Booze, Bodies and Blaring Music - Ashton Imagine

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The lights blazed in the club as I downed my shot. “Woooo!” I screamed with my girlfriends. Pink, blue and purple flickered in my glass, reflecting the strobe flashes as I set my glass down. I felt the cool liquid burn my throat as it made its way to my stomach. Clenching my teeth through the pleasurable pain, I felt the bass vibrate through my jaw. Tonight we were having a girl’s night out at the club downtown. Ashton didn’t want me to go because of stories about this place but I finally convinced him to let me go, knowing that I would have my girls with me at all times. “Let’s dance!” My friend yelled over the loud music. “Yeeaahh! Let’s dance guys!” I yelled out to the rest of my friends. I received excited screams of agreement as we made our way to the dance floor. Leading the group, I had to shove my way through to the centre of the crowd. Sweaty, dazed, grinding bodies surrounded us as we began feeling the beat through our bodies. We opted for the simple swaying and bobbing, waiting for the alcohol to take hold. The shots from earlier began to kick in, warmth spreading through me, giving me a fuzzy feeling. I swayed my hips to the song blaring through the speakers as I threw my hands above my head. Closing my eyes, I let myself become absorbed in the hypnotic beat. I don’t know why Ashton was ever worried. This place is amazing and I feel safe with my girls. The song melted in with the next track, the beat quickening. I began to jump up and down as I fist pumped high in the air. “This is so much fun!” I yelled with a smile plastered to my face. When no one responded I opened my eyes. Most of my friends were no where to be seen. I could only see two on the dance floor, grinding up against strangers. Nerves kicked in as I danced by myself. I tried to shake them off and kept dancing, but there was a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This place seems scary when I’m alone. Random people drinking until they can’t stand, letting go of themselves in the process. Party-goers being felt up by a person they’ve never met. I felt scared and alone in a place packed to the brim with other people. The song changed again, slowing into a sexy beat that many welcomed. I wanted this scared feeling gone so I closed my eyes, trying to lose myself like everyone else. My hips swayed again as I ran my hands through my hair. It was working until I felt a pair of hands on my hips. My eyes flew open as I spun around. I was faced with a sleazy, drunk who wanted a “good time”. “Whhy’d you stop? Work it baabyy.” He slurred. I shoved at his chest as he tried to move my hips against his. The drunk frowned and gripped my hips harder, his eyes darkening. “I said dance.” He snarled. Fear crept back from the depths as I tried to think of what to do. “No!” I yelled. “Get off me!” I went to shove at his chest again but he grabbed my hands before they made contact. “Try to hit me again and you’ll regret it.” He growled, squeezing my wrists. I cried out in pain but no one paid attention. My eyes scanned the dance floor for signs of my friends, but they were no where to be seen. The drunken man seemed pleased that I wasn’t resisting anymore so he began to lean in. I couldn’t move away, locked in his iron grip. “Hey! Let her go!” A voice broke through the loud noise in the club. I turned my head to see Ashton pushing through the crowd. “Ashton! Help!” I yelled. The drunk man’s eyes flicked between Ashton and I, furious that his new game was about to end. He shoved me away, letting go of my wrists. I was sent to the ground as Ashton made his way to where the guy was standing. I lifted myself up into a sitting position to see what was happening. I leaned on my hand which was a mistake. Pain shot up my arm, a burning sensation flaring in my wrist. I cried out again and clutched the injured wrist to my chest, wincing as every movement hurt. “What were you doing touching my girl?” Ashton questioned angrily. He was livid and I could tell. His chin was tilted up and his shoulders were slightly pulled back, showing dominance. Everything else about him radiated anger. “I was havin’ fuuun.” The guy smiled smugly. Ashton gritted his teeth and took a step forward. They were only an inch apart as they stared each other down. “Don’t you ever fucking touch her again.” He spat, pointing at me. The drunk looked at me and back to Ashton, his smug smile growing bigger. “Or what?” He laughed. Ashton swung his arm back and brought it to the man’s face with full force. The guy stumbled back, holding his jaw in his palm. He was pretty stable for a drunk guy. The man looked at Ashton quickly before rushing at him. He raised his fist at the last second, hitting Ashton in the lip. The punch wasn’t enough to send him down but was enough to split his lip and make him stumble back a few steps. Blood dripped down his chin into a small puddle on the floor as he steadied himself. Ashton looked around the crowd before his eyes found me. His gaze softened at the sight of me before quickly becoming filled with rage. Ashton charged at the man and punched him one last time. A loud crunch sounded as the man was sent to the ground, groaning in pain. Ashton flicked his hand up and down before looking to me. “Quick. Let’s go home.” He said, walking over to me and bending down to help me up. I used my good hand to grab his arm as he lifted me to my feet. We both rushed out of the club, leaving the booze, the bodies and the blaring music behind. 


"Sit here." I instructed, pointing to the small counter in our bathroom. Ashton obeyed and hopped up. "I’m fine Y/N." He sighed. "Uh uh. You have a split lip." I said, getting the first aid kit out of the cupboard. I clicked open the kit, finding the antibacterial wipes. My ears rung from the blasting music, reminding me of the club. I sighed and began wiping Ashton’s lip. He winced and sucked in a breath to stop himself crying out in pain. "Well you need to see a doctor." Ashton said. I shook my head while wiping the blood off his chin. "No I don’t." I muttered. Ashton touched my bad wrist, sending flares of pain through my arm. I cried out but bit my lip. I didn’t want him to think anything was wrong. But I was too late. "Yes you do." He whispered. I finished cleaning his lip, throwing away the dirty wipes. I looked back at Ashton’s face and touched his lip. He winced at my touch. I moved my finger across his jaw to the bruises blooming across his skin. "It was worth it." He chuckled, looking down to the ground. "Ashton." I said as I dropped my hand to my side. "No Y/N," He said, looking at me again, "I don’t care if you don’t like what I did. It was worth it because you’re safe now." His voice was soft and delicate, saying each word as if they would break before he could say them. I smiled shyly, looking down to the floor before returning my gaze to Ashton’s. His hand cupped my face as his thumb drew small circles on my cheek comfortingly. Thanks to Ashton I was home safe and sound. I always felt safe with him. I leaned in and kissed his lips softly, careful not to hurt him. I was unsuccessful as Ashton winced in pain. "Sorry." I apologised. He shook his head. "I save you and this is how I’m repaid." Ashton chuckled. I giggled and kissed him on the cheek. "That okay?" I asked. "It’ll do." He laughed. Even though he just got in a fight at a club he could still make jokes and laugh. "Thanks Ash." I half-smiled. He returned the smile. "No problem." He whispered. He would always keep me safe. Like my own knight in shining armour.

A/N I hope you enjoyed this one :) I enjoyed writing this, and thank you for reading!

Bianca xx

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