Stuck With You - Ashton Imagine (Part 4)

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I woke up, startled to find my body draped over Ashton’s torso. I moved to get off him, he grunted in his sleep. “Y/N, stay.” He grabbed my side, I couldn’t really go anywhere anyway. “Mmm… I wouldn’t mind waking up to you on top of me every morning.” He whispered, his voice deep and gruff. My heart thumped hard in my chest, he was so alluring. “Shut up Ashton.” I groaned, I sat up off him. My thighs rested on either side of his hips, he smirked lazily up at me. He held me tightly, so I didn’t move. “I’m serious Y/N. I did have a good time last night.” He said sitting up, his arms wrapped around my back. “Tell me you feel the same way.” He said, I nodded. “I did enjoy last night. I just want to be with that Ashton not the idiot that makes rude remarks and thinks with his dick.” I said, he nodded. “I was only like that because I like you, and I didn’t know what to do. I thought you hated me.”

“I don’t hate you, you were just forcing me to. I didn’t like how you treated me, so I reciprocated.” I shrugged, he smiled. “Do you want to see about this key?” I asked moving off him, he nodded. “Yeah we should.” He checked his phone, it was about ten o’clock so the shops were opening now. I got out of the car, it was freezing outside. I jumped back into the car, Ashton chuckled at me. “Okay, nope too cold.” I puffed, he smiled. “I know a way I could warm you up.” He suggested, i glared at him to which he raised his hands in defeat. “Okay, do you want to go out for breakfast and then get the keys?” He offered, I shrugged. “Yeah okay.”

Ashton took me for breakfast, he knew all the good places to go. It was almost a replay of last night, I had so much fun with him. Mum would never believe it, I couldn’t really believe it myself.

We were finally let back into the house after getting the locksmith to let us in.

I went and changed into some clean clothes, Ashton was in the spare room a few seconds after I pulled my shirt over my head. “Oh I missed it.” He teased, I smiled. “You didn’t miss anything.” I replied, he came closer to me. “I beg to differ.” He wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled my hips to his, “Ash.” I sighed, my fingers grabbing at his shirt. “I’m not going to sleep with you. I hope you know that.”

“We’ll see. Can I at least kiss you?” He asked, dipping his head to level with mine. I gave a slight nod, his lips pressed softly to mine. He held my hips to his, grinding slightly. I moaned into his mouth as he applied more pressure. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I let him dominate, my hands went around the nape of his neck. I pulled away suddenly, “Ashton, please.” I whispered, stepping away. “Too much?”

“Yeah. Sorry, I just don’t want to do something both of us will regret.” I said, I walked out of the bedroom with Ashton following me. “You know, we never got to finish that drumming lesson.” He said, with a flirtatious smile. I blushed remembering back to that night. “I guess we didn’t.”

“Do you want to finish it?” He asked, taking my hand, I nodded.

Ashton sat down on the stool, he tapped his thighs twice inviting me to sit down. “I won’t bite. I promise.” He said, I moved between him and the drum kit and sat on his lap. Just like last time, his chest pressed to my back and my heart rate went through the roof. Only this time it was different. His hands skimmed down my arms, he began showing me again what to hit and when.

We mucked around with the drums for a while until Ashton’s legs went numb and my ears were killing me. “Since we have nothing else to do what about a movie marathon?” He suggested, I nodded. “Sure, but I’m picking.” I said, giving him an evil smirk.

We curled up in the lounge room, with a bowl of popcorn and lollies. I had found all of the scary movies in the cabinet below the TV. “This better not a be a plot for you to cuddle up to me.” He scowled as I sat beside him with the remotes. “Nope definitely not.” I shook my head, he rolled his eyes. He knew that I was doing it so I could get closer to him but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.         

A/N: Hope you like it! Sorry I didn’t post this last night I was really tired :) Let me know if you want another part! 

~ Lucy xx

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