Forbidden - Calum Imagine (Part 5)

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2 Years Later

I couldn’t believe that tomorrow I would be marrying Calum, I never ever thought I would find a man like him. I still had one problem though, I didn’t have anyone to give me away… Well I had Michael but I didn’t know how he would feel about it.

I was sitting at home figuring out more things for the wedding it was pretty much almost done just making sure everything is ready to go. There was a gentle knock on my bedroom door, “yeah?”

"Hey Y/N. The boys are gonna chill here. Is that okay?" Michael asked, I nodded knowing I wasn’t going to get Ashton, Luke and Calum out of the house anyway. "Uh Michael?" He turned back to me. "Can I ask you something?" I asked nervously. "Yeah." 

"Come here," I said taking his hand in mine. "Michael, I love you so much. Despite our differences you’re the best brother a girl could ask for, and I know it’s hard for you to see Calum and me together and it’s my fault that we don’t see mum anymore. It’s just I don’t have anyone to give me away and I was wondering if you would?" I asked nervously, I looked up at him. He beamed at me, hugging me tightly. "I would love to."


"Yeah of course, but do you mind if I speak to Calum?"

"Just this once. Don’t be too much of a dick." I said squeezing him tightly before letting go. "I love you Y/N I really do." He kissed the top of my head. "Aww." I heard the boys say from the doorway. I laughed pulling away from Michael. "Calum." Michael said looking to Calum who groaned. Luke, Ashton and I laughed, we left them to their chat.

"So what’s the plan for tonight for you?" Luke asked, I laid on the lounge. "Nutella. Chick flicks, and maybe a stripper movie." I shrugged, Ashton grinned. "Sounds like a fun night. Can I come?"

"Male stripper movie." I corrected, Ashton’s grin faded. "I think Mali is coming over as well." I said nodding. "Sounds good but don’t you want to do something outrageous for your last night of freedom?" Ashton asked, I shrugged. "We might go out, I don’t know."

"You should." Luke said, I smiled.

Michael and Calum came back from their chat. Calum sat beside me taking my hand. “So what time are you guys leaving again?” I asked, Calum looked at his watch. “Couple of hours.” He shrugged.

The boys left when Mali got to the house, I smiled noticing a couple of bottles of wine in her hand. “I’m prepared.” She laughed as she came in, I nodded. “I have lots of chocolate and fancy stuff. I know it’s lame but yeah…” I shrugged putting the wine in the kitchen. “Have it now! Let’s get this party started.” She said, as I got two glasses out, pouring us each a glass. We went into the lounge room.

We were watching chick flicks with a jar of Nutella each and a bottle of wine each, even though I wasn’t having a big night with strippers and lots of girls I was enjoying myself.

We called it a night pretty early as I knew I had a big day the next day, I jumped startled by the sound of my phone ringing. “Hello?”

“Y/N it’s Michael.” Michael puffed out on the other end, I sat up straight. Oh god, what’s happening? Is it Calum? Is it Luke? Is it Ashton? “Michael what’s going on?” I asked anxiously. “I ran into mum.” He panted out, I sighed in relief only to tense again. “What? You didn’t tell her did you?” I asked, panicked. “No, but she knows that Calum was having a bachelor party.” He said, I frowned. “Why are you puffing?”

“She’s gone fucking crazy!  We tried to leave after a short conversation but she chased us down the street we had to run for it. We’re going back to Ashton’s now.” I paused not sure what to say. “She asked about you. I couldn’t tell her that you were getting married.” He said, I nodded. “She would freak but she wouldn’t really care either.” I sighed, I jumped hearing a knock on the door. “Y/N! It’s your mother!” Michael gasped on the other end, I knew he’d heard. I couldn’t move, I was glued to the bed. Mali came rushing in to find me bolt upright. “Don’t go near the front door.” I whispered. “Michael, please come around here. Don’t bring the boys, just you. I don’t want them in this…” I said, Mali’s arm around my shoulders. “Okay, I’ll come in the back way.” He said hanging up. “Y/N Clifford! Open this door now!” Mali and I sat close as we listened to my crazy mother bang on the door. I just hoped Michael got here in time…    

A/N: Hope you like it!!! This was a bit of a filler but yeah… Sorry for any mistakes… this is the second last part :( 

~ Lucy xx

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