#9 You Can't Sleep

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Calum: I had come down with a terrible cold causing me to have really bad headaches and a fever. I had kicked all the covers off, accidentally kicking Calum. He grumbled in his sleep and then was startled awake. “Sorry Cal.” I gushed; he shook his head, running his fingers through his bed hair. “It’s fine babe, how are you?” He asked, he pressed the back of his hand to my forehead. “You’re so hot!” He said concern in his voice. “I’ll get you a cloth.” He said hopping out of bed and going into our bathroom. 

He came back with a wet towel; he sat on the edge of the bed. He pressed it to my chest to cool me down and wipe my sweat away, he then laid it across my forehead. I instantly felt the effects… well sort of. I was still so hot. “Better?”

“Heaps, but I’m still really hot.” I said sitting up holding the cloth to my head. “What do you want babe?” 

“Can you get me some Panadol and some ice cream?” I said as I laid back down. “Doctor Calum will get it for you.” He said going out of our room to get what I wanted. 

He came back with a tub of ice cream, Panadol and a glass of water. I weakly sat up against the pillows, my head pounding. I noticed he had two spoons with the ice cream. I took my pills, feeling a little better. Calum got into bed beside me again and we settled in for a night of eating ice cream and chatting; trying to make me feel better.

Ashton: I was tossing and turning, I just couldn’t seem to get comfortable. It wasn’t long before Ashton was awake beside me. “Y/N what’s up?” 

“I can’t sleep.” I whined tiredly, he pulled me into his front. “Come here.” He muttered kissing my head softly. My back pressing against his front, the feeling of the rise and fall of his chest calming me a bit. “Why can’t you sleep?” He asked, I shrugged slightly. “I don’t know. I think I’m worried about you leaving.” I said sadly, I mean Ashton was leaving for tour soon and I was just anxious I guess. “For tour? Me too, beautiful.” 

“I’m just worried you’ll find someone else and I think its getting to me.” I sighed, he rolled me over in his arms. He wrapped his arm under my shoulders, the other sitting on my waist. “You don’t have to worry about that. I love you Y/N only you.” He whispered before kissing me softly, I smiled against his kiss. I rolled back onto my side. Ashton being a drummer meant that he was always drumming his fingers or hands on something whether it be a table, the bed late at night or even on me. Ashton’s abnormally large hand sat nicely on my small torso, making it look smaller than it was. He softly whispered sweet things in my ear as he aimlessly drummed his fingers on my stomach sending me into a deep sleep.

Luke: I had the worst cramps tonight, I felt like I was getting stabbed. It was so bad I was whimpering every few minutes. “Sweetie, what’s up?” Luke asked tiredly. “Shit,” I mumbled. “Sorry Luke, I didn’t mean to wake you.” 

“Its okay I wasn’t sleeping anyway. So what’s going on?” 

“Cramps.” I mumbled into my pillow, trying to find some relief. “I’ll see if I have a hot water bottle.” He said kissing the top of my head before leaving to find one. 

In the space of just a few minutes I had tried several different odd positions, none of which worked. Luke came back into our room to see me sitting up on my feet with my arms around my knees to stop myself from falling. I could see it took so much in Luke to not burst out laughing. “I’m sorry I don’t have one. Is there anything I can do?” 

“N – Yes.” I quickly corrected myself. “Would you consider yourself warm at the moment?” 

“Yeah I guess, why?” He asked sitting in bed beside me. “You want to lay on me don’t you?” I nodded shyly, he smiled and laid down. We had done this before I still felt awkward about it. He pulled me effortlessly onto his body. His body heat warming my sore stomach and legs, I sighed feeling some relief. Luke’s hands sat on a modest spot on my back; I bravely moved them down to my low back. A while later my cramps were gone and we were asleep.

Michael: Neither Michael or I could sleep, we thought it might have had something to do with the fact we were getting married in a few days. I think we were both so nervous but too scared to tell each other. 

“Michael, are you awake?” 

“Yeah are you?” He asked, I frowned. “Michael who do you think asked you?” I asked a small smile forming on my lips, I knew he was also smiling. “So what do you want to do? Because sleeping isn’t working out too well.” I sighed turning on the lamp. “Oh, play guitar for me. You know how it puts me to sleep.” I said looking over at him. 

He got up and grabbed his guitar from the corner of the room. He sat up in bed beside me, “Any requests?” 

“Beside you.” 

“I am,” I frowned at him. “Oh you mean the song sorry.” He said, I giggled as he began playing. “No, no. I want to listen to your laugh; it’s more beautiful than my guitar playing.” He said laying his guitar beside the bed. 

We settled for staying up and talking for hours into the morning, until we were asleep in each other’s arms, where we belong.

A/N This was really fun to write and I hope you like it!! 

~Lucy xx

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