Day At The Beach - Luke Imagine

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My feet hung out the window of my best friend, Heather’s, car. It was sunny and there was not a single cloud in the sky. Perfect weather for the beach. “So they’re meeting us there?” I asked. “Yep.” Heather smiled. We were heading down to the beach where we would meet up with her boyfriend Ashton and three of his best mates. I had only ever met Ashton but I had never been able to meet the others. I turned up the radio, head banging to the song that was playing. My hair lightly flew past my face from the breeze coming through the window. I smiled just because I had a good feeling about today. 


I pulled my feet back into the car and sat up as we pulled into the car park next to the beach. The smell of the ocean filled my nose and I could imagine the feeling of the sand between my toes. Heather knew what I was thinking and said, “Why imagine the feeling when you can experience it. Now get out of my car slow poke!” She got out of the car and slammed the door. I snatched my backpack from the backseat and got out of the car. The leather seat was getting hot and sticky so I was glad to get out. I slammed the door and looked at my reflection. My hair looked like a mess. I combed out the knots with my fingers and quickly smoothed out my jumpsuit. I was wearing a blue and white dip dye jumpsuit with brown sandals. A good outfit to just tear off when you want to go for a swim. “They’re here!” Heather exclaimed. I turned around and squinted against the glare of the sun. I grabbed my sunglasses from my backpack and slid them on. Without the glare of the sun I could now see a car pulling into a parking spot across from ours. Ashton soon got out and was met with an excited Heather. He picked her up and swung her around, both giggling during the process. Ashton put her down an gave her a quick peck on the lips. Three other boys soon emerged from the car and grouped together at the back of the car. I walked over to where Ashton and Heather were standing. The ocean breeze blew the hair into my face but I pushed it back into it’s place. Once I got to them I shot a look at Heather and raised my eyebrows. She quickly got my drift. “Oh yeah Ashton you guys have already met.” Ashton nodded in my direction. “Hey Y/N!” He chirped. I nodded back. I was starting to feel a bit awkward because I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. ‘Why did I have to do this.’ I thought to myself. “Y/N this is Calum, Michael and Luke. Boys this is Y/N!” Heather said simply. I took in their physical features so that I could remember them. Calum was easy to remember because he looked a bit uhh what’s the word, ethnic. Michael was also pretty easy. He had a dark stripe between two white sections of hair. It was obviously dyed that way. The last boy, Luke, really caught my attention though. He had blonde hair put up in a quiff, broad shoulders and piercing blue eyes. And did I mention that he was tall because yeah he was really tall. I like tall boys. “Hey guys.” I half mumbled. I was now really awkward. “Hey Y/N.” They spoke in unison. Heather noticed the awkwardness just radiating from me. “Let’s go to the beach!” She rushed as she grabbed my arm and began pulling me to the sand. “We’re already at the beach Heather.” I laughed. “I know that! I needed to say something to get you out of there. You were soooo awkward!” Heather dragged out the last part. If she thought that it was that bad then I’m sure that the boys noticed. We got down to the sand and walked a little bit further down. Heather halted, causing me to bump into her back. “This is where we will set up!” Heather beamed. I put down my backpack and pulled out my towel. Unfolding it, I neatly placed it down on the sand. Some sand lightly blew past my feet so I turned my head and saw the other boys placing their towels near me. I noticed that Luke had placed his towel right next to mine. ‘Um okay.’ I thought to myself. I didn’t really mind though because then I could sneakily look at him through the side of my sunglasses. I saw that Heather didn’t bring a towel to the beach. She was probably sharing with Ashton. I chuckled and bent down to pull out my sunscreen. I hurriedly smeared it on, eager to get into the water. It looked cool and inviting. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I looked up to see Heather’s smiling face. “Getting into the water?” She asked. Heather was already stripped down to her bikini. “Yep.” I replied. I stood up and pulled off my sunglasses watching as Heather ran into the ocean. The water splashed her face. Wow I really wanted to get in now. I tore off my jumpsuit and heard someone moving next to me. I looked to see who it was and saw Luke taking off his shirt. Oh. My. God. My jaw almost dropped off my face. Luke had a toned chest and what looked like the beginnings of abs. His broad shoulders looked even better now that I could see his biceps clearly. To put it simply Luke looked hot. I was snapped out of my thoughts by his chuckling. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” He smirked, looking me up and down. My cheeks began to flush a bright red. No one has ever said or done anything like that before. Not to me that is. Being my awkward self I made a dash for the water. The sand crunched beneath my feet as I ran. When I reached the water I was running normally but as the water got deeper I did that weird skip thing that people do. ‘I probably look funny right now.’ I thought so I stopped and just enjoyed the cool feeling of the water as it swished past my thighs. I walked further out so that the water was up to the bottom of my neck. The waves were a bit stronger out this far. They were pushing me back slightly but I was able to keep standing. I was watching the water when I saw a wave a little bit bigger than the rest. It rushed towards me and hit me so that I stumbled backwards. My head went underwater until I felt a pair of hands lift me back up. I took a deep breath when I resurfaced. My lungs felt like they were burning and my throat hurt. I swallowed some water when I went under for a second, causing me to cough. “You alright?” A masculine voice asked me. I opened my eyes and saw Luke. “Yeah I’m fine.” I coughed. I swivelled myself so that I was now facing him. “You shouldn’t be out this far Y/N. It can get a bit dangerous.” He urged. “Yeah you’re right.” I agreed. We both swam a bit closer to shore. The water was now up to my waist. “You should be more careful you know. Someone as short as you could get knocked over by a gust of wind.” Luke smirked cheekily. “Shut up!” I exclaimed playfully. I wasn’t that short. He just thought so because he was so tall. I used my hand to swipe the water towards Luke, splashing him across his chest. He laughed and did the same, the water hitting me in the face. We both continued like this, laughing at each other as we did so. I was about to splash Luke again when I heard Michael calling out. “LUNCH IS READY! NOW HURRY BECAUSE I WANT TO EAT!” I made my way back to the sand with Luke. We were both laughing at how much Michael seems to like food. 


