#25 Magazine Article About You and Him

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Calum: Calum and I were having a day together for the first time in ages since he had a day off we were relaxing in our hotel room. He was playing video games while I read a magazine, my eyes widened when I read one of the headings. “Y/N and Calum Hood. Rumoured to be engaged.” I frowned, Calum and I aren’t engaged. “Hey Cal?” I asked sitting up and looking over at him. He paused his game and turned to me. “Yeah love?”

“Are we engaged?” I asked, his brows furrowed in confusion. “Because apparently we are…” I added, showing him the magazine. “I think I would know if I was engaged to my beautiful girlfriend.” He said sweetly, I blushed and looked back at the magazine. “What else does it say?”

“It says: The loved up couple Y/N and Calum Hood from pop rock band 5 Seconds of Summer are rumoured to be engaged after Y/N went on tour with the band. She has been away with them for quite some time now, one night a few weeks ago Y/N came off their tour bus sporting a rather large diamond ring. Calum looking particularly happy with himself as they went into the hotel.” I read out, Calum’s eyes almost popped out of his head. I looked at the photo seeing the ring on my finger. That’s weird I wasn’t wearing a ring that day, I never wear rings. “Calum this is photo shopped.” I said as I showed him the picture. I continued to read down the article. “Now the real question is… how did Calum ask her?” I read aloud. “That’s a good question.” He joked, smiling over at me. I was about to say something else when someone knocked on the door. “Coming.” Calum yelled as he went and answered it. Luke, Ashton and Michael all walked in with huge smiles on their faces. The three of them tackled me in a hug. “What are you guys doing?” Calum asked, they all got off me. “We heard about you guys… how could you not tell us?” Ashton asked slapping Calum’s shoulder. “Well there’s nothing to tell… did you guys see the article?” He said pointing to my magazine, Luke nodded. “We aren’t engaged. It’s a rumour.” I said putting down the magazine. “Well… we don’t want it to be just a rumour…” Michael hinted, Calum rolled his eyes. “Don’t you guys have something else to do?” He said pushing them out of the room. I laughed as I picked up my magazine again.

Ashton: His POV

I had been called into the studio early this morning, groaning as I got out of bed not wanting to leave Y/N. I scribbled a note down for her and kissed her softly before I left to go to the studio.

I walked in to find Michael and Calum all looking worse for wear like I was. Luke was in the corner reading a magazine. “Morning.” I grumbled sitting down with them. “Is it? It’s not a human time that’s for sure.” Michael said drinking his coffee. “Why are you reading that Luke?” I asked, he smiled and looked as if he was holding in a laugh. “Just you and Y/N have an article written about you guys.” He shrugged, I was suddenly very awake. “Well what does it say?” I asked turning my full attention to him, Calum and Michael did the same. “Just before I start reading… when did you and Y/N start sleeping together?” I frowned at him, he smirked back at me. Oh no… please don’t let it be what I think it is. “Which celebs seem to be getting some this month?” Luke read the heading before glancing up at me. I knew exactly where this was going. “5 Seconds of Summer band member, Ashton Irwin was spotted purchasing condoms one night last week.” I face palmed, I knew it. I knew I got caught. “Is Ashton setting a good example for his younger fans by doing this sort of thing with girlfriend Y/N? We don’t know.” I shook my head. “So… our little Ashy is growing up.” Calum teased pinching my cheeks. “I’m older than you.” I retaliated. “This is just great. Y/N is going to kill me.” I sighed running my fingers through my hair. “No she’s not because, it’s not your fault, if you both horny and out of condoms well, you have to go out and buy them. It’s not like you were buying toys. That would be a lot worse.” Michael reasoned, I turned to Luke. “Can I slap him?” Luke nodded at me, I raised my hand and slapped Michael on the arm. “Shut up.”

“I’m just saying. Don’t worry about it.” Michael said rubbing his arm. “Alright, let’s do this recording so I can go home and sleep.” I said yawning halfway through.   

Luke: Luke and I were sadly on the flight home from our honeymoon. I still couldn’t believe I had married him and had the best three weeks of my life.

Luke was curled up by my side asleep while I read a magazine. I re-read the heading on the page. “5 Seconds of Summer star Luke Hemmings married to long-time girlfriend in his hometown Sydney.”I smiled reading through the article. I felt Luke shift beside me, his head on my shoulder. “Hey that’s us.” He pointed to the magazine, I smiled at him. “Yeah it’s about our wedding.” I said showing him the article. “I look terrible in that photo.” He said peering at one of the photos. “No you don’t. You look sexy.” I said kissing his cheek, he blushed. “Thank you but I still look really bad.” He said smiling at me, I shook my head. “Anyway… Luke Hemmings and fiancé Y/N got married over the weekend. The Australian couple finally walked down the aisle, none of us thought it would actually happen. Y/N was wearing a beautiful white wedding dress… very traditional. Luke was looking very sexy in a simple back tuxedo.” I smiled over at him, he pressed his face into my neck in embarrassment. “Told you that you looked sexy.” I said tapping his nose. “Keep reading.” He mumbled. “Luke is the first of the 5 Seconds of Summer boys to tie the knot.The question is, who will be next and how did the honeymoon go?We are still waiting on pictures of the newly married couple on their honeymoon. We are sure there are some saucy pictures somewhere.” I continued, I shut the magazine a little bit disgusted Luke laced our fingers together. “Don’t worry about it. There is no way that they could get photos because we were on a private residence.” He assured, I nodded. “The saucy pictures are for you and I only.” He mumbled, I blushed shyly. Looking at our hands clasped tightly together.

Michael: Michael and I had been best friends for a while, we would always hang out with each other, mucking around and he even invited me to go away with him to London for a while. Our interactions brought me to the fans’ attention. A lot of the fans didn’t think that we were just friends.

“Y/N? I bring pizza and movies.” Michael called as he walked into my house. “Hey Michael.” I waved as I looked back to my magazine. “What are you reading?” He asked, he leaned over the back of the lounge reading over my shoulder. “Just an article about us.” I shrugged, he looked a little closer. “Michael Clifford and Y/N dating?” I read over the title again and again. “Since when?” Michael asked looking at me. “We’re not dating.” I said shrugging. He came and sat beside me. “What else does it say?”

Michael and Y/N are said to be just friends, but many fans disagree. The way that they look at each other and act around each other says otherwise. The pair shared a goodbye kiss at London airport when Y/N had to go back to Australia.” I read aloud, Michael’s jaw dropped. “There’s more… Michael and Y/N have been seen together holding hands, arms around each other and Y/N has even been seen in Michael’s clothes. If this doesn’t confirm it… what does?” I continued, my eyes scanned over the pictures of me and Michael together. All they had written was true apart from the fact that we aren’t dating. He watched me closely and shrugged. “So what if they think we are dating? I wouldn’t mind it.” He said smirking at me, I froze it taking a couple of seconds to take in what he just said. “Wh- what? Um… what?” I stammered. “You heard me. I wouldn’t mind dating you and I’m sure you wouldn’t mind dating me. So how about it?” I scrunched my face up as I thought, finally I nodded at him. A big smile cracked on his face.       

A/N: Hope you like it!

~ Lucy xx

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