking around with her. My mouth went dry seeing them hug. They walked over to me, I noticed her hand in his. My breath caught in my throat. “Michael… Are you okay?” She asked, breaking me out of my trance. “Uh yeah I’m fine.” I said trying to cover my hurt. 

—That afternoon—

Your POV

Luke and I drove back to my place after school. “So that guy Michael… Does he like you?” Luke asked when we got to my house. “Uh he’s my best friend of course he likes me.” I shrugged, he smiled. “No I mean does he have a crush on you or something because he was staring at you today.” I blushed shyly, I shook my head. “I don’t know he could. He’s never said anything.” I said casually.

I led him to my room where we could study. My phone buzzed, I read over the screen. From Michael: ‘Cal and I will be a bit late but we’ll pick up dinner. X’

"Who’s that?" Luke asked, I glanced up at him. "Michael." I said. I quickly replied to Michael. ‘Yeah that’s cool. Thanks x.’ 

"Should we start?" He asked sitting on my bed, I nodded grabbing my books from my bag. "Michael and Calum will be late but they’re bringing dinner up." I said sitting across from him, he nodded. 

We worked for ages, it was exhausting. We decided to take a break, getting drinks and something to eat. He leaned against the counter while I poured two drinks. “How come Calum and Michael are bringing up dinner?” 

"We do it every Friday, my parents work night shift so I have the house to myself. Michael and Calum usually stay overnight. Sometimes just Michael. Sometimes just Calum. Depends on them." I explained handing him a drink. "Isn’t that weird?" He asked, I frowned. "No. They’re my best friends. They know boundaries and it’s totally platonic." I answered, he took my drink from my hand and set his and mine down. "So they wouldn’t mind if I kissed you?" He said moving closer to me. I grinned shaking my head. I briefly thought about Michael’s reaction last night but that was all gone the minute Luke’s lips touched mine. He had a sudden burst of confidence pulling my torso to his. He deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth. He pressed my up against the counter. Luke pulled away, his forehead pressed to mine. "You’re really beautiful." He whispered, my heart fluttered at his words. "W-we should get back to studying." I said dazed, he smirked at me. He stepped back from me, seeing something over my shoulder. "Do you play guitar?" 

"No. It’s not mine." I said gesturing to the guitar he must’ve spotted. "Ah… Can I teach you something on it?" He asked going over to it. "Uh, sure." I said nervously. He picked it up and sat on the floor in front of the lounge. He spread his legs and patted the space. I blushed and sat down, my back pressed to his chest. He handed me the guitar, positioning my hands correctly. He showed me how to strum a few different chords. "Yeah that’s it." He said happily in my ear, his breath puffing out over my neck and cheek. I felt his lips softly press against the skin at the base of my neck. "Luke… What are you doing?" I asked nervously, he chuckled against my skin. "Just relax. Keep playing." His lips ghosting along my neck. My breath hitched in my throat, his teeth catching the skin at the base of my neck. I put the guitar down and turned around, he looked stunned. I smirked back at him, he pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him. 

Calum’s POV

I noticed Michael’s annoyance toward spending time with Luke and Y/N, together. “He better not stay too long, I just might kill him.” Michael threatened, I rolled my eyes. “He won’t, I’m sure Y/N wants to keep Friday nights the same. I know I don’t want them to change.” I said he shrugged and then nodded. I pulled into the driveway, Michael put on a happy face. 

I unlocked the front door, and walked in to find Y/N and Luke kissing on the floor. I stopped, Michael crashed into me. His jaw dropped, and then he cleared his throat. Y/N and Luke parted and looked up at us. She blushed, she was so embarrassed. She and Luke stood up, Y/N picked up my guitar putting it back on the stand. “Y/N? Can we talk?” Michael asked his voice breaking with anger. Y/N and Michael left, Luke looked at me still clearly embarrassed about what Michael and I walked in on. “So… I have to ask what do you want from Y/N?” I asked, he shrugged. “She’s hot. Look I know that you’re her best friend but so what if she has an interest in another guy?” He said, cockiness in his voice. “Because Y/N isn’t the kind of girl who starts making out with some random guy. She’s not like that.” I said, I wanted to warn him but it wasn’t coming through. “Maybe she likes me.” 

"Regardless she still wouldn’t usually do that." I said firmly, I knew that she liked him but I think she liked someone else more. "Yeah well. I don’t want to date her I’m not into dating." He confessed… Did not see that coming. He was so different from when he was at school. "So what are you doing with Y/N then because if you hurt her I swear she won’t recognize you." I said harshly, he nodded with a cocky smirk. Before he could fire back Michael and Y/N came out of her bedroom. Their faces showed no emotion. "Luke I think you should go." She said softly, Luke frowned. "Babe don’t you want me to stay for dinner?" He asked he reached out for her, she flinched away. "Just go. Please." She pointed at the front door. He grabbed his bags and left without a word. She turned to Michael wrapping her arms around him. "Y/N?" I asked, she turned her head, looking at me. "I heard you and Luke talking. Do you think he was serious?" She asked sobbing, Michael’s arms wrapped around her. "Yeah I think he was serious. I’m sorry Y/N." I said, she nodded pressing her face into Michael’s chest. He held her tightly and sat down on the lounge with her, she cuddled into his side. It was a perfect picture, I just hoped it stayed that way.   

A/N: Hope you like it!!!! 

~Lucy xx 

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