#50 Wearing His Clothes

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Calum: Calum had taken me out on a date to the park as it was such a nice day. We were laid out on in the sun on the grass, my body on top of his; his hands lingering on my waist. Calum had pulled his SnapBack down his face covering his eyebrows. “Would you still love me if I had no eyebrows?” He pouted, I laughed kissing his cheek. “Yes Calum.” I said pushing the SnapBack off his head. I kissed him softly. I put his SnapBack on my head, the brim falling down my face. Calum chuckled at me. I sat up my thighs still straddling his hips, he propped himself up onto his hands. His face close to mine, I smiled nervously. He lifted the SnapBack off my head turning the brim to the back of my head. “My hat suits you.” Calum said, moving some hair off my face. He leaned forward kissing me softly, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Calum pulled away, smiling at me. “You should wear my SnapBack more often. You look sexy.” He muttered, his lips grazing mine, I smiled shyly.

Ashton: Ashton had gone to the studio leaving me at his house to fend for myself, I hadn’t been home in two days and I was wearing the same clothes I had for the past two days. I was feeling a bit gross but I didn’t have any clothes and I couldn’t be bothered to go home. I spotted Ashton’s Captain America shirt on the chair in the bedroom. I shrugged taking off my shirt and pulling on Ashton’s which was huge on me. It felt like a warm hug from Ashton though… obviously not as good.

I lounged around in Ashton’s shirt waiting for him to come home; I jumped looking away from the TV when the door slammed shut. Ashton was clearly having a bad day. “Ash, babe?” I asked softly, trying not to agitate him more. He walked into the lounge room, his drumsticks dropping out of his fingers when he looked at me. “Hey beautiful.” He said smiling at me, I smiled back walking up to him. “Are you okay?”

“I am now.” He whispered, his forehead pressing to mine as he took my waist in his large hands. “Is that my shirt?” He asked looking down at the grey t-shirt, I nodded. “Mine was dirty.” I said pouting, he smirked kissing me quickly. “Well it looks better on you than it ever did on me.” He said, his lips brushing mine. I smiled broadly, his hands tightened on my waist. I giggled as he kissed my nose, I was glad that he was back to his happy self.   

Luke: I had been missing Luke so much while he was on tour, he was coming home this week but honestly, I wanted something Luke-ish. I remembered that he had given me a couple of his shirts because he knew how much I loved to wear them even though I would never ever admit that to him. I pulled out the only shirt that I hadn’t worn yet because it was my favourite and I wanted to save it, Luke’s plaid button down shirt.

I quickly changed out of my shirt pulling on Luke’s, his scent was all around me like he was right next to me. I spent the rest of the day doing nothing, and eventually fell asleep on the lounge.

I was startled by a hand on my shoulder, I was ready to scream when I saw Luke’s staring down at me. “Oh my god, Luke! What are you doing here?” I squealed sitting up and hugging him. He stood me up, spinning me around. “I’ve missed you so much baby.” He said kissing my neck, I giggled at the feeling. He set me back on my feet, looking me up and down. “That’s mine.” He said pulling at the material, I nodded. “I know, I was missing you and yeah…” I said trailing off, he smirked at me. I watched as he bit his lip, pushing his lip ring out. My heart thumped in my chest as he wrapped his arms around my hips, pulling me closer. “I knew you would look sexy in my shirt but I never knew you would be this sexy.” Luke whispered in my ear making me shudder. “But I think it would be better if it was on the floor.” He continued, his lip ring grazing my ear lobe. “I’m so glad you’re back Luke.” I sighed into his neck. “Me too babe.” He whispered back, I smiled kissing his neck. “I love you Luke.” I mumbled, he pulled back grinning at me. “I love you too.” He said kissing me softly.  

I had never been so thankful for Luke’s plaid shirt.

Michael: Michael had invited me to come on tour with him to England, which I was stoked about. The only thing was that I was always cold. “Miiiicccchhhhaaaaeelll.” I whined from the lounge. He appeared into view, he smiled handing me his sweater. “I knew you would ask.” He said, I pulled it over my head; it was massive but it was so warm and cuddly like Michael. I curled up under the blanket trying to get warm, his large sweater enveloping my tiny torso. I noticed Michael smirking at me. “You look so cute in my sweater.” I blushed hiding my face with the blanket. “Come here.” He said lifting me up as he sat down with me on his lap. “I love seeing you in my clothes. They make you look so fragile, so delicate.” He said his fingers brushing over my cheek. I smiled, kissing the corner of his mouth. I wrapped my arms around him snuggling into his warmth. He flinched when my nose touched his neck. He moved away so he could see my face, he kissed my nose. I giggled under his touch, he smiled at me. 

A/N: Hope you like it! Sorry I got carried away with Ashton and Luke :D 

~Lucy xx

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