Not Worth the Tears - Michael Imagine (Part 9)

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Calum took my home after the disaster at the bowling alley. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked as we stood at my door. “Uh, I guess so. Thank you Calum. Do you want to come in?” I asked as I unlocked my door, he looked surprised. “Yeah sure. Only if you want me to.” He said, I smiled. “Calum I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want you to.” I said, a smile on my face it was the first time I’d smiled since running into Michael. I gestured for him to come inside, I dumped my bag on the table. I flopped down onto the lounge. He came and sat beside me. I smiled at him, he grinned back at me. “Do you want anything? Drink? Something to eat?” I asked, I wanted to keep myself busy I didn’t want to cry infront of Calum again. “Sure. Just some water is fine.” He said, I nodded and went into the kitchen. “Y/N!” I heard the shrill voice of Sylvia yell at my door. I sighed going to the door. “What? What the hell do you want?” I yelled opening the door. She stood looking at me with a sly look on her face. “Michael is still hung up on you! Today you ruined everything! He still wants you!” She yelled, tears formed in my eyes. “Hmm… Wonder why? He was my boyfriend! And you took him from me!” I replied, she smiled. “Well he realized that I was better for him.” She said strongly, I rolled my eyes. “I don’t even care anymore. I get it he broke up with me, just leave me alone. If Michael wants to be friends with me he can.” I said, she rolled her eyes. “I just want him for myself. I wanted him to show me the world and buy me the world.” She covered her mouth as if she said too much. I glared at her, of course she was using Michael. He was getting more and more famous. “You were using him this whole time?” I asked in disbelief. “You were using me?” Michael asked, puffed out. “Come on, is it really that bad? I’m sure Y/N was using you too. I bet Calum is the same.” She accused, Michael smiled sarcastically. “I’ve known Y/N for as long as I can remember. She wouldn’t do that… To anyone.” Michael defended, Calum came to the door listening. “Sylvia just leave.” Calum said harshly behind me. “You’ve done it to two of us now. Just leave we don’t want to see you again.” Calum said harshly. Michael and I nodded. “Ugh what was I even thinking? I knew I should’ve gone for Luke.” She said, I grabbed her shoulder. “If you even touch Luke I swear I will break all of your fingers.” I spat, she flinched. “That’s what I thought. Now leave and don’t ever come back.” I continued, she rolled her eyes. I let Michael in the house before slamming the door on her. “Are you okay?” Calum asked, I shook my head. “Michael can I talk to you for a second?” I asked softly, he nodded. I took his hand and led him to our- my bedroom. “Michael, I just want you to know that we can’t go back to a relationship. I’m really sorry but it won’t work. I still want to be friends with you and that’s all.” I said, he nodded. “I understand. Plus I know Calum likes you.” He said, I nodded. “So we’re cool? I don’t want to ruin anything between you and me, or you and Calum?” I asked, he nodded. “Come here.” He said opening his arms, he wrapped his arms around me tightly. It was so familiar and so unfamiliar, I wanted to let go but I didn’t want to move. “Thank you for forgiving me Y/N.” He said softly, I smiled. “That’s okay. Thank you for letting me still be your friend.” I said, he smiled.

We went back into the lounge room, where Calum sat scrolling through his phone. “I’ll leave you to it. Bye Y/N, Calum.” Michael said as he left the house. Calum looked up at me and smiled. I sat beside him, he cuddled me close. He kissed the top of my head. I giggled as he peppered kisses all over my face. “So Michael is cool with us?” He asked serious now. “Yeah he told me that you liked me.” I said softly, he blushed. “Little bit.” I smiled at his shyness. “It’s okay Calum. I like you too.” I said grinning at him. “I’m glad.” He said cheekily squeezing my shoulder. “Me too. Thank you Calum. I hope we can stay like this. I don’t want this to end.” I said, he smiled. “Me either.” He cuddled me close in a peaceful happy silence.

A/N: Hope you like it!!! This was the final part of Not Worth the Tears!

~Lucy xx

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