Caught in the Country - Luke Imagine

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His POV 

I blasted the song through the radio as I headed down the dirt road. The whole road was deserted because it was in the middle of no where. Perfect when you want to clear your mind. I tapped my hands on the steering wheel as my favourite song thumped through my stereo. The sun warmed my hands through the windscreen on this warm summer day. I’m glad that I went for a drive today. But obviously my song was too loud for me to hear the ‘check engine’ light beep at me. Before I knew it smoke was rising out of the bonnet of my car. “What the hell?” I muttered as I pulled off the road. I killed the ignition and hopped out of the car, eager to fix whatever the problem was and head off. Birds tweeted from the treetops nearby, watching my every move. I clicked open the bonnet to be met with a huge puff of smoke. Waving it away with my hand I had a look at the source of the problem. My spark plugs were totally fried, melted together in a wirey mess. I lifted my hands to the back of my head, sighing in frustration. Sweat covered my hand, collected from the back of my neck. I was starting to regret picking this hot day for a drive. Turning around, I leaned on the front of my car, trying to think of a way out of this. My eyes widened at the hopeful realisation that I had my phone in my pocket. I reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out my phone, only to find out that I had no reception. Great. I was in the middle of no where with no one to call. Just as I was about to totally give up hope a sound caught my attention. The sound of gravel crunching under tyre, being flicked away as the rubber flies over the surface. I looked up and into the distance and saw a small tow truck coming this way. Relief surged through me as I waved my arms, trying to catch their attention. The truck came closer and I lowered my arms as they started slowing down. I looked through the window to see a girl scanning my car, checking to see what the problem was. She rolled down her window and smiled at me. My heart fluttered in my chest as butterflies went crazy in my stomach. I would have introduced myself but my words failed me as the girl continued to smile, waiting for me to speak. I opened my mouth but shut it again, not getting anything out. She giggled at my nervousness which only made it worse. 

Her POV 

I giggled at his nervousness as he stood before me, opening and shutting his mouth, trying to get something out. “Hey there.” I giggled. The boy seemed to be broken out of his mysterious trance, standing up and walking closer to my tow truck. “Uh hey.” He said as he scratched the back of his head. “What’s up with your car?” I asked, pointing to the car. “Spark plugs are fried. And I also have no reception.” He said, pursing his lips and waving his phone next to his head. The boy was lucky that I was called by Big Joe who lives in the paddock next to his car. “Well I’ll hook you up to my truck and take you to the service station.” I offered with a smile. He seemed relieved as he let out a small laugh. “That’d be great, thanks.” He smiled. The boy turned around and walked to the side of the road as I moved my truck with a few effortless turns, facing the back of my tow truck to the front of his car. Leaving the keys in the ignition, I got out of my truck, slamming the door behind me as I walked to the back. “You did that well.” The boy complemented. I smiled at him while I grabbed the hook of the towing cable. “Thanks. I’ve had lots of practice.” I laughed. The boy laughed politely as I pulled on the cable and that’s when I realised I didn’t know his name. “Hey what’s your name?” I asked. “Luke. You?” He smiled. I walked over to his car and hooked the end of the cable to his car. “Y/N.” I answered. Luke nodded. “Thanks.” He smiled. I stood up and looked at him. Nerves kicked in as I fully took him in. Tall and broad-shouldered with blue eyes and blonde hair styled in a quiff. He was quite attractive. I looked away, hoping he didn’t notice how I looked at him. “No problem.” I said, scratching the back of my neck. The still air between us became thick with nerves and anticipation and we could both feel it. “You can get into my tow truck and we’ll go now.” I said, looking at his car attached to my truck. Luke nodded and walked to the passenger side while I ran over to the drivers side and got in. The smell of oil and metal in the front seat never bothered me before but now with Luke in here it suddenly mattered. I began driving away, seeing that I left the truck running. “So why does a pretty girl like you drive a tow truck?” Luke asked curiously. My cheeks blushed furiously. Out in the country there weren’t many people so I never got called pretty. “I work for my dad who owns a service station and I drive the truck sometimes.” I explained. Luke nodded and looked out the window. I took the opportunity and looked at him while keeping my head facing the road. He was even better looking this close up. His hands looked big but delicate in a way, like a musician. He had hair that looked so soft and flowy. I just wanted to touch it. Luke was wearing clothes that screamed punk but something about him made me feel differently about that. I think that he’s secretly a soft-hearted cutie. I flicked my gaze back to the road as I turned down a bitumen road. “So you live around here?” I asked, changing gears as I sped up. “Not really. I just wanted to go for a drive through the country,” He said, but he quickly frowned, “How did you know where I was?” He asked, turning to face me. “Old Joe who lives in the paddock where your car broke down called me out.” I replied. “You got there quick.” Luke said. “Yeah, I was already on a drive. I just felt like it.” I smiled, quickly giving him a glance. I looked back to see that we were about to pass the service station. Panicking, I hit the brakes slightly and pulled hard on the steering wheel, sending Luke sliding into me. We pulled into the station with the tow truck and car in one piece. I however, felt like I had been cut up by my seatbelt. “You okay?” I asked. “Yeah I’m fine.” Luke replied, moving his head to a more comfortable position on my shoulder. We both seemed to realise at the same time that he was pretty much laying on my side. Luke shot up into a sitting position, moving away from me while I smoothed out my overalls. His cheeks were a light pink as were mine. He looked so cute. “Uh I’ll go unhook your car.” I mumbled, getting out of the truck and moving to the back. I unhooked his car as quickly as possible so that I could go talk to Luke again. Wow he’s already affected me. “Y/N!” I heard my dad yell from the garage. “Yeah!” I called back. “I’m gonna need you to drive to the playground! Someone needs a tow!” Dad yelled. ‘Really?’ Is what I thought, but “Okay!” Was what I called back. I moved back to the front of the truck, ready to get in and drive away, when Luke ran over to me. “I need to tip you!” He puffed. “No it’s all good.” I smiled. “No really I do.” He smiled. I frowned but accepted the money in his hand. Luke winked and backed away. Brushing a piece of hair behind my ear nervously, I hopped up into the tow truck. I was about to put the money in my pocket when I saw something white amongst the notes. “Huh.” I mumbled. I pulled out the white piece of paper, unravelled it and saw Luke’s phone number scribbled down. I gasped and looked up to see him standing by the garage, looking at me. Luke winked and disappeared into the building. I giggled and began to drive off. I should tow cars more often.

A/N Okay well I hope you enjoy this one :) Not my best I must admit but yeah :) 

Bianca xx

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