Scared Of The Dark - Ashton Imagine

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I was snuggled into Ashton’s chest, my back to him, as we watched Despicable Me. “Oh my God I love minions.” I giggled as the minions were up to their little antics. Ashton chuckled into my hair before kissing my head. “You’re way too cute Y/N.” He mumbled. My cheeks flushed a light pink as I squeezed Ashton’s hands that were connected at my waist. We kept on watching the movie, occasionally laughing, especially at the minions. Just as Gru got the moon back the power went out, plunging us into darkness. I gasped in surprise and sunk into Ashton chest. “Ashton, what just happened?” I mumbled. “Just a power outage.” He said, tightening his grip tightening on me. I tensed in his arms, an uneasy feeling settling in my stomach. Ashton didn’t know I was scared of the dark. Really scared. “Are you okay?” Ashton asked. I tried to calm myself so that my nerves wouldn’t show through my voice. “Yeah I’m fine.” I said quietly. “You sure?” He asked again. I could hear the smile in his voice. “Yeah of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” I responded, becoming defensive. Well he definitely knew now. Ashton sighed before sitting up. “What’re you doing?” I questioned worriedly. “I’m going upstairs to get some candles and torches.” I sat up as well, gripping the pillow that supported my head. “I’ll be back soon.” He reassured, as if he sensed my fear. “Okay.” I squeaked. The couch moaned under Ashton as he got up. I watched his silhouette go up the stairs, lit by faint moonlight, leaving me completely alone in the dark. My worst nightmare. I clutched onto my pillow the same way fear clutched onto me. Strong and relentless. A crash from upstairs made me freeze, my heart beat slowing, as I tried to process the sound. Another crash made me jump off the couch. “Ashton…? Are you okay?” I asked into the darkness. No response. I took slow, careful steps towards the hallway, fear gripping onto me. Pillow in hand, I approached the stairs. The house was dead silent, an empty feeling filling the pitch black rooms. Ashton was still no where to be seen. My breaths quickened at the idea that maybe this power outage wasn’t normal. Maybe it was on purpose. Another crash. My hands shot up to my mouth, sending my pillow to the ground with a soft thud. “Y/N!” Ashton yelled from the darkness. “Ashton!” I screamed. My heart pounded in my chest as I ran up the stairs. “Ashton!” Silence. I wanted to cry, tears pushing at my eyes. Crossing my arms across my stomach, I held onto my sides as I peered down the dark hallway. A faint glow emanated from our bedroom at the end of the hall. “Ashton.” I called out. Still no response as I edged down the hall further away from any possible exit. “Ashton?” I whispered, fear taking away any confidence from me. My stomach crawled at the idea of being attacked in the dark. Two horrible fears combined. I barely breathed, the faint glow coming closer and closer as I stepped further and further into the darkness. All of my senses were screaming at me, telling me to run, but I ignored them. If Ashton was hurt and I left, I would never be able to live with that. I scraped up any shred of confidence left in me and pushed the door open further. “Ashton.” I called, stepping into the room. The faint glow I saw from before came from a torch, left on the floor next to a broken glass. Panic rose up in me causing me to breathe rapidly. I was a few steps past the door when I heard it slam behind me. My heart slammed against my ribcage, pounding with fear as I spun on my feet. “RAAAAAHHHH!!!” A figure yelled, running at me. “ASHTON!” I screamed. The unknown figure stopped and laughed. I began shaking with fear, my urge to cry worse than before. “It’s okay it’s just me!” The man said, turning a torch on and shining it in his face. Ashton. “Ashton you scared me.” I sniffled, starting to cry. “Awww Y/N.” He cooed, stepping towards me. I held my hand out to stop him. “No Ashton, you don’t understand!” Ashton tilted his head in confusion. “Understand what?” He asked worriedly. I inhaled deeply. “I’m scared of the dark.” I whimpered, falling to my knees. My tears came rushing down my cheeks as I sobbed, unable to contain them any longer. “Aww baby! I didn’t know I’m sorry!” Ashton apologised, kneeling down and enveloping me in a hug. He stroked my hair as I cried into his chest. “I thought you were hurt! I thought someone was in the house!” I sobbed, “I was so scared!” Ashton kissed the top of my head as he rocked me from side to side, trying to comfort me. “I’m really sorry Y/N. I won’t do this again. Okay?” I pulled away from his chest and slapped it lightly. “You better not.” I said playfully. “Or what? You’ll scream again?” He challenged. “Ash..” I mumbled. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Ashton whispered into my hair. He pulled away from the hug with one arm still wrapped around me. I looked up at him as he brushed the hair from my face and kissed my forehead. “Now let’s go turn on the power and see what Gru does with the moon.” Ashton smiled. I giggled at his offer, placing my hands on his chest. “Yes please!” I smiled back. Ashton gave me a quick kiss on the lips before taking my hand and leading me back downstairs, where we watched the rest of Despicable Me.

A/N Okay I had trouble coming up with ideas and this was all that came and yeah, it is definitely not my best to say the least, if anyone likes it then yay ahaha :) I wrote this on 5 hours of sleep oops.. :)
Bianca xx

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