Once we had eaten, Luke and I didn’t really get a chance to talk. The boys wanted to play beach cricket with him and Heather wanted to sun tan with me. Also, during lunch Luke gave me the nickname chook. I have no idea why but he just did. I thought that it was kind of cute. For the rest of the afternoon I chilled with Heather on the sand and in the water while the boys did their own thing. 


It was now night time and we decided to have a bonfire. It turns out that the boys had anticipated this and had brought wood of their own. There was some debris nearby that was made of wood so we used that as well. I now had my jumpsuit on but even with the fire blazing in front of me I was freezing. While the others were deep in conversation I decided to go back to the car and grab my jumper. The sand crunched beneath my feet again. The sound was comforting because beaches are places that I’ve always had a good time at. My crunching footsteps turned into soft thuds as I reached the bitumen car park. I quickened my pace and approached Heather’s car. The dark has always scared me. The familiar, cold door handle cooled my hand as I opened the back door and picked up my jumper. Finally I could start to get warm. I backed away from the car so that I could shut the door. After I slammed it shut I swivelled around but was quickly shoved against the car. The cold metal of the car caused my skin to get goosebumps. Because it was so dark I couldn’t see anything so I freaked out. I took in a deep breath and was about to scream when a hand covered my mouth. “It’s alright Chook! It’s just me.” The familiar voice whispered. It was Luke. I relaxed and he pulled his hand off my mouth. “I’m so glad that it was you!” I began, “You scared me Luke! I thought that it was some creep who was lurking around the car park. Don’t do that me ag-” Before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by Luke’s soft lips against mine. They tasted like salt from the ocean. My body initially tensed up from shock. Luke is kissing me. What? I pushed the worried thoughts from my mind and began to relax, easing into the kiss. His hands quickly made their way to my hips pulling me closer while he was still pushing me against the car. The cold that was seeping through my jumpsuit was soon forgotten as a rush of heat came through me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and began kissing him harder. Luke’s kisses began soft and slow but now they were quick and hungry. One of his hands moved up to my waist as the other made its way to my lower back. I pulled at his hair slightly, causing a small moan to escape his lips. The moan vibrated against my mouth. It felt good to know that I could do that to him. I wanted more but decided to pull away before anything more could happen. “We should do that more often.” Luke breathed. “Yeah we should.” I puffed. That really made me run out of breath. Luke stepped back and reached for my hand, intertwining our fingers together. I smiled and squeezed his hand. It was a bit clammy. I guess that I wasn’t the only one who felt the heat. We slowly made our way back to the bonfire, playfully bumping into each other as we went.

A/N This was fun to write :) I hope you enjoy it 

Bianca xx

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