#3 How You Meet

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Ashton: Tonight was the night of the 5 Seconds of Summer concert, I was finally getting to see them. I was so happy that I had meet and greet as well. I had tried so hard to meet them and never had the chance. I wanted to meet Ashton the most, he was just perfect I couldn’t explain it. 

When I got inside the venue all the m&g people were directed backstage to the boys. Sadly, I was near the end of the line, which slowly crawled along. I started freaking out as it got closer to me. 

When it got to me, I gave my camera to the security guard to take pictures of us. “Hey babe!” Ashton beamed, I smiled I was so happy to meeting them. I almost ran into his arms, I hugged him tight. I moved onto Luke, then Calum and Michael. “What’s your name?” Luke asked me, I was star struck for a second. “Oh I’m Y/N.” I stuttered, Ashton smiled at me. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He said a little bit too loud. I blushed bright red. “Uh, thank you.” I said not knowing how to take a compliment like that. They all pulled me in for the photo, I stood between Calum and Ashton. “Thank you so much! I love you guys so much!” I gushed after we had the photo. “Aw! We love you too!” Michael said happily, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. “Could you guys follow me on twitter?” I asked handing them my twitter name, they all nodded. They all looked at Ashton, he nodded and then gave me a piece of paper. He pulled me into a hug, “Give me a call later tonight.” He whispered in my ear, I nodded. I hugged them all again before leaving. 

As soon as I got home I called the number Ashton gave me. “Hello?” 

“Hi, Ashton its Y/N from meet and greet tonight.” I said shakily. “I remember you, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out for coffee tomorrow?” 

“Of course.” I smiled, he told me that he had to go and he would text me the details and with that he hung up.   

Luke: My best friends and I decided to go to the zoo for relax day after exams. “Y/N. Penguins and polar bears are this way!” B/F/N yelled pointing to a sign, I smiled and followed her to the enclosures. She ran off to the polar bears with the others, while I went to the penguins. 

I watched them for ages until I noticed a group of four boys, who looked completely out of place. They were all wearing ripped t-shirts and jeans, and I think they were trying to be punk. The tallest boy who was blonde was watching the penguins with a huge smile on his face, it was so cute. His mates stood with him half paying attention, half not. One had dirty blonde wavy hair, one with dark hair and tanned skin; the other had black and white hair, the black was a stripe down the middle of the white. In all honestly they were insanely attractive. The blonde one noticed me staring, I looked away quickly. I heard the four boys talking suddenly louder. “Go over there! She won’t bite!” One said loudly, I didn’t think it was me so I kept my head down. A few seconds later someone bumped into me, I turned to be faced with a hard chest. “Oh sorry.” I said quickly. “Don’t be, it was my fault.” The blonde boy said, I blushed looking at the ground. “Oh uh. I’m Luke and you are?” He asked nervously, I looked up at his smiling face. “Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” I said sweetly. “You too. Are you a penguin lover too?” He asked turning to look at the penguins waddling around the ice. “Yeah they are my favourite animal.” I said happily. “Me too. We’re a match made in heaven.” He joked, before I could say anything he continued. “I know this is forward, but I think you’re really pretty and I was wondering if you would like to go to lunch with me or something?” He asked scratching the back of his neck, I smiled even more. “I’d love to. Do you mean now or later? I'm here with my friends.” I asked shifting on my feet. “Now if you can.” I nodded, I quickly went and told them and they said it was cool. I went out to lunch with Luke and that was just the beginning of an amazing relationship.  

Michael: I was on my last hour of my last shift before I had a two week break… just because. I could sit at home and eat, play video games and sleep, my boss even allowed me to borrow some games while I was off. I worked in a video game store so I got things all the time.

Just as I was about to start packing up a guy walked into the store, he sighed loudly as he looked through the games. “Can I help you?” I asked, he looked at me angrily. “No! Leave me alone!” He snapped, I went back behind the counter. He threw the games at me on the counter; I jumped at the sound of the games hitting the counter and the door opening. I noticed a head of dyed hair going through the store. “God girl! Hurry up! It’s not hard!” The man yelled at me, I worked as quickly as possible. He gave me his money, and I gave him his change. “This is the wrong change!” I was beginning to get scared, tears threatening in my eyes. The boy, who walked in before, stood beside the man. “Hey leave her alone. She’s doing her best.” He defended, I smiled over at him. “I'm sorry sir but that is the correct change.” I replied gaining a little confidence. “Ugh! Fine!” He said taking his items and leaving the store angrily.  Tears fell from my eyes, I was a shaking mess; customers like that always scared me. A pair of arms were suddenly wrapped around my waist, and a kiss pressed to the top of my head. “Are you okay?” He asked softly, I nodded against his chest. He was so warm and comforting. I looked up at him through teary eyes, the colours in his hair were brighter than I first thought. “Uh thank you for that.” I said wiping my eyes and stepping out of his inviting embrace. “That’s okay; I would always defend a beautiful girl. I’m Michael by the way.” He said sweetly. “Oh well I’m Y/N. Um, is there anything I can help you with?” I asked coming around the counter. “No I was just looking, but it’s almost closing time anyway. Will you be here tomorrow?” 

“No, I’ve got two weeks off. Doing absolutely nothing.” I said happily, he looked at his feet. “If you want to do something we can.” I suggested. “Do you play video games? Silly question I know.” He said, I nodded. “That’s all I'm doing. You’re welcome to join me.” He nodded, giving me his number. 

The next two weeks were spent with Michael eating, playing video games and sleeping. 

Calum: I was at soccer training again… my sister had a big game coming up soon and she wanted me to come to training with her. She had a thing for one of the guys and she wanted me to talk to him for her or something I don’t know she just didn’t want to be alone. I sat between the two training areas, the boys team trained on the other field. I took no notice of my sister’s team, I’d rather watch hot, sweaty guys running around. One guy caught my eye, he had dark skin, black hair, he was really tall and he was mucking around with his team mates. Just all around attractive, my sister had mentioned him I think she said his name was Calum. I looked away from him scared I would get caught; I turned to watch the girls.  

Training was almost over, I was about to get up when I felt a hard thump on my back. One of the boys probably playing a joke. I turned to see where the ball was and what the boys were doing. I saw Calum running over to me, his breath heavy. “Hey are you okay?” He asked, stopping in front of me. He held out his hand, I gladly took it as he pulled me up. “I'm so sorry about that. Are you hurt?” He asked concerned, I shook my head smiling. “No I’m fine. I'm Y/N.” I said brushing myself off. “I'm Calum, are you sure you’re okay?” He said smiling, I nodded. “I’m fine really don’t worry about it.” 

“Well I want to make it up to you anyway, how are about a date?” He offered, I was taken aback… I never got asked out. “Uh sure.” I said suddenly shy. “Great, can I get your number?” He asked forwardly, I nodded. He handed me his phone, I quickly typed my number and my name. “Thanks I’ll text you later tonight with details.” He said, I nodded. He pulled me into a hug and said sorry again. “Bye.” He said going back to the field; he was greeted by wolf whistles and cheers from his team mates. “Y/N! Come on! We’re going home!” My sister yelled from the car, I rolled my eyes. The entire way home all I could think about was Calum, I was finally glad that I went to training with my sister.   

A/N: Hey I really like writing this one and I know its incredibly cheesy but oh well haha. Please rate, comment and share. 

Lucy xx

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