Forbidden - Calum Imagine (Part 3)

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Calum had gotten to my house in record time, he asked me about what happened. I cried as I tried to explain what my mum had done.

I was sat in Calum’s car balling my eyes out, Calum’s hand took hold of mine. He pulled up out the front of a really nice house, he got out of the car. Running around to my side to help me out. He grabbed my bags from the back of the car. “Calum, are you sure this is okay?” I asked nervously, wiping away my tears. “Look you have nowhere to go and mum said that it’s okay. We have a granny flat that you can stay in.” He said sweetly, as he unlocked the door. He took hold of my free hand and led me inside, he took me to what I guessed was his bedroom. “Wait here, I’ll get you a drink and I’ll be back.” He said, dropping my bags and running out of the room.

I waited for Calum to come back, there was a knock on the door I looked up to see a girl who was older than me and looked a bit like Calum. “Hey you’re Y/N aren’t you?” She asked, I nodded. “I’m Mali. Calum’s sister. He told me what happened.” She said sweetly, I smile looking down at my hands. I felt the bed shift as she sat beside me. “If you ever want to talk, I’m always here.” She said, taking my hand in hers, I nodded. “Thank you. And thank you for having me here.” I said, she smiled. Calum cleared his throat standing at the doorway. “I’ll leave you two alone.” Mali said getting up and leaving the room. Calum handed me a glass of water. The cool liquid calming me a bit. “This is all really crazy… I mean just yesterday you told me that you liked me. And now you’ve been kicked out.” He said, his hand on my low back. “I’m sorry Calum, this is all my fault.”

"Stop saying it’s your fault. It’s mostly mine. I could have stopped it but I didn’t because I like you too much. I’ve liked you the entire time I’ve known you." Calum confessed, he wrapped his arms tightly around me taking the empty glass out of my hand placing it on the table. He coaxed me down on my back, my head on Calum’s chest.

Michael’s POV

Apparently band practice was over when Calum raced out to his car and sped off down the street. “What’s going on?” I asked Luke and Ashton. “Y/N called.” Ashton said coolly. “Do you guys care if I go?” They both shook their heads. “It’s all good.”

I jumped in my car and went home to check on Y/N. I hope I hadn’t upset her too much. I ran into the house, “Y/N?” I called going into her bedroom to see her closer empty and most of her things gone. “She’s gone Michael. With that dickhead Calum.” I sunk down onto Y/N’s bed. “She ran away?” Mum shook her head and smiled. “No, I kicked the bitch out. She was just bringing us down. If she wants to run away with some rebel kid then she can.” She said, I shook my head. No, I didn’t like the idea of Calum dating Y/N but I didn’t want her to have nothing. I was her brother, I loved her unconditionally. “Why do you dislike Y/N so much? She’s your own daughter.” I said, now angry. “She doesn’t do anything. She’s just there.”

"Y/N does well in school, she’s never bad. What’s wrong with that?" I snapped. "She’s just unlovable." Mum said before leaving Y/N’s bedroom, I hung my head in my hands.

I had to at least try to make things better with Y/N, I would be her only family.

“Calum?” I asked as I knocked on his front door, I heard voices from inside. “Michael? What do you want?” Calum asked as he opened the door to me. “Can I speak to Y/N?”

“Yes, Michael?” She said standing behind Calum. “I am so sorry. I didn’t even know mum kicked you out.” I said coming towards her, she backed away. “Michael, just stop. I know you hate the idea of Calum and I together. So just drop it and leave.” She said softly, her words felt like harsh stabs in my chest. I ignored it and Y/N’s pleas for me to leave, I wrapped my arms around her. Her frame shook for a bit and then stopped, her arms wrapped around me. “Y/N you’re my sister and I love you. I would never want to hurt you in that way. Please just come home.” I pleaded, kissing the top of her head. “I can’t Michael, she kicked me out. She won’t let me home.” She sobbed into my chest, I held her tightly. “I don’t want to lose you. Just think about coming home okay.” I said releasing her, she nodded at me. I turned away slapping Calum on the shoulder in a friendly way, and left the house. Hoping that I hadn’t lost my only sister.  

A/N: Hope you like it! Sorry it’s a bit short! Let me know if you want a part 4!

~Lucy xx

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