#18 Girlfriend Does My Make-Up Tag

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Calum: "Ow stop!" Calum said, swatting at my hands. "Stop being such a cry baby, I'm almost done." I laughed. I was putting eyeliner on Calum and he wouldn't stop squirming under my touch. I finished the eyeliner with one final stroke. "Done! Now I'm going to do the blush." I stated. Calum chuckled, "How can girls do this every day?" 

"We can do it because girls are better than boys." I teased. Calum rolled his eyes and smiled as I began putting on his blush. I looked at his lips which I had already done with a bright red and decided to have some fun. I finished off the blush and got out the lipstick again. "I thought you did the lipstick." Calum said, frowning at me. "I missed a little bit." I lied. I held his face with my spare hand and began putting the lipstick on his lips. Soon I started to put it on his skin, making his lips appear bigger. "Are you sure you're putting it on right?" Calum questioned. "Yes, I know what I'm doing." I laughed. "Nope okay I don't think so." Calum laughed, moving my hand from his face. But it was too late. I already gave him clown lips now with the red surrounding his mouth. Calum picked up the mirror and gaped at his reflection. I burst out laughing. "I look like a clown!" Calum exclaimed. "I know!" I laughed, holding my stomach. Calum smirked and nodded once at me. "C'mere." He chuckled. I instantly knew what he was going to do. "Oh no. No no!" I said, trying to back away on the carpet. I had my hands held out before me to stop him but Calum just grabbed my wrists and pulled me towards him. He peppered my face with kisses, making sure he smeared the lipstick on my skin. "Calum stop!" I laughed, trying to pull away from him. Calum let go and looked pleased with the result. I grabbed the mirror and looked at my face. Lipstick everywhere. "Okay bye!" I laughed, switching off the camera.

Ashton: Ashton wanted to do a 'Girlfriend does my makeup' tag for the band's YouTube channel and I agreed to do it. This was going to be fun. "Okay you ready?" I asked. "You better make me look good." Ashton chuckled, looking at all of the makeup products. I turned to the camera and wiggled my eyebrows with a cheeky look. Ashton shook his head and chuckled again. "Let's do this!" I exclaimed. I picked up my concealer and began my work on Ashton. I continued with my foundation, spreading it across his cheeks. "That feels like a lot." Ashton frowned. "It's fine Ash." I smiled. "I hope to look pretty." He joked. "You'll look so pretty." I laughed. I soon finished and looked at the end result. I nodded proudly. I did quite a good job on him. I lifted up the mirror by my side and showed Ashton his face. He inspected what I'd done. "Oh gosh I look like a girl!" He laughed. "We should hit the town." I smiled. "No I am not hitting any town looking like this!" He said, pointing to his face. I laughed and waved at the camera. "Bye 5SOS Fam!" Ashton smiled and waved. "Bye!" 

Luke: Luke and I had done the ‘Boyfriend Does My Make-Up Tag’ and well it didn’t go so well… he made me into a pirate. So I decided to get my revenge on him and Luke being the softie that he is let me do it. Luke was squirming before I even touched his face with the brush. “Are you going to hurt me?” 

“Luke. I do this every day.” I said before I put the concealer on his face. “How? I will never know.” He mumbled as I continued my work on his face. I was almost done, I was up to mascara. His eyes widened at the sight of the mascara. “Aw! Luke! I’ll be careful.” I gushed, he relaxed before I put it on him. I had to hold his face to stop him from moving. “Done.” I said handing him a mirror. “Oh my gosh! You look so beautiful! So do I call you Lucinda now?” I joked. “Shut up.” He grumbled. “Anyway ladies… I am so sorry but I’m taken but feel free to try this on your boyfriend. Love you 5SOS fam!” Luke joked seeing the lighter side. 

Later that day #LucindaHemmings was trending on twitter.  

Michael: Michael and I were doing the Girlfriend Does My Make-Up Tag on the 5SOS YouTube account, he had only agreed after I told him that he did a terrible job on my face it was only fair I did the same to him. I was currently putting foundation on him, he was moving away from my touch. “Michael. Stop moving.” I said holding his head in place. “It tickles.” He giggled, I frowned. “How does it tickle?” I asked still moving the brush on his face. He hands darted out to my stomach as he began tickling me. “Michael! Ahh! Stop!” I squealed, batting his hands away. Once we were done with our tickle fight I got back to his make-up. He was looking more and more like a girl. “Perfect!” I said as I finished. His jaw dropped as I showed him what he looked like. “Anyway 5SOS fam! If you wanted to know what I looked like as a girl here you go! Okay bye Guys love you beautiful people!” He said as he switched off the camera. 

A/N: Hope you like it. Again we did half and half Bianca did Cashton and I did (Muke) 

~ Bianca and Lucy xx

